So Unique She's Undefined


"Kayla!" I shout to my friend next to me, having to raise my voice because of the giant mass of screaming bodies surrounding us. We're at a concert, one of many I've been to, but this time I don't know the band. They've just started performing, and from what I can hear, they're pretty hardcore.

"What?!" she turns to me wide-eyed, "Hun, you're pupils are huge! I can't even see you're pretty blue eyes!" Yes, the pupil dilation would be because of the fact that on the drive to this concert, I ate the bag of shrooms I bought this morning. I have a feeling that the trip is about to begin.

"What did you say this band was called again!?"

"Bring Me The Horizon!" She yells over the all the noise. We're only able to have a conversation like this because we're experienced party-goers. We're used to screaming at the top of our lungs just so we can talk to each other.

I look up to the stage and see the band. The members look to be around our age, maybe a little older. Kayla and I are 19.

Within seconds I start getting into the music, feeling it travel through me, pulsating. I close my eyes to heighten the effect, and thrash along to the music. I let the music carry me away, and let all my stress and problems just disappear. I grin lazily, feeling the trip take me over.

I am ripped out of my trance when a fist comes in contact with my back. I stumble forward and open my eyes. I look around wide-eyed. Where the hell am-Oh yeah, Kayla brought me to a concert. Speaking of....where is she? I search the crowd, not seeing my neon-coated friend anywhere. Instead, I notice that I'm in a flurry of kicking and thrashing bodies. The mosh pit, I realize with dread. This is not what I need right now. This is the worst time to loose Kayla.

As I'm standing there, I get hit in the face, and a flash of red obscures my vision. I turn around, trying to figure out who just hit me, only to be hit again, more flashes of color.

Except this time the flashing doesn't stop. Bursts of bright colors fill my vision, pulsing with the music. I blink a few times, but it doesn't go away. I get shoved into another person and everything begins to spin. Oh god, not right now...

Two guys see me swaying, dazed, and decide to play a little game with me, shoving me back and forth between each other. After a few seconds I've had enough. I grab one guy and shove him harshly and quickly turn around to punch the other one in the face. He stumbles back and I begin shoving my way through the pit, striking anyone who dared to try and hit me. Thanks to these bastards, I am pissed, and I'll probably have a horrible trip now. Fuck you assholes.

After I'm successfully out of the mosh, I storm my way through the rest of the crowd, heading for the exit. I am not staying here. No matter how good the band is. I'll catch up with Kayla later.

I finally find my way out and head for a nearby tent. We're at Warped Tour, so there's an abundant number of them. As I get farther away from the concert, and the music quiets, the strobe lights in my head fade. Thank god.

I find a tent and walk into it, stumbling only a little. I turn to the nearest person and poke him on the shoulder, "Do you have anything to drink?" I ask him. I look up at him and realize I'm looking up at Jimmy Sullivan from Avenged Sevenfold, one of my most loved bands. In this state of mind, I feel like I'm talking to a giraffe, he's so tall.

He looks at me, and I see a look of shock develop on his face. Well, I didn't think I was that ugly, but thank you, Jimmy Sullivan, for pointing that out to me...

He grabs my shoulders and looks at me intently. O...kay? "Jesus, what happened to you?!"

"What...?" I stare up at him confused.

"Your's bleeding."

Oh... "Oh, well uh...mosh?"

"You!?" he exclaims, "You were in a mosh pit? But you're so...little."

"I didn't know that thanks," I give him a sharp look. Small people can mosh..."I um....closed my eyes for a minute-" Actually, I'm not so sure it was only a minute, 'cause when I came back to Earth, a different song was playing, "-And then I started getting hit by people, and a mosh pit..." I say sheepishly.

"Wow...Hey Matt!" He calls to his friend, Matt Sanders no doubt. A few seconds later, Matt appears by his side.


"She-" he pulls me closer to the both of them, "-Just made it out of a mosh pit," he says, as if he's proud of me. Wait a minute, am I really talking to A7X? 'Cause I'm pretty sure it wouldn't feel like this. I would be all nervous and giddy, but not now. I'm just thirsty...really thirsty.

Matt turns to me and raises his eyebrows, "What band?"

"Um," I search my brain for the answer. I know Kayla told me...Bring Me The...something, "Oh yeah, Bring Me The Horizon."

"Aren't they like, screamo?" Matt asks Jimmy, who then nods, "Whoa," Matt nods in approval.

"...Can I just get a drink?" A sober me would be soaking up the attention they're giving me, but I'm fucking thirsty god dammit.

"Oh yeah, is a beer okay?" Jimmy asks me.

It's probably not a good idea. Being drunk while trippin' on shrooms. But, as you know, I'm basically dehydrated. Fighting your way through an intense mosh takes a lot out of you. "Umm yeah," I answer and sway a little bit. I blink a few times and put my hand on my forehead. At least I'm in a good mood now. I can deal with my body feeling like shit, but I prefer my mind to be in a happy place. Ensures for an at least okay trip.

"Okay!" Jimmy runs off to go find a cooler with some beer.

Matt eyes me concerned, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I grin slowly, "I'm perfectly"

"What are you on?" he smirks suddenly, knowing that I must be on something. He knows a girl like me wouldn't be able to make it out of a mosh pit like that and still be standing. But he doesn't know me. Get me pissed and I will kill some ass.

"...Shrooooms," I continue to grin. My eyes squint a little, 'causing things to blur and mix together....Cool. I keep them squinted and look around the tent. It looks like a painting done by Monet. Whoa, what if fuckin' Monet saw this way all the time? Or if he did shrooms too....I wouldn't mind a trip with Monet. Maybe if I buy more shrooms and eat them, he'll like...visit. Yeah, yeah I should do that. And then I can have-

"Hellooo?" Matt waves a hand in my face. Aw fuck, I always zone out.

"Oh...sorry," I smile in guilt.

"Yeah you're definitely on shrooms," he chuckles and shakes his head. Right then, Jimmy comes back with some beers.

I turn to him with wide eyes as he hands me an icy cold beer...just what I need, "Oh my god Jimmy you are the man!" I hug him quickly before snapping open the beer, immediately taking a sip, not minding the bitter taste one bit.

He stumbles back and laughs, "Are you okay?" He quirks an eyebrow.

I giggle and nod. Good trip has officially begun.

Matt grins and whispers something into Jimmy's ear.

"Oh...," he smiles knowingly, "What's your name? And can we have your number? 'Cause I don't know about you, but I think you'd be one cool chick to hang with sometime."

"Yeah man. My name's Devin. Devin Monroe."

"Nice to meet you Devin Monroe," he shakes my hand.

"You too. Now, do you have something to write with?" I ask, and he magically produces a sharpie from his pocket and holds his hand out.

I quickly write my number and name on his hand and hand him back his sharpie. At that moment I pick up the distinct aroma of what has to be my favorite drug in the world. Marijuana.

"Again, it was nice meeting you two, but I have to go," I grin wickedly and walk out of the tent. I smell the air to decide which direction the smell is coming from and begin searching the tour grounds.

I walk around for a few minutes before finding a small group of typical stoners smoking a J. They even look like typical potheads. Or at least the ones I know.

I walk up to them, and one of them immediately tries to hide the joint. I giggle and say, "Mind sharing?" The one who hid the joint visibly relaxes, uncovering it.

"What's in it for us?" The, I'm assuming, leader of the three asks me suspiciously, probably thinking this is some sort of scam.

"I'll give you a kiss," I smile sweetly. No, I am not a whore, I just know how to get what I want, and these guys are cute. Most stoners I know are. Stoners are just hotties, aha. And why would I pass up a kiss with a cutie?

"Are you a good kisser?" He eyes me carefully.

"I've been complimented more than a few times," I twirl a strand of my hair innocently.

He studies me for a little while and slowly smiles at me, "Come here," he beckons to me. I walk up to him. As soon as I'm close enough, he pulls me into him and kisses me aggressively, but still gently in a way. I don't know what he's thinking, but I sure do approve of his skills.

As I pull away, he brings me back in for another kiss, sweeter this time.

He ends the kiss softly and grins at me, "Here you go," he hands me the fat ass joint.

My eyes light up and he laughs, "Thank you."

"Here, sit." He sits down and pats the seat next to him, between him and his other cutie friend. I nod with the joint in my mouth, already toking. Fuckin' jackpot! I can tell that this is kush instantly. I take a rather large hit and pass it to him.

"Nah you can finish that off, since you were so great," he puts an arm over my shoulders.

"Really?" I furrow my eyebrows, "'Cause this is kush....And there's still at least....five hits left." I glance at his friends, who look rather jealous.

"Yeah, we have plenty more," he smiles. I grin in thanks and keep tokin'. This trip is turning out to be pretty sweet.

I finish off the joint a while later, talking to him and his friends the whole time, and get up, "Well, maybe I'll be seeing you around....Thanks again...?"

"Crow," he smiles.

"Okay," I feel a smile tug at my lips, "I'll blaze with you another time Crow." I wave to him and his friends and head off, feeling better than ever. So now I'm a little buzzed from the beer, trippin' on shrooms, and stoned. Man, I love my life.


It's an hour later and it's starting to grow dark. I'm still going strong. For the last 20 minutes everything has been in overly bright colors. Everything is pulsing, as if they're being rocked by a big ass amp. The concert should be over by now, so I'm trying to find Kayla.

I'm pretty sure I'm walking like a freak, stumbling into people and shit, but I don't really care right now. I'm too...peaceful to care. My eyes are half closed, a lazy grin permanently on my face. I think that I'm going to probably pass out if I keep walking, especially in this heat.

"'Ey, 'ave you seen a girl with about...thirty million rainbow bracelets on?" I ask someone, who then gives me an odd look and walks away, "Fine you bitch," I mumble.

I hear a sound behind me and glance over my shoulder. Ah fuckin' why? Every fucking time I'm tripping, friggin PacMan shows up. He'll chill with me and we'll have good times, but only when I have some shit to share with him. When I don't....You know how he eats those little white dots? Well, when I don't have anything to share with him, I'm one of those dots......

PacMan grins maliciously at me and begins chasing me, his jaw chomping rhythmically. My eyes widen, and I start running. Bad trip! Bad trip! Bad bad bad baddddd trip oh god.

I sprint as fast as I can, peering behind me every so often to see how close he is. I probably look like the biggest sketch ever, but I don't give a shit. I'm fuckin' in a life or death situation here!

As I'm looking back at the fucking monster, I hit something hard and come to a complete stop. I stumble back, rubbing my now throbbing forehead, feeling blood seep through my fingers. 'Oly fuck, ow...I look up to see that I had run into a wooden phone pole. I better not have any friggin' splinters.

I remember the PacMan and begin to stumble forward again. I make it a few swaying steps before I run into something else. It's softer this time though. I glance up, catching the concerned look on someone's face before blacking out.
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Bring Me The Horizon will be in the next chapter I promiseeeee ^.^