So Unique She's Undefined


I wake up the next morning, and all I can think, or feel, is BOOM.BOOM.BOOM. Worst hangover I've had in a while. I open my eyes, glad for the fact that it's dark in this room.


I look around quickly, and I realize I'm in a hotel room.


Something moves beside me. My eyes dart to it, and I see that it's....a person. Some guy I don't know. My eyes widen and I lift up the covers. Oh thank god, I'm wearing clothes. In fact, I'm wearing more than what I started with. I'm wearing someone else's sweatshirt. I try to remember what happened last night, but the last thing I remember is....PacMan, that asshole.

The guy next to me moves again, and his arm is flung over my midsection. I, not expecting it, jump and almost fall out of the bed. Instead, I catch myself and end up standing next to the bed. The guy mumbles something, but doesn't wake up. I sigh in relief.

Kayla! I search around in my pockets, but can't find my phone. I look around the room again and see it on the bedside table. I run lightly over to it and grab it, immediately regretting moving fast by the pounding in my head.

I dial Kayla's number and press send. She picks up after 2 rings.

"Devin!" She greets happily.

"Kay, where the hell am I?"

"Um well, I looked for you for hours and couldn't find you, and I really had to leave. So, I asked the guys of BMTH to take care of you if they saw you...." She replies, sounding 100% guilty.

"BMTH? Take care of me? I can ta-Oh wait, yeah not last night....I passed out."

"Bring Me The Horizon, the band I took you to see yesterday."

"Ohh...So when are you gonna come get me?"

"Tomorrow night."

"What?!" I wince as the throbbing worsens. At my yelling, the guy who was next to me in bed wakes up. He sees me awake and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah, it's a long drive, and the band said they were heading to a town closer to ours to do a concert tomorrow, so I'll pick you up then. And it's another free concert."

"Then why didn't we go to that concert instead of the one that's in a different state?" I asked frustrated. I don't want to be in this situation right now. All I want is some painkillers, and bud of course. But no, I'm in a hotel room with some guy I don't know, who is probably just an asshole thinking he's going to get laid, and I have to be with him and his band 'til fucking tomorrow.

"Cause I won the tickets," She says in a 'duh' voice, "So just stay with the band 'til tomorrow."

"Fuck that." I'm not staying here.

"Please Dev?"

"I don't know these guys! I don't really wanna either."

"Dev, least for a little while?"

"...Fine. Bye," I sigh and disconnect. I glance over at the guy, who's staring at me intently. I raise an eyebrow at him and put my phone back in my pocket.

"I see you're awake," he smiles.

"...Yeah, um who's is this?" I gesture to the sweatshirt I'm in.

"Oh thats mine. Yeh looked cold las' night so..."

"What even happened last night?" I cross my arms. I don't wanna deal with this.

"Well, after your friend talked to us we were jus' walking around, and then yeh ran into me looking terrified. Then yeh passed out."

"Oh...fuckin' hell..." I put a hand to my forehead and wince in pain, feeling a sharp sting from a cut on my face.

"I was meanin to ask yeh, where'd yeh get the cuts?" He asks, standing next to me.

"Um...the first ones are from your concert, and the others are probably from that pole...."

"Well let's get yeh cleaned up, yeah? I'm Oli by the way."

"...I'm Devin," I reply a little apprehensive. I don't know this guy. All I know, he could only be acting nice towards me for some evil plan he has. He's probably one of those arrogant famous people who think they can get whatever they want. I hate famous people. I don't want to meet them. If I had the chance to meet my favorite band, I wouldn't because I'd rather keep imagining them they way I want them to be than find out they're really just stuck-up pricks.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," I say heading for the door to the bathroom.

"Wait," he grabs my arm, "You'll need clothes."

"I can just...wear this..." I motion to the clothes I'm in.

"Nonsense," he waves a hand nonchalantly, "Yeh can wear some of my clothes."

"No it's o-" I go to object, but he's already going through his clothes. He gets up and hands me a pile of clothes, "Uh...thanks?"

I go take a shower and dress in the clothes he gave me, which is a t-shirt and hoodie from some Drop Dead or something clothing line, some black skinny jeans, and a pair of blue converse. They all, surprisingly, fit. I go to the mirror to observe my face. Not too bad, but definitely noticeable.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Oli already dressed, his hair now straight, unlike it was a half hour ago when it was curly and messy.

He turns around and see me and grins. Probably trying not to laugh because I still look like a mess, paler than usual because of the fact that I just threw up everything I've had from the last few days, and cuts and bruises all over my face and arms. I look absolutely wonderful.

While in the shower, I decided that I don't like these guys. I don't want to get to know them, and I don't want to stay with them for a day. So, I called Parker, and he said he's making a drop off here anyway, so he'll smoke up with me then and I can buy some shit. Yeah, not planning on staying here.

"Yeh look awesome love," he smiles. Love? Who the fuck is this Brit kidding?

"Are you kidding? I look like shit."

"Not to me yeh don't. Are yeh ready to go?"

Okay yeah, I don't like this guy. Giving me compliments already. Fuck this.


"We're leavin soon, the band and I, and you're comin too."

"Nah I don't think so. Thanks for the clothes." I say shortly before heading out the door to leave.

"Wait, yeh can't go." He grabs my arm.

"Watch me," I shrug out of his grasp and begin down the stairs. I'm meeting Parker at the park like, now, so I need to go.

"Dev, where are y-"

"Don't call me Dev!" I snap at him and exit the hotel. Nonetheless, he still follows. Only my friends can give me nicknames, besides this Oli guy is making my headache worse. He's pissing me off.

"Fine sorry, Devin. Where are yeh goin?"

"None of your business."

"Devin, your friend told us to-"

"I don't need anyone to watch me! Okay? So just leave me alone." If Kayla was really my friend she wouldn't have left me with complete strangers that so could've been murderers. She would've stayed at the tour grounds until she found me. That's what a real friend would do. That's what Parker would do. Which is exactly why I'm going to meet him right now.

"Hey, I'm jus' tryin to help, yeh don't need to be a bitch abou-"

"You don't need to help me!" I turn into an alley way, Parker told me this one was a shortcut. It's daytime and I have a creep following me anyway so what the hell.

"Yeh obviously need it!" He grabs my wrists, "Look at yeh! What were yeh even on yesterday?"

"Shrooms, weed, beer," I shrug. I've been on more before.

"Yeh not going anywhere."

"Wha-let me go!" I try to get out of his grasp, but for such a skinny guy, he's pretty strong.

"You'll get killed!" He holds me tighter, constricting my struggles.

"Do you think I care!?"

"Why wouldn't yeh?" He looks at me with concern. I take this moment of confusion to get out of his hold and run.

"Devin!" He chases after me. Why won't he go away? Why does he care? He's famous, he has everything. Why would he even care about me.

"Devin," he catches up and grabs my arms again, "Stop runnin."

"Why won't you just let me go? I'm just some fucked up druggie that you were probably paid to look after. You don't fuckin' care, so let me go." I try to get free, but he still doesn't let go.

"You're not jus' that. I don't even know yeh, but I want teh help yeh-"

"I told you I don't want your help. I don't want anyone's help."


The sound of a gun being cocked stops him, "Let. Go." I look over to see none other than my best friend in the world, Parker, being his protective self.

Oli's eyes widen, he's obviously not used to having a gun in his face, and he lets go of me.

"She told you to fuckin' let go. Start fucking listening," Parker scowls at Oli, hugging me when I run over to him.

"Thank you," I whisper in his ear.

"Bloody 'ell, you're fucking crazy," Oli says to Parker. Then he looks at me, an unreadable look in his eyes.

"Get out of here you," Parker commands, pointing the gun in the direction of the hotel.

Oli gives me one last look before trudging off to the hotel.

"Now, Dev, what have you gotten yourself into?" He looks down at me with a smile. I love this guy.
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