Status: finished <3 other stories are to be read, so go go go!

We Can Drown the Town With Our Voices


I was a dick yes, but I had no reason to lie to her when nothing went on. I wanted Shay, I knew it was wrong but I honestly didn’t give a fuck – she was gorgeous. To add on the fact that she wasn't like the rest of the skags that I messed around with was a plus too but, then again who was I to fuck with a nice girl; I didn’t deserve someone like her, she was just too nice, she had a future.

There was a click to the bathroom door; she had locked it – the silly girl. I was a deviant didn’t she know that a lock wasn't much to keep me away. I shook my head and pushed myself off the ground, it was too soon to try anything – she wouldn’t take it very well if I messed with her. My chest was red from her punches; the skull was brighter then usually. I could just tell from looking at it that I was going to be sore for a while. My hand slipped around the floor when I pushed myself up, I looked down to see what the mess was. The ignored bottle of Jack was spewed on her floor; I was surprised that the bottle wasn't broken. I picked up the bottle and drank the last of what was in it before throwing it in the trash. I heard water turn on and took that as my queue to leave. I walked out of the window and made my way to my apartment.

I pushed up my window and slipped into my room, the place was filthy. I grabbed the box of cigarettes and pulled out a pack, I needed a smoke. It was a simple joke, telling her that we fucked –I didn’t think that she would react that way. Would it be that bad to get a lay with me? Most girls wouldn’t think so. I pulled out a cigarette and shoved my hand into my pocket to pull out a lighter. I thought I was always handsome, not the best looking bloke but not something to be ignored. I flicked the lighter and lit up my fag before walking to my room and looking at the cracked full length mirror I had on my wall.

My pants were low and unzipped; you could see the top of my underwear, above it was my eagle and reckless tattoo. Maybe that was it – the tattoos? No, she liked them; well I assumed she did because I’ve noticed her look at them a few times. I took a drag and the breathed smoke swarmed around me. I had no clue what it was – I thought she would hop at the idea of being with me.

“Fuck.” The light tingles of a hangover were coming over me; I sat at the edge of my bed and kept looking at myself. I knew what the issues were; she had morals – something that doesn’t come across me. Then again wasn't that what I liked about her in the first place? Fuck, I didn’t even know what I wanted – I like that she isn’t like the rest but I wished she was. My wants were completely fucked. I was pathetic. I kept taking a few drags of my cigarette before I smashed the edge against my dresser top. A shower sounded nice right about now.

I used my feet to inch off my pants, they started to come off and I pushed my boxers off with them. My feet dragged my sore body to the cool air of my bathroom. I turned the knob and waited for the warm spray to come down – knowing the plumbing of this shit hole it would take a while. My chin was itching, I turned and looked at my face in the mirror, I had a two day worth of scruff on my face. I smothered my face with some cream and grabbed my razor. Long swipes reviled the smoothness of my face. I took a few more swipes; my only failure was the fact that I had cut myself a time or two. Steam was coming from the stall and I dropped my razor into the sink.

As I took my first step into the shower I was hit with a powerful, hot, spray. My skin turned red and I washed my face to rid it of the left over cream. I could hear the pipes creak from Shays’ shower. I ran a hand threw my hair and closed my eyes, letting the thoughts of that girl come back to me. Shaylee was tempting, that was for damn sure. From her hair to her eyes and the way she looking in thought tight pants that she puts on to dance in. I could feel my lower stomach start twisting. Her family wasn't worth shit but she was worth it – she felt important.

Lil’ Oli started to pick up at the thoughts; I needed to get laid soon. Just thoughts were enough to get me jumping. I punched the tiled wall in front of me and turned the knob to cold. She was going to bring me down that fucking girl but, god – she is so fucking worth it. I ran my hands through my hair and combed out the gunk with my fingers. My body was next, the little slither of soap was left to clean my tall frame. My shower was done within 10 minutes.

The red towel on the floor took the job of drying me. I wiped my face and looked at my reflection. The edges of my eyes were starting to droop down; I sighed deeply and took a deep breath. My name was Oliver Sykes and I was falling.

My phone started to ring in the pocket of my forgotten pants. I tied the towel around my waist and went back into my room. It was Curtis, I could tell from the ring tone. I flipped open my phone and picked up.

“Ya?” I could hear him mumbling about a free stop at a venue nearby; they needed someone to play tonight and called us up. “Sure, I'm free. I have nothing better to do.” He mumbled on, saying he would call the rest of the guys. I hung up and threw my phone to the floor. I didn’t want to be bothered; I collapsed on my bed and shoved a pillow over my head.
What a wonderful way to start the day. Who was I kidding, it was the worst fucking thing ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
yesss,i have internet back at home so updates will be more ofter yet slow, because dial up is the devil.

thank you for the comments
7 more till next update.

PS. more banners are welcome.
hinthintwinkwink. ;D

PSS. read my other stories.

<3 ashley