Status: finished <3 other stories are to be read, so go go go!

We Can Drown the Town With Our Voices


The rest of the day was smooth, Oliver - Oli, I had to remember he liked that allot more – had to leave very quickly soon after breakfast, I didn't think that Uncle Joey would like a man like Oli in my apartment. Not saying that anything was wrong with him but, the whole tall, tattooed and deviant persona he radiates was not good for family like mine.

So when my Uncle knocked on the door for his check up (also known as over protectiveness to make sure I wont end up murdered) I hurriedly rushed him out of the window without explanation to answer his puzzled face. Soon after I tidied up and Joey was on his 4th knock, I let him in. He left soon after dropping off a few personal items. Which brought me to the predicament I am in now – how to try and explain my rude dismissal of him.

I set the baggy of items Joey brought me and darted out the window to go visit Oli. He window was open still, he must have been expecting me to come or he was just a lazy bum, my choice was him being a bum. I slipped through the window, calling him - “Oli?”

I heard a clang and glass breaking from his little kitchen and walked over. The sight was to be expected, dishes on the floor and the clean room a mess, what was not expected however, was a view or Olis rear in the air scavenging pieces of glass of the floor, and his shirt off – maybe that was expected. “Yet again, your shirtless, cant you keep you clothes on?”

He looked over his leg and stood straight before his laziness took over and he kicked the shards away from his feet and leaned against the counter. “Why wear a shirt when I have full body art. The tat’s look like a shirt anyways.” He shrugged simply and motioned for me to clean the mess. “Can you clean it?”

“What? No, this isn't my home, you are old enough to clean it yourself.” He pushed off the counter and gave me a pouty face. A pout that I have never seen before on any other person. “What is that your begging face?”

“Maybe, is it working?”

“Yes.” I laughed softly and grabbed the broom that I set aside early this morning the clean up the broken shards. “You cant just make me clean when ever your house is messy, you know. You are what, 20? Your older then I, so act like it.” I grabbed the bin that was hidden between his counter and fridge and swept of the mess. A long fingered hand grabbed my chin and pulled me up slowly, I looked up and stared at hazel eyes.

“What are you? My mother?” He smirked at me when the glass in the bin made clacking noises as my hands shook.

“No I am just a friend telling you how it is because it seems as if you have never had someone do that.” His smirk fell along with the hand resting on my chin.

“You Shaylee are one brave chick.” He arched a a brow at me, I shrugged.

“Was that meant to be your seductive face?” I asked simply, he walked closer to me.

“Yes, is it working?” I bit my lower lip and leaned forward, standing on my toes, lips hovering over his.

“No.” I shoved the broom and bin in his hands. “Now throw your mess away and put a shirt on.” I walked away and heard his curs under his breath before the sound of glass being thrown in the trash followed.

I slipped back through the window and to my apartment to rummage through the things Joey gave me when I realized – I didn't even explain why I kicked him out. I grabbed at the side of my head and giggled, that boy easily distracted me.
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feedback? keebfacd? backfeed? eeckfadb?

we all know what pout i am talking about.
hope you enjoy the update.