Change Of A Lifetime... Or Longer

Chapter 1

~Allardt, Tennessee, 1970~
Elesiah stood up from his desk at Allardt High, straightening his collar as he walked. He nodded at the appropriate times, giving hugs ever so often. Elesiah acted as any other teen. He stopped at his locker, picked up his things, and headed outside to his Plymoth Cuda. Silently he drove home to his one bedroom apartment and settled into a chair to begin his homework.
Homework he had been doing for the past 72 years. Of course, Elesiah looked like any other 17 year old would at the time: slicked back hair, high rise-jeans, and bright collar shirt. No one would believe he didn’t belong.
~Europe 1915~
“C’mon, El. Its time for the funeral.”
“Don’t call me El. Only my mom did that and you’re not her.” Elesiah said angrily. “Now child, I know you believe she wasn’t supposed to leave, but don’t you think she is better off? She isn’t hurting anymore.” a neighbor said. “Well, let me know when the only one you have dies. Then I’ll show sympathy.” Elesiah said a little too smartly. He stood away from the rest, silently watching his mother’s coffin lowered into the ground as the preacher droned on. He felt eyes on him, but he didn’t care.
Everyone had left by the time Elesiah noticed. He has known it was going to happen. That’s why Elizabeth had passed on the bracelet to him. ‘At least she passed with a smile on her face.’ Elesiah thought striding to the now empty cottage he and his mother had shared. He knew what he would do now that he had no one left. Without a word, Elesiah packed his few belongings let in the house. The other family had taken care of everything else. “Now Elesiah.” Aunt Helene had said. “Don’t loose touch with us just because Elizabeth has moved on. She was my sister as well as your mother. We loved her equally.”
When Elesiah finished packing, he stood at the door, taking one last look at the place he had called home for 17 years. Several seconds later, he was walking away, hoping he would seal his fate with his decision.
~Allardt, Tennessee, 1970~
Elesiah finished his school work without incident. He sat pondering over the past years of his life. Elizabeth had died not knowing what Elesiah’s ability had been. Elesiah hadn’t even known at the time. All he had known was that it made his mother happy when he became possessor of the bracelet. Absent minded, he fiddled with the simple jewel on his wrist. Elesiah remembered the rules about sharing the bracelet, and passing it on to his child. But, no one had needed the bracelet yet, and he definitely didn’t have any children. Elesiah never had time to keep up with friends, let alone relationships.
Elesiah prided himself in secretly being a small town hero. He stayed in each town less than five years, and during that time, he protected anyone who needed protecting, and caught anyone who needed catching. A bounty hunter, Elesiah liked to think. After all, what could someone with so much time do?
~Europe 1915~
After walking out of his cottage, Elesiah walked into a recruiting office. He knew signing up for the war would most certainly mean death… which is what he was hoping for. The recruiter seemed all too eager for a new young man to join the bloodshed. Quickly, Elesiah was sent to the training camp, where he stayed for a whole 2 weeks. ‘Not much time to learn to survive.’ he thought to himself. Elesiah was sent with a thousand other young men to Russia to keep down the fighting going on.*
The ship took longer than his training had, due to several storms. During that time the men were cut down to 1/8 of the original number. When the finally arrived on Russia soil, the Russians were there to greet them with triple the men Europe had arrived with. Several hours turned into days of poorly kept men fighting on foreign ground. Elesiah quickly bonded with his troops, using trench warfare to snag Russians. On one trip however, the Russians saw Elesiah and the others before they could act. Almost 10 men died during that brawl, several more injured: including Elesiah.
Elesiah had dropped to the ground before he knew he had been shot. There was so much blood covering him, Elesiah didn’t know where the wound was. He only knew he was dying. Painfully, he drug himself behind a nearby tree. Elesiah could feel himself fade into unconsciousness. Again, he looked down, and found the wound. Screaming in agony, he wedged the bullet out. As unconsciousness won, he looked at where he had been shot… his heart.
~Allardt, Tennessee, 1970~
Elesiah smirked, remembering how he had woken up from the infirmary; the nurses curious about whose blood covered him. As soon as he could, he glanced in a mirror to the place the bullet had been. No would or hole remained. Only blood from where his death had been stalled.
It was also that day that Elesiah had jumped off vehicles, and even the infirmary, only ending up with scratches and cuts that seemed to heal instantly. He began to fiddle with the bracelet that was still hanging on his wrist. His ability.. Was immortality.
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*He isn’t very fond of the family that is left.. That’s why he feels like there is no one left for him.
*This is World War 1