Sequel: Just To Be With You

You Always Go And Rescue Me

ch. 24

“It must be nice having off from work.” Courtney always knew how to be a ball-buster, even at not laughable situations.

“Oh hush, it’s not like this is some glamorous vacation. If you went through what I went through, you’d be singing to a different tune.”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry I couldn’t be here when you got home last night, I’m just trying to make light of it, ya know, make ya smile.” She had succeeded. She had done more than enough and was there for me every step of the way. She found me, though I’m not quite sure how no one else did…she insists there was phone communication between the two of us, but I wasn’t conscious. She took me to the hospital; she called Travis with the intent of getting to Zach. She went to my place and got me my own stuff and along the way made up with Travis. It was quite a rapid turn of events, but it was everyone’s wake-up call.

“So how goes things with Travis?”

She blushed. “Things are going really well, and I’m so glad you two aren’t mortal enemies anymore. He explained everything to me though. I love him, “ she gushed. I knew she had, I’d seen the potential from the beginning for her to fall in love with him, but I wasn’t certain of his intentions. After seeing them together and speaking to Trav alone I knew he felt the same way about her, which pleased me. It actually made Zach and me happy. Our best friends were together…it was convenient for everyone. “When he showed up with Zach we were all so panicked that when he got there every ounce of logic or anger or whatever it was I felt towards him just disappeared and we just knew. I thought that whenever I heard stories like that, that they were totally cheesy but it just made sense with him. I now know just a little of how you and Zach feel.”

I smiled at her and just absorbed what she was saying. It was refreshing to hear her so candid about her feelings. But as quickly as she started, she was also done. “So Travis told you everything that happened that night? I felt like such an idiot, I should’ve listened to him when he tried to tell me…if I had then I could have talked to you and maybe this never would’ve happened.” She felt some pangs of guilt though she had no reason, none of what happened was remotely her fault.

“Don’t do that. You didn’t do anything wrong, you were trying to defend me…I would have done the same if the tables were turned. We made up though, that’s all that matters.”

“When he got the the hospital that night,” she let out a deep breath. “He just lost it. He was barely hanging on when he got there but when he walked into the room he just broke down. I didn’t know what to do, Trav just comforted him in their man way of doing so, and we left the room to give him and you privacy.”

I shook my head at the images. “I just want to put it all behind me. The miscommunications and misunderstandings are what killed us. I’m just glad I finally know the truth and we can move past it, I was miserable without him.”

There was a brief pause, “I was with Travis this afternoon while Zach was with you.”

“Oh yeah?”

“He filled me in on last night and what you guys talked about. He said it’s gong to be weird for him to play at home without you being there so he can’t even imagine how Zach’s going to feel.”

I giggled at her words; I couldn’t help it, I felt comfort thinking of what Zach had said to me about it. “I know. Zach and I talked about it, he’s flipping out.”

“He’ll probably be over as soon as the game is finished,” she partially joked. “That boy hasn’t left your side yet. Trav said that he never saw him so distraught than when I called to tell him what happened. The three of them rushed here, he wanted to be with you immediately.”

“Three of them?” That caught me off guard. I wasn’t awake when they arrived and I didn’t know how long Zach had been there when I woke up.

“Yeah. Zach, Trav and Marc.” When she spoke I remembered Zach saying he was with Marc that night.

I groaned. “Oh my God. I completely forgot. Marc was at their place when you called them. He went over to talk to Zach. I have to call him to thank him.” I swept my hand across my face and shook my head. I couldn’t believe I forgot, but so much was going on.

“I’m surprised he hasn’t stopped by to see how you’re doing. He was pretty upset but he left after a bit. He said he was going to check in on you.”

“I’m sure he will. He probably gave us some space and me time to absorb everything. I think I’ll actually call him and ask him to come over, this isn’t something I want to talk about over the phone.”

“I don’t blame you. Do you need anything before I leave?”

I gave her a confused look. “Where are you going?”

“I’m taking a cab down to the game, don’t forget I have to work unlike some people,” she said sarcastically as she smiled at me. “Travis wants me to go to their game but I can’t, which sucks because I really wanted to go. Don’t tell him I told you, but as much as it bothers Zach you aren’t going, he wants you here where he knows you’re safe,” she laughed. He was so overprotective of me. I couldn’t help but laugh and roll my eyes. “Oh don’t give me that look, he has every reason to be worried. He loves you,” she spat.

“I know, I know.” It still amused me in a fascinating way how delicate he looked at me.

“At least you’re smiling again.”

“I have a great support group,” I looked up at her with sincere eyes. “Please be careful.”

“I will. You gonna be alright by yourself?”

I nodded in reassurance and hugged her as I pushed her out the door. “Get going, you’re going to be late if you don’t get out of here.”

When I closed the door behind her I realized I was alone for the first time since I’d left the hospital. Zach had been with me every second he could be and if he wasn’t here Courtney was. I ran into the kitchen and checked my schedule. The Rangers were off. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed Marc. Thankfully, he answered.


“Sarah? How are you feeling? Is everything okay?”

“I was wondering if you could come over for a few. I wanted to talk to you.”

“Well I can’t stay long but I can come very briefly.”

“Okay, see ya soon then.”

When Marc arrived he looked relieved to see me walking around and okay yet upset by the fading bruises. I tried to play it off, “I know- I look ridiculous.”

He tilted his head. My joking about the situation struck a cord. “No, you don’t.” He hugged me close to him.

“Thank you for going to talk to Zach and thank you for coming to see me that night. I’m sorry I didn’t call you sooner.”

“No, don’t worry about it. You had a lot on your plate and I figured you would need alone time to figure things out with your boy.”

I gracefully smiled up at him and kissed him on the cheek. “You’re a wonderful friend.”

“Yeah, yeah. How’s he doing anyway? You two make up?”

“We did. Travis of all people explained what happened.”

“That’s good. Look, I can’t stay but I’m glad you called me to stop by, I’ve been worried about you.”

“Where are you running out to? Hot date?” I was suspicious.

He laughed uncomfortably. “Um, not exactly. I have some stuff to take care of though.”

“Okay? Well, thanks for stopping by. I’ll talk to you soon...I guess.”

He hugged me and examined my bruises quickly one last time before heading out the door. I made myself some popcorn and sat down to watch the game. It definitely was weird not being there, but I didn’t mind the time off. It would have been nicer if my boyfriend wasn’t the star player and I didn’t feel guilty missing his game, but that wasn’t the point. Zach and Travis played awesome, their passes were crisp and their shots were rockets. Nothing was slowing them down. I knew they both had some extra ammunition they needed to shoot off. After getting my blood pressure going, they wrapped up the game victoriously. I was thrilled but I also felt a little empty knowing I would ordinarily be kissing him congratulations right about now. I sprung myself out across my couch and rested my head on my pillow as I watched the post game. I ended up dozing off somewhere in-between Zach’s interview and the highlights of the game and wasn’t awoken until I heard Courtney banging on my door.

She was screaming for me to open the door as I made my way to it through my foggy state. “Stop screaming,” I said as I opened the door. “You’re going to piss off my neighbors if you wake them up.”

“Do you even know what time it is?”

I shook my head, “no.” I didn’t, I’d fallen asleep and hadn’t realized how much time went by. Now that I thought about it I realized Zach should have been here by now.

“Where are the boys? Where’s Zach, why aren’t you with Travis?” I spit out these questions so quickly that she needed a second to separate them in her head.

“That’s why I’m here. Did you put on ESPN?”

Her response caught me off guard. “Uh, no. I feel asleep watching the boys post game waiting for Zach.”

“I think I have an idea of what he was doing.” She changed the channel and the bottom line of ESPN had breaking news. It read: Rangers Avery ruptures spleen; in hospital. It didn’t give details, they probably didn’t know any of the details, but I had a slight suspicion that our boyfriends did.

I raised my hand up to my face and covered my mouth. “Oh my God. I can’t believe it. You think…” I trailed off. I didn’t know how to finish my sentence.

She nodded her head. “Absolutely.”

Then I suddenly remembered that Marc had to ‘run off’ before and I gasped. “Marc!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Marc was here before. I called him! He stopped by but he was acting all weird and he said he had to leave because he had stuff to take care of.”

“The three of them. It had to be. Travis won’t answer my calls and Zach still isn’t here- which that by itself is odd enough. I can’t believe them!”

“I can.” I was slightly panicked. I didn’t know if Zach was okay or where he was.

We were standing in front of my television with knots in our stomachs wondering what they were doing. I felt someone grab my shoulders from behind which instantaneously caused me to jump. When I turned around I was looking at Zach.

“A little jumpy there sweets?” He was laughing and had an odd smile of satisfaction on his face.

“That isn’t funny! You of all people should know that right now!”

“Alright, alright. I’m sorry.” He turned to Courtney. “You should probably get home. I know Travis is on his way to your place.” He was acting so weird I knew he was up to something.

Courtney gave him a death glare before she ran out of my place en route to hers.

I turned to him.“Where the hell have you been?”

Zach looked at me with that same look of satisfaction. “No where. I’m sorry I’m late baby, I had some stuff to…take care of.” He leaned down and kissed me then sat down on the couch. “I see you two were watching TV, anything interesting on?” I could tell that he was toying with me. He knew exactly what he was doing and he knew that I was on to him, but he never confirmed a thing.

“I know you had something to do with that.” I had my arms crossed and was trying not to smirk though I wasn’t being very successful.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about love.”

“If the cops find out, you’re in big trouble. Do you really want to put everything you’ve worked for- your career, your reputation- at stake just for revenge?”

“There’s nothing for me to be in trouble for. Relax.”

He pulled me into him before I could protest and I let myself go. He kissed and gently caressed me and I could feel myself relaxing. Suddenly he tore his lips away from mine, slowly reached in and pulled something out of his pocket. “I believe you forgot this,” he said as he placed the key necklace in my hand. I smiled at him and crashed my lips onto his. I crawled on top of him, straddled him and started pulling at his shirt.

“Are you sure you’re up for this? Are you okay?” he asked, breathless.

“Yes,” I spat out. “Just be gentle.”

He scooped me up into his arms bridal style and carried me into the bedroom. He delicately placed me on the bed as our lips found each other again. He slid off my clothes and I his as he took the time to appreciate my body. He ran his hands softly along every crevice of my skin and kissed all my bruises. He very carefully slid himself inside of me and for as strong as he is, he treated me like breakable glass; like he was afraid I would break if he got too rough. Never once did I compare him to what Sean had done; it was incomparable. We loved each other and feeling him inside of me felt so right. He looked me in the eyes and told me he loved me while I tightly dug my fingers into his back. When we finished he laid down next to me and stroked my cheek.

“Was that okay- did it hurt you?”

I looked him in the eyes. “No, it was more than okay. It was perfect… because it was you.”

He smiled at me and closed his eyes. “For the record,” I started. “I know you had something to do with that breaking news story on the bottom line.”

“I didn’t even see what it said,” he said shadily as he smirked and put his arms around me. “I love you,” he whispered into my ear and drifted to sleep.

I let out a laugh of disbelief as I turned to snuggle into him and let sleep overtake me as well. I knew he wouldn’t give me any answers that night, but at the same time I didn’t need them to know he had played some part in it. I didn’t know where they did what they did, who exactly was involved or how big a part Zach played, but what I did know was that he loved me and that was enough for me to understand why.