We're Heading to a Place Where I'll Prove I'm All You Want and More

And God Forbid I'm Pleased With Myself In This Relationship

Marshall’s house was where the boys came home first. Marshall kept the van at his place when they weren’t using it so it was only logical that they left it there. Arielle, Haylee, and Alexa greeted them.
They had time to unload their things. The three girls had all come in their separate cars so their boys could put their stuff into them and they could take them home.
Haylee helped Ian put his things into her car and then they stayed so she could say hi to everyone before leaving.
Alexa wouldn’t let go of Singer for ten minutes. They stood on the sidewalk kissing and hugging each other until they felt satisfied. Then she gave him her keys and he put his clothes and anything else he had with him into her car.
Arielle hugged Cash and kissed him hello before helping him put his basses and other things into her car. He wanted to get home and see his family so they left right away after Arielle hugged everyone else.
When Haylee had finished making sure she’d said hi to everyone and welcomed them home she came back to Ian. He took her hand and they went to her car.
“First thing I need is a shower.” Ian said once they were on the way.
“Can I show you the apartment? You can shower there.” Haylee said.
“I’ve got to wash all my clothes and stuff though.”
“I’ll wash them for you. You’re home now so I want to take care of you.”
“Alright.” Ian agreed.
Haylee smiled and turned the direction she needed to so she could get to her apartment. Ian had never seen it so she was excited to show him. He was curious about it as well. He liked the idea of her and Alexa living together away from their parents. It would make a lot of things easier. There would be no set time that he and Singer had to leave for instance.
Haylee parked in the parking structure and got out of the car. Ian followed her. She opened up the trunk and pulled out the bag Ian had his clothes in so she could start laundry while he took a shower. He took the bag from her and then held her hand as they walked to her apartment.
Once inside she directed him to the bathroom. He pulled out a razor and shave gel so he could shave. Body wash was the next thing he got out of his bag when he’d shaved and he disappeared into the shower.
Haylee took his clothes to the laundry room and started a load so he could have something clean to wear when he got out… or at least he would have something later. She separated his other clothes and wondered how he could let them get so gross.
Ian was still in the shower cleaning of every last bit of tour dirt on him when Haylee had finished the first load of his clothes. She put a clean set of clothes in the bathroom when she had put the second load into the washer.
He heard Haylee in the bathroom and pulled back the curtain. She smiled at him and set his clothes down.
“You know… it’s kind of lonely in here.” Ian said.
“You’ve been in there quite a while.”
“It’s just so nice to have a real shower for once.”
“So you should enjoy it, not be lonely.”
Ian sighed. She was being difficult again and he kind of like it.
“Would you just get in here with me?” He asked.
“Okay. Give me a moment.”
Ian closed the curtain and waited for Haylee to get in. He rinsed himself off once more just to make sure he was really clean.
The curtain pulled back and Ian glanced over his shoulder though he knew it was Haylee. He smiled when he saw her. She stepped all the way in and shut the curtain. When she hugged him from behind the most wonderful feeling passed though Ian. He had missed her so much and to have her with him again was amazing.
Ian turned and pulled her closer.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you more.” Haylee said kissing him.
She pulled back and Ian just looked down into her eyes. She was the whole reason he was here. The whole reason that he’d stayed for so long. He loved her like he never loved another human being before.
“What?” Haylee asked pushing her nose to his.
“Nothing, just thinking about you.”
“You don’t have to think about me if I’m right here against you in the shower.”
He smiled.
“I think about you all the time though. Even when you’re with me I think about you.”
“That’s sweet.” She said kissing him again.
“I love you.” He said running his hand through her now wet hair.
“Love you too.”
He pushed his lips to hers and started up a kiss that he wasn’t going to let her out of for a long time. It had been way to long since he’d been able to do this.
They got carried away in the shower with the kiss. Ian shut the water off and carried Haylee out. She got out of his arms and ran to her bedroom. Ian followed her by looking at the water trail she left since he was unfamiliar with the apartment. She was on the bed when he made it in there. The moment was perfect when he joined her and they started kissing again.
Singer and Alexa were at his house. Singer was talking to his mom and dad, telling them about the things he saw and what he did on tour. His mom had taken his clothes to the garage and started laundry. He’d taken a fast shower and put on fresh clothes.
Alexa wanted to get to the apartment and show it off to Singer but she waited patiently while he had time with his family. His little sister and little brother had joined them and he was having a good time just talking with them and teasing his younger siblings.
Singer knew Alexa wanted to show him her place and he wanted to go to. He promised they’d be back for dinner and then told Alexa that she could show him where she lived now.
They got into her car and she took off for the apartment. There wasn’t a moment of silence between the two of them as she drove. She had so much to tell him about when he was gone. She got lost in details and then clamed up when she realized she’d been doing most of the talking. Singer picked right up though with all the stories he hadn’t shared yet or had just remembered.
They got to Alexa’s new place and went into the building. She pulled him by the hand all the way down the hall. He laughed at her excitement. When she reached the door Singer grabbed her up in his arms and kissed her. She pulled him closer and didn’t care if anyone walked by.
“Now, calm down. We’re here.” Singer said.
“Okay Alex.” She said stealing one more kiss.
She showed him everything from where the trashcan was to where she had things in the bathroom. Alexa noticed clean clothes on the counter in the bathroom that had to belong to Ian and Haylee’s clothes on the floor. Singer looked at her with raised eyebrows.
Alexa followed the water trail in the hallway to where it ended at Haylee’s door. The door wasn’t shut either. It was cracked open just enough for her to see in.
She spotted Ian and then determined the lump in the covers next to him to be Haylee. She didn’t have to imagine too much of what went on. It was pretty obvious by the fact that their clothes were on the floor in the bathroom and they were now in her bed asleep.
She shut the door and turned to find Singer smiling at her. She pulled his hands and he had no choice but to follow her to her room. When he entered it he would have known it was hers with out having been led by her.
There were posters for plays and shows that she loved on the walls. Her bookshelf was full of her Anne Rice novels and other books she loved. There were candles in the room. It was like her old room in her parent’s house but better.
“This is nice.” He said smiling.
“I like it too. The beds nice.” She said pulling him towards it.
She made him sit back on the bed. He agreed with her in saying it was nice. She curled up on it next to him.
“Now it’s even nicer.” He smiled down at her.
“Agreed. I don’t think my bed has even been this comfortable before.” She snuggled into his chest.
“I love you.” Singer said quietly in her ear.
“I love you too Alexander.”
He loved when she called him Alexander. She usually called him Alex when it was the two of them and Singer when another Alex was in the room. He knew that when she used Alexander whatever she was saying she meant it.
Ian and Haylee got up a few hours later. He put the clean clothes on that she had brought from the bathroom. Haylee had been up before him and was folding his clothes when he found her.
She was on the floor of the small laundry room folding and stacking his clothes. He sat down next to her and kissed her cheek. The room was small to begin with, but with the both of them there was hardly any room to breathe. Haylee didn’t care though. She’d rather have no air than be without Ian, unhealthy but true.
After all the clothes were put away in his bag again she led him out of the laundry room. Alexa and Singer had made it out of her room and were now on the couch watching TV when Ian and Haylee came into the room.
“Hi.” Haylee said as she sat next to Alexa.
“How’s it going?” She said back.
Ian settled into the corner of the couch so happy to have a soft place to sit. Haylee curled into his chest and put her legs on his lap. He absent-mindedly rubbed one of her feet while thinking to himself.
* * *
It had been a week since everyone had been home together. Haylee and Alexa were done with their first year in college and had all the time in the world to hang with their friends.
They’d just found out that their boys were setting off for a headlining tour in the summer. Singer wanted Alexa to come with him. She wanted to go. There was nothing she wanted more than to be with him.
Ian had been doing a lot of thinking. So much that he wasn’t seen often. Haylee was usually with him so she wasn’t seen that much either, but when she wasn’t with him that’s when he really thought about things. He wasn’t as happy as he used to be. Things were different. He’d spent two years here and he knew that this wasn’t right for him.
He loved Haylee so much, but he knew that The Cab wasn’t the right band for him. He loved his friends in The Cab, but he didn’t have his heart in it anymore.
As he thought about this more and more he realized that his heart hadn’t been in it for a while now. He knew he had to say something to his friends before the tour. He couldn’t leave them hanging.
Ian called up Singer when he was alone and asked him to come over. When he said not to bring anyone Singer had a red flag flare up in his head. He knew that whatever Ian wanted to talk about wasn’t going to be good. He felt like Ian wasn’t happy though so he went to see his friend.
Ian was waiting for Singer when he arrived. They sat down on the couch in his apartment and Ian looked at him for a long time. He was trying to figure out how to tell Singer this. He didn’t want to let him down, but he was afraid that he had to.
“Look, I don’t know if you’ve noticed this or anything but something isn’t right anymore.” Ian said.
“Yea, I thought there was something bothering you.” Singer said.
“I just don’t know what it is that set this off, but I don’t think I’m supposed to be in this band anymore. I love you and I love the other guys, but my heart just isn’t in the type of music that you’re making. I think I have to leave.” Ian said.
Singer nodded. So this is what Ian was upset over. This is what had been bothering him.
“I think I need to go back to Seattle for a little and figure out what I’m doing. I’m not going to come back though. I can’t be in this band and pretend because it’s not fair to you guys or to the fans.”
“I understand.” Singer nodded. “I just want you to be happy and comfortable. If you have to leave then that’s what you’ve got to do.”
Ian bit his lip. He could see that Singer was let down but he knew he understood.
“I’m sorry Alex.”
“It’s not anything to be sorry for. You’re just being true to yourself and that’s all I can ask.”
“Have you said anything to Haylee about going back?”
Haylee. Ian knew what he had to do there. It hurt what he had to do, but he felt it was right.
“Tonight.” He said.
Singer nodded. All it took was that one word and Singer knew. He knew that Ian was going to leave everything he had in Vegas here and go home. Singer didn’t want to ask because he didn’t want to know for sure, but he was certain that meant Ian was going to break up with her tonight.
“I’ll let you get ready then. I have some things I have to do. Let me know when you’re leaving.” Singer said standing.
“Thanks.” Ian said.
As Singer left Ian’s apartment he shook hands with him. Singer left with his heart heavy and his mood low. He didn’t want Ian to leave, but it wouldn’t be right for him to stay either.
At band practice Ian told everyone else what he had told Singer. They were shocked that he was leaving, but knew that he hadn’t been happy with the music. None of them knew what Singer knew about Haylee though. Singer was having a hard time not saying anything to Alexa, but he knew he had to keep his mouth shut.
That night Haylee came to Ian’s just like he’d asked her to. She greeted him with a kiss and sat on the couch where he brought her. When he sat a little ways away from her she knew something was up.
“I can’t just talk about nothing tonight. I’ll go crazy if I do so here’s it straight.” Ian sighed. “I’m leaving. I’ve told everyone that I can’t stay in the band anymore. I was not happy there and my heart hadn’t been in it for a while. I had to tell them before I left them hanging so I told them today. I have to go home. I’m sorry.”
“So go home then. Nothing is making you stay here with me all the time. I can visit on breaks and then transfer up there. We’ll be okay if you’re worried about us.”
“No, don’t transfer to Seattle, Haylee. I’m going home and I’m leaving everything that I have here in this place. I need to start over.”
Haylee sat there staring at Ian. She knew he was breaking up with her; she just didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t see the reason behind it. Was he afraid that they couldn’t keep dating if he was somewhere else? Hadn’t they done that for two years?
“Why?” Haylee asked still confused.
“Because I’m not happy anymore. I need to find myself again Hales. I need to leave everything from Vegas in Vegas.”
“No.” Haylee shook her head.
Her breathing quickened and her heart sped up in anxiety. This wasn’t what she’d been expecting for the night. Her knees drew up to her chin and she curled in on herself. She had thought that they would watch a movie or cuddle or something else but never this. There had never been a moment when she thought that Ian would leave her. They were so tight with each other that this made no sense.
“I have to.” Ian whispered.
“This is such a stupid reason to break up though Ian. We can get through this. I know we both have it in us to do it!”
Ian was surprised that she was reasoning with him. This didn’t change his mind though. He’d decided what he needed and he wasn’t going to be told other wise. He hated hurting Haylee because he loved her, but it wasn’t fair to her.
“We can’t do that Haylee.”
“Why not? There’s no reason why we can’t.” She said stubbornly though tears.
Ian had to do what he feared. He never wanted to say this to Haylee but it was the only thing he could think of to get her to stop fighting this.
“Haylee.” Ian said looking into her eyes. “It wouldn’t be fair to you because my heart isn’t with you anymore either.”
Haylee left Ian’s apartment and went home without saying anything. She didn’t know how he could say that when he’d told her he loved her this morning. She didn’t understand but she knew it was over.
♠ ♠ ♠
So that's a little sucky right?
Comments? I assume that you will have something to say about this one.

Tension's Like A Fire
ATL with powers from their AP shoot? Sounds fun. Just hope that the human bulldozer doesn't make you into a street pizza. (inside joke :D)
A Heart Like That
Although I am slightly frustrated with this Garrett Nickelsen story right now, I can't stop reading it. Hooray Becca for writing this!
Remembering Sunday
Stephie Barakat. Jack Barakat. Brother and Sister. Brother forgets sister. Brother thinks band is more important. Sister changes. Brother and Friends don't recognize Sister.