The Untold Story of Adrianne Flamer

The Beginning

Chapter 1
The Beginning

Wow I can't believe my parents are actually magical! They also were able to keep this acceptance letter away from me for 5 years. I didn't even know a school called Hogwarts existed. Now I get to go and begin right in as a 5th year. This is going to be so cool and maybe my dream guy will be there too.

"Bye Mom, bye Dad. Finally I am on my own and free. I hope someone will let me sit with them. Hi, may I sit here?"
"Sure, who might you be?"
"Oh sorry I'm Adrianne Flamer. Who are you?"
"I'm Harry Potter and these are my friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger."
"May I ask why you are looking at me like that Ron?"
"It's just that you are like my age and I have never seen you before. Also, that you are the prettiest girl ever."
"Oh well I'm not that pretty and I have never been here before. See, my parents are so powerful they kept the acceptance letter away from me until they thought I was ready." Harry asks, "Oh so have you never heard of Hogwarts or even me?"
"No why are you famous or something?"
"No not really but we're here so I'll talk to you later."

Wow this place is huge, we even have to use boats to get to the school. This is going to be the best. "Hi, would you by chance be Adrianne Flamer?"
"Yes, may I ask who is asking?"
"Oh sorry, I am hagrid and I will be escorting you to where you need to be so follow me." "OK." Adrianne follows Hagrid into the school building.

Wow, this is the inside of my new school! Candles lit everywhere. I wonder where I'm suppose to be. "Hagrid? Where do I go and what do i do?"
"Just follow me Adrianne. I will get you to where you're suppose to be."

Adrianne and Hagrid walk up to an old, tall man and Hagrid starts to talk to him. "Professor Dumbledoor, sir this is young Adrianne Flamer. She is the daughter of the powerful Jack and Aiko Flamer."
"Ms.Flamer I am professor Dumbledoor the head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Just listen to what I tell you to do and everything will go nicely."

Professor Dumbledore takes Adrianne with him and sits her in Professor McGonagal's seat next to him while Professor McGonagal places the first years into their house's. Then Professor Dumbledoor stands and starts to speak, "Attention before we start the feast I have a very special announcement. This young lady is Miss Adrianne Flamer. She is the child of the famous Jack and Aiko Flamer. Most, if not all of you know that Jack and Aiko are two of the six ever most powerful wizards and witches. They are so powerful that they were able to keep Adrianne's acceptance letter away from her for all these years. Adrianne will be starting as a 5th year and we will still use the sorting hat to sort her. So Adrianne please step up with me and Professor McGonangal will place the sorting hat upon your head."

Adrianne walks in front of everyone and they all stare as she sits. Professor McGonangal then places the sorting hat on her head and it starts to speak, "Ah Ha! I was wondering when you would be sorted by me Miss Flamer. This is a very difficult one, I see a lot of courage which proves Gryffindore, but wait there's mystery and would make it Slytherin. Huh there's also a lot of smarts and talent which would make it Ravenclaw. My decision is...... Gryffindore, but I warn you Adrianne choose your friends wisely, and keep them close." Everyone cheers and Adrianne goes and sits with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. When she's walking Adrianne notices everyone staring at her and she sits very fast.

"Hey Harry, why is everyone staring at me and watching every move I make?"
Harry replies,"You are the most beautiful girl any of us have ever seen."
"Thanks Harry but I'm not that pretty. Hey Hermione, will you show me where I'm suppose to sleep and where everything is?"
"Yeah sure, you can have the bed next to mine and you will always know someone in your class that can help you find where you're suppose to be."
"Oh OK."

We all eat dinner and start to head to bed but Adrianne can't sleep, "Hermione wake up." "Adrianne, what's wrong? Are you alright?"
"Yeah, well Hermione I have a problem. I don't ever sleep and I need to tell you about another problem. Well, every time I go to a new school I have the guys drooling over me and I don't know why or who to choose. Why do they chase after me?"
"Adrianne you're a very pretty girl. That's why they all like you."
"Well, is there anyone you like? I seem to be great at hooking people up."
"Well I kinda have a thing for Harry and Ron but Cho likes Harry and I don't want to mess up a friendship with Ron."
"Let me talk to them for you. Well, we better get some sleep. Night."
"Goodnight Adrianne."

I get up and head to breakfast. On my way down to breakfast I hear someone calling my name. "Adrianne." I turn around and see it's Harry running up to me.
"What's up Harry?"
"Ummm well what are your classes?"
"Oh well I have defense against the dark arts first, then transfiguration, then charms, umm herbology, then potions at the end of the day."
"OK, well I can help you get to your classes if you need help. Also, I need to talk to you about something. Will you follow me into here?"
They both go into a broom closet. "What is it Harry?"
"This." Harry starts to make out with Adrianne.
"Harry STOP. Look you don't like me like that. You only think you do because of the way I look. You love Cho Chang not me."
"You're right but how did you know that? Actually skip that question. Will you help me get her?"
"Harry you already have her. Have you seen the way she looks at you? She is obviously in love with you too."
"OK well we better get to breakfast." They both leave the closet and head to breakfast.

Adrianne heads to class after breakfast and runs into Harry. "Hey Harry do you know where I will probably be able to find Ron after class?"
"He'll probably be in the courtyard, why?"
"You'll find out later. Thanks."

After class Adrianne goes to the courtyard and finds Ron. "Ron."
"Hey wut's up Adrianne?"
"What do you think of Hermione?"
"She's cool but she hates me."
"Look would you consider dating her?"
"Yeah. Why did she say something about me?"
"Look I can't tell you that just ask her out and I can guarantee you she will say yes."
"OK." Ron runs off to the library to find Hermione."

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in."
"Oh, you must be Draco Malfoy, am I right?"
"What ever Adrianne, you don't belong with these people. You should be with pure bloods like myself. No one but I would ever care about you. Come on a date with me."
"HA, I would never date you in my life. Oh you think no one cares about me watch."
Adrianne walks up to Goyle and whispers into his ear, "Go to the Gryffindore broom closet so we can make out and I can make your dreams come true."
Goyle runs off to the Gryffindore broom closet and Malfoy just walks away in the opposite direction and says to you, "so what Goyle would do anything."

Adrianne walks into the Gryffindore broom closet and finds Goyle sitting on an upside down bucket waiting. "Wow Adrianne I thought maybe you were just joking. I didn't think you would actually show up."
"Look Goyle I seriously don't like you like that, but I do like you as a friend and I think that if you get away from Malfoy and Crabb then you could find a girlfriend. You could also find real friends like me. just take it into thought." Adrianne leaves and Goyle goes to supper.

Adrianne starts walking to supper when she runs into Ron and they start to walk together. They are walking down the hall when Adrianne notices two very hott guys sitting on the window sill talking and laughing. "Ron who are they?"
"They're my brothers Fred and George. As you can tell they're twins and they're also real pranksters." "Will you introduce me to them?"
"Yeah sure."
Ron and Adrianne walk up to Fred and George. "Fred, George this is Adrianne Flamer." They both say, "Hey Adrianne."
Ron says, "Hey I should get to supper. You going to come or you going to stay here and talk to Fred and George?"
"I'm going to stay here and talk to Fred and George."
"OK cya later."
"Bye." Ron leaves to go to supper.

George starts to talk, "Adrianne, why would you want to stay here with us? I mean a beautiful girl like you would rather talk to us then go have supper."
"Well George I find you two very sexy and would like to get to know you guys better."
Fred says, "Really well then you must think one of us is sexier than the other."
"Well, you two are twins but I think that George is a tiny bit hotter than Fred but you two are still extremely close."
George says, "Well, how about we head to supper together, we can hold hands if you want."
"Well that sounds great and hows about you meet me at midnight at the black lake."
"That sounds great." Adrianne and George head to supper holding hands and Fred walks on the other side of George.

Midnight is here. Adrianne gets out of Hogwarts and heads to the Black Lake. "Hey George I'm glad you could get out and make it down here."
"Yeah well I borrowed Harry's father's cloak which turns me invisible."
"Sweet so what do you want to do." Adrianne turns to face George. George leans in and kisses Adrianne gently on the lips.
They both say, "Wow." George grads Adrianne's head and they start to make out both of them clutching onto the head of the other. George starts to slip his hands up the back of Adrianne's shirt.
Then Adrianne says, "George we have to slow down some. We can't do it all tonight."
"OK Adrianne, well maybe we should start to head back to the rooms before someone notices we're not in bed."
"OK." Adrianne and George both get under the cloak and start to head to the Gryffindore common room. They get in and see Professor McGonangal sitting on the couch. They head up the stairs and into Adrianne and Hermione's room and they both sit on Adrianne's bed. "Well, goodnight George I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye." George and Adrianne kiss one last time tonight on the lips and George leaves. Once George left Hermione opens her eyes and sits up to talk to Adrianne.
"Adrianne you're dating George Weasley?"
"Yeah well I need to get some sleep so we'll talk in the morning. Goodnight Hermione." "Before we go to sleep I want to thank you."
"What, why?"
"Ron asked me out and now we're boyfriend/girlfriend. Thank you Adrianne."
"No problem hey what are friends for."
"Alright well goodnight." They both go to sleep.

"Hey Hermione you want to come to breakfast with me or want me to just go on my own?" "I'm going to sleep some more."
"OK." Adrianne leaves to go to breakfast.

While Adrianne was walking to breakfast she heard a voice coming from Professor Snape's closet of secret potions. Adrianne knocks on the door. "Who is it, what do you want?"
"It's me Adrianne Flamer, may I come in?"
"Why not you seem upset."
"I don't need a little brat coming in here."
"Well fine then."
"No wait Adrianne come in." Adrianne walks in and closes the door behind her but as she walks in she sees a single tear run down Snape's cheek.
"What's wrong professor?"
"This." Just then Professor Snape starts to make out with Adrianne.
Adrianne pushes him away screaming, "Get away you creep! HELP!" George is walking to breakfast and hears Adrianne screaming. He comes running in. "HELP ME GEORGE!" "Professor you don't want her. You need to let her go. What you're doing is illegal."
"I know it's illegal, but I can't live without her."
"Yes you can, you just need to find someone your own age and that isn't a student."
"Fine take her." Snape lets go of Adrianne and she runs into George's arms and they head to breakfast holding hands. Adrianne shaking as she walks.

George and Adrianne go and sit with Ron, Hermione, Fred, Harry, Ginny, and Neville. "Hey guys what's up?"
Ginny says, "What's up with you two?"
"What we're dating now. I have been hooking people up and ended up getting hooked up myself."
Harry asks, "Have you talked to Cho yet?"
"I don't have to Harry she is obviously in love with you. She can't keep her eyes off of you. Just ask her out and she will say yes."
"OK I will." Harry gets up to talk to Cho.
Adrianne whispers into George's ear, "Meet me at the Black Lake after classes."
"OK I'll be there." Harry walks back and sits with a really glum look on his face.
"Well what did she say Harry?"
"She said she'll think about it."
"What, well I'm going to have to talk to her. Don't worry I'll take care of everything." Adrianne gets up and goes to talk to cho. "Cho, why did you say you'd have to think about going out with Harry?"
"Well, to be honest I think Harry is out of my league. I mean I like him but he should be dating girls that are way better at magic than me."
"Cho, it doesn't matter what league you think he's in he loves you and you love him just go out with him."
"OK tell him I say yes."
"OK." Adrianne gets up and goes tell harry she said yes. Then they all leave for class.

After the first class Adrianne is walking in the hallway and sees her friends in the hallway laughing. "What's so funny?"
George says, "Oh it's nothing just I was talking about our first date and what we did and Fred made a joke."
"What was the joke Fred?"
Fred says, "Oh just I said well if you did all of that on your first date what is left to do on your other dates."
"OK well we will just have to see." Adrianne grins at George who's grinning back at her. "Oh Hermione, Ron how is it going between you two?"
"No don't say that."
Fred looks at Hermione and Ron and says, "What about you two?"
Ron says, "Well you see Hermione and I are dating."
Fred says, "Oh come on."
"What's wrong Fred?"
"I'm the only Weasley without a girlfriend or boyfriend."
"What about Ginny?"
"Oh yeah cool."
Hermione says, "We should all get to class."
"Oh yeah, I'll see you after class George." Adrianne and George both blow kisses to each other and wave.

"My last class, Potions. Hey, Professor Snape."
"Do all the questions on page 311. Adrianne may I see you in the hallway for a moment please?" Adrianne and Snape walk into the hall and close the door.
"What do you want now?"
"I swear I will do anything for you please give me a chance."
"No, I already told you, you have to find someone else"
"Fine but at least help me find someone."
"Fine just write me a list of qualities you want in a woman and I'll see who I can match up with them. Can I go in and do my work now?"
"Yes, and I will give you that list as soon as I can." Adrianne walks back in and does all of her work.

Adrianne walks to the Black Lake to see George sitting there with a single rose. "Hey George."
"Hey Adrianne, this is for you." George hands Adrianne the rose. The rose then turns to full bloom and says I love you in glittery, silver words.
"Thank you George, this is amazing." Adrianne and George kiss each other but then it turns into a make out and then Adrianne rips off George's shirt. She kisses his chest and then George rips off Adrianne's shirt.
They then start to roll around on the ground when Hagrid walks up. "George, Adrianne you have to stop. Come with me." Adrianne and George quickly get up, put their shirts back on and follow Hagrid to his hut.
"What is it Hagrid?"
"You two can't roll around on the ground with your shirts off just anywhere."
"Why not they can't expel me for kissing George."
"No but they can tell your parents, who can take you out of Hogwarts."
"OK." Adrianne and George head back to the common room. When they get there they kiss each other goodnight and head to bed.
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I wrote this story a while ago and it was my first so tell me what you think.