The Untold Story of Adrianne Flamer

The Dark Lord

The Dark Lord
Chapter 10

Snape and Adrianne were walking across the lawn back to the school when Snape looked at Adrianne and said, “You know we never actually had a first date.” Adrianne just looked at Snape then Snape said, “Accio broom.” A broom came flying out of nowhere and Snape grabbed and mounted it. He looked at Adrianne and said, “Come on climb on in front of me and hold on.” Adrianne got on the broom hastily and held onto it scared as ever. She’d only been on a broom once when she went on her date with Oliver Wood. Snape smiled and put one hand on the broom and wrapped his other arm around Adrianne. He pulled up on the broom and they went off into the starry night.

Adrianne was looking at the stars when she noticed a weird shape in the sky. She looked into Snape’s eyes and asked while pointy towards it, “What’s that?” Snape looked and realized right away that the Dark Mark was there and his arm started burning. Adrianne could tell something was bothering Snape and asked very worried, “What’s wrong baby?” Snape looked at her and said, “I have to get you to safety.” Snape quickly turned the broom around and sped back to the school. The landed on the front steps and went through the front door.

As they entered they heard a crackled voice say, “Where have you been?” It was none other than Mr. Filch. Snape looked at him and said, “I had set up flying and dueling lessons with Miss Flamer. Professor Dumbledore approved of them and now I am going to take her to her common room so she may get some sleep.” They headed towards the Gryffendore common room when Adrianne looked at Snape and said; “I want to stay with you tonight.” Snape looked at her and said, “I have things I have to do tonight. I don’t know when I will be back and be able to be with you.” Adrianne gave him the look that she knew could get her exactly what she wanted and Snape said, “Fine, you can sleep in my room but I’m telling you I don’t know if I’ll be back tonight.” Adrianne nodded and they headed to Snape’s dungeon room.

When they got there Snape’s arm was still burning and he knew the Dark Lord would not be happy with how late he is at showing up. Snape looked at Adrianne and asked, “Baby, do you love me?” Adrianne looked at him and said, “Of course I do Sweetie.” Snape looked her in the eyes and said, “You are the first person to ever love me. I must leave tonight but when I get back if there’s time I am going to talk to you about something and try to explain it to you. I want you to keep an open mind and please just remember how much you love me.” Adrianne nodded and they kissed each other really quick. Then Adrianne went and lay down on the bed as Snape disappeared.

Adrianne was laying in bed thinking ‘What does he need to talk to me about?’ She fell asleep thinking this and then all of a sudden felt someone shaking her. Her eyes flew open and she saw Snape’s face looking at her. He looked upset and Adrianne threw her arms around him and asked, “Baby, what’s wrong? Are you OK?” Snape looked at her and shook his head. He then said, “I have been playing two parts. I can’t handle this stress anymore. Look Adrianne I need to tell you some things.” He looked Adrianne in the eyes and said, “I love you more than anything in the world. I am Dumbledore’s right hand man, I do everything for him. However, I am also the Dark Lord Voldemort’s right hand man. Tonight, that shape in the sky was the dark mark and it is set off when someone is killed by the Dark Lord or by one of his death eaters. I am a death eater. The Dark Lord was calling all of us by making our mark’s burn. This mark on my arm is my mark showing that I’m a death eater. I have killed people because the Dark Lord told me to. The Dark Lord was not happy with how long it took me to answer his call and I explained to him that it was because I was with you and that I love you. He said that if you distract me then I must kill you and if I fail at killing you he will kill you. Baby, I promise you I will not let any danger happen to you and that I will no longer listen to the Dark Lord as best I can but Dumbledore tells me to act loyal to Voldemort. I have to explain to Dumbledore what happened but I will have to explain to him about us.”

Adrianne is looking at Snape not knowing what to say when she finally says, “Baby, as hard as this is to say but if I am the problem then leave me. We can’t be together because it is conflicting with your loyalty to Dumbledore and Voldemort. You can’t tell Dumbledore about us because it is extremely illegal and will get you fired and probably in prison. Baby, leave me.” Snape looked at Adrianne with disbelief and said, “NO, you are my main priority, you are my life, you are my everything. I am not giving you up for anyone or anything. I don’t care if Dumbledore fires me or I end up in prison. I will not give up on you and I mean that.” Adrianne looked at him and sighed saying, “I’m sorry Severus but if it’s between your life or mine because he will kill you after he kills me I’m going to make it so you don’t die too. I’m breaking up with you. It’s over Severus.” Snape just looks at her and says, “You don’t mean that. You can’t leave me.” Adrianne stands up and says, “Goodbye Severus.” She kisses him gently on the cheek and leaves his room with tears in her eyes.

Adrianne is walking down the halls and notices that it’s almost time to meet in the Great Hall for breakfast. She goes and sits in a windowsill when the huge figure of Hagrid walks up to her. He could tell that she had been crying and said, “Come on Adrianne, Let’s go for a walk.” Adrianne looked at him and nodded still not able to speak. They went out onto the bridge and Hagrid looks at Adrianne and asks, “What happened? What’s wrong?” Adrianne just said, “It’s over. I broke up with Severus because it’s either both of us die or just I die. I’d rather just die than drag him down too.” Hagrid looked at Adrianne with confusion and she said, “It’s complicated and I can’t explain. If you want details talk to Severus. He can explain better than I can anyway. I’m going to go to the Great Hall for breakfast I’ll talk to you later Hagrid.” She smiled at him and walked away towards the Great Hall.