The Untold Story of Adrianne Flamer


Chapter 3

It's the next day and Adrianne gets up and heads to breakfast. When she walks in she notices that Snape is watching her and every move she makes. The classes seemed to go by a lot faster today. After all the classes she heads to Snape's potion closet. When she walks in all she can see is Snape up on the ladder organizing his potions. He looks down and notices that he can see right down her shirt and he starts to get hard. Adrianne looks up and notices that Snape is hard. "Get down here" said Adrianne fiercely. Snape climbs down the ladder and says, "I was wondering when you were going to show up." "Well I'm here so do what you want." Snape walks up to Adrianne and starts to bite her neck. Adrianne can feel his hard cock against her and then Snape moves her against the ladder. He pins her to hit so hard that Adrianne can't push him off of her. Adrianne was about to yell for help but Snape put his mouth to hers and made it so she couldn't. Just then Fred Weasley bursts through the door and hexes Snape. Fred pushes Snape off of Adrianne and they take off. "That was amazing Fred. Thank you so much." Adrianne then kisses Fred on the cheek and heads to bed.

After Adrianne leaves an older, curly haired boy walks up to Fred and says, "Fred Weasley what are you doing here?" He waited for a little while and said, "Answer me! I am your brother." Fred says, "Huh, what, oh Percy. I just got kissed on the cheek by the hottest girl ever. I don't care about anything else now." "Dude was it Adrianne Flamer?" "Yeah. How did you know?" "Well she is the hottest girl in school. Also, George was dating her and you twins think alike." "Oh yeah, right, George well I don't think he'll care if I start to date Adrianne." "Well, I just need you to go to your dorm room." "Oh OK." Fred heads to his dorm room.

It's now the next morning. Adrianne heads to breakfast. "Adrianne, Adrianne!" Adrianne turns around and is surprised on who is standing there. "Yes...Goyle." "Guess what. I found my perfect girl. She is in Hufflepuff and is just perfect." "Really. That's awesome for you." Fred walks up and kisses Adrianne on the neck. Goyle says, "I thought you were going out with George?" "Yeah I was but we broke up and now I'm going out with Fred." "Oh, OK in that case I'll leave you two alone." Goyle leaves and Fred and Adrianne start to talk.

"Hey Fred. What's going on?" "Nothing, just wanted to tell you I love you." "Well, I understand that but don't you think us going out now will upset George?" "No don't worry about it. He won't mind." "Are you sure because he is your twin and is in love with me." "Oh yeah trust me." "OK." Adrianne kisses Fred and heads to class since they missed breakfast.

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING FRED?! yelled a voice. Fred looked and saw George walking down the hall. "What's your problem George?" "I just saw you kissing Adrianne. She is still mine." "How is she still yours? She broke up with you." "I love her to death and you should be happy for me George." "I love her too and I am your brother and you should care more about me." "At the moment your feelings don't matter more than mine." Fred ran off to class and George just went to the common room and decided to skip class.

All the classes went by and Adrianne ran into Raven on her way to supper. "Hey Adrianne. I am with Draco and I have beaten up Pansy like 7 times already. Thanks for your help with getting me Draco. Well I got to go. Bye" Adrianne waved to Raven as she headed faster toward supper.

It was now time for bed and Adrianne layed down and fell asleep for about 3 hours but woke up. She decided to go and talk to Fred. Adrianne snuck into the boys dorms and kneeled next to Fred's bed. She whispered, "Fred...get up." Fred woke up and saw Adrianne and said, "Huh why are you here?" "Let's go for a walk." "What... now... OK" Fred got up and him and Adrianne snuck out of the dorm and into the hallways. "What about the teachers?" asked Fred. "Don't worry only Dumbledore is up and I need to talk to him." "OK." Adrianne and Fred leave to where Dumbledore is.

"Hey Professor Dumbledore." "Good evening Adrianne and Fred." "Sir, I need to talk to you about a personal matter." "Really what might that be?" "Well, I've noticed you aren't married and don't have a girlfriend. Well, also you need to go out on a date with Professor McGonagall. She is in love with you and deserves to go out with a powerful wizard." "This is rather odd for you to tell me but sure I will ask her out because I've always had a thing for her. Was there anything else?" "Actually, I really need to talk to Fred. We are going to go to the Black Lake, is that alright?" "Yes, that will be fine but be careful." Adrianne and Fred leave to the Black lake.

Adrianne and Fred sit down on the edge of the Lake. "Look Fred, we really need to talk." "Oh, Adrianne don't tell me that. What did I do?" "How do you know what I'm going to say?" "You're going to tell me we should see other people." "How are you aware of this?" "That's what you told George. Why though, why do you want us to see other people?" "Look I heard you and George arguing over me and I don't want us dating to ruin you and your brother's relationship." "It's nothing, Please I still love you." "No, I'm sorry but we can't." Adrianne gets up and heads to bed.

Adrianne the next day is feeling really depressed so doesn't go to breakfast. After a while she decides to head to class and before she knows it she is in potions. Adrianne wasn't paying attention to what she was doing and accidentally melted her cauldron. Snape noticed and gave her detention for after supper. Adrianne heads to supper. After that she walks down to Snape's dungeon and hears Snape and McGonagal yelling at each other. Adrianne walks in and sees Professor McGonagal standing there with Professor Snape arguing. "What's going on" asked Adrianne.
"Nothing" they both said at the same time. Adrianne then walks up to Professor McGonagal and whispers to her, "Go see Professor Dumbledore." Just then Professor McGonagal leaves and Snape closes the door behind her.

"So what do you want me to do for detention?" Snape turns and looks at Adrianne. "Well, you could try to redo the potion." Adrianne looked in those deep, black eyes and noticed how gorgeous they are. She walked up to him and threw her arms around him. She put one hand on his ass and the other in his hair. She pushed his head closer to hers and started to make out with him. Adrianne pulled away and then looked into his eyes again. Snape then pulled her back in for another make out fest. He then pushed her to his desk still making out. They stopped making out for a little while and Snape started to unbutton Adrianne's shirt and Adrianne started to undo Snape's cloak. Before Snape could get Adrianne's pants off Adrianne got Snape totally naked. Snape finally got Adrianne naked and layed her on his desk. Snape then hops on top of Adrianne and slides his dick in Adrianne's pussy. Adrianne then grabs his balls and started to moan as Snape goes in and out faster and faster. Then Snape flips Adrianne over and goes even harder and faster anally. "Oh yeah Severus! Harder....faster....more." Snape starts to go faster and his balls slap her ass so hard she screams. After about 10 minutes of anal Severus takes his dick out of Adrianne's ass and sticks it in her mouth. Adrianne sucked it for 15 minutes and noticed it was already 5:00 in the morning. Adrianne then stopped and said, "We have to stop so I can get some sleep." "No, I don't want to stop. We have to keep going." Adrianne got up saying, "Sorry Severus but I need sleep or I'm not going to be awake for any of my classes." "Fine." Adrianne redressed and left for her dorm.

Adrianne wakes up and heads to breakfast. On the way she hears a voice calling her name. "Adrianne...Adrianne." Adrianne turns around and sees George running up to her. "Yes, George?" "I heard you broke up with Fred and I wondering why." "Well, Fred wasn't really my type and I saw that me going out with him really made you mad. So I told him I couldn't date him anymore." "So will you date me again?" "Look George I really need to think about it." "OK well I should head to class." George leaves for class. Hermione pops out from around a corner. "Why did you say you have to think about it to George?" "Look Hermione I just need a little time to think." "Oh. OK" Hermione left and Adrianne realized it was now time for class. All the classes were going by really fast and it was now time for her last class, Potions.

Adrianne walks into potions and sits down next to Hermione. Just then Snape walks in and says, "Turn to page 426 and do all the questions on it. Adrianne may I see you in the hallway? Also, when you finish all of the questions you may leave." Adrianne walks out in the hallway. "What now Severus?" "Well, I wanted to talk about last night." "What about it?" "I just wanted to say that I was thinking maybe we could meet up tonight and do it again?" "What? No look it was a one time thing and that's it." "Please Adrianne give me a chance. I will do anything for you." "Look Severus NO. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go do my work."

Adrianne walks into the room and sits next to Hermione. "What was that all about?" "Look one day i will tell you but not today." "Oh OK. Well here are the answers for the questions." Adrianne copies down Hermione's answers and they both start to leave the room. Adrianne is watching Snape and Snape is watching every move Adrianne makes. They both go to bed.

Adrianne in the middle of the night gets waken up by someone saying her name. "Adrianne...Adrianne." "What, what do you want George?" "Did you decide yet?" "Look George." "Adrianne, I love you. Please give me another chance." "George, I tend to rush things and then ruin it I don't want to do that to you." "You won't just please give me another chance. We won't rush anything I promise you." "OK well, meet me in the common room before you go to breakfast so we can go together." "OK." George gets up and leaves and Hermione wakes up. "So you are going back out with George now?" "Just go to sleep" Adrianne said smiling.