The Untold Story of Adrianne Flamer

Everything is Set Straight

Chapter 5
Everything Is Set straight

This is awesome I get to go to a wedding. There's Hermione, "Hey Hermione can I ask you a question?" "Sure Adrianne anything." "What's up with Harry? He seems weird and kinda distant." "Well, I know him very well but I kinda think you should ask him not me." "Please Hermione, I don't want to ask Harry. Just please tell me something that you can." "Well, I guess I can tell you what everyone already knows. You see When Harry was just one year old his parents did everything to keep him alive. The Dark Lord V... umm I can't say his name. Well, he went after Harry and killed Harry's parents. Harry's mom shielded him and Harry was saved by his mother's love. You see she risked everything to save Harry and that protected him from being killed and all he left with was the scar on his head. Also, the 4th year a student was killed when at Hogwarts. Harry was the only one that saw it happened and now he is saying that the Dark Lord has returned and that he fought him." "So, Harry fought the Dark Lord and he has returned to kill harry." "Yes, he is forming an army. You should join. I will inform you when the next meeting is." "Okay, well I'm going to go to bed." "Okay well, we can talk later. bye." Adrianne heads to bed and lays there. Thinking.

Adrianne falls asleep and then wakes up in the middle of the night. She walks over to the guy's dorm rooms and wakes up Harry. "Harry...Harry...wake up." Harry wakes up and looks at Adrianne. "What...who...oh hey Adrianne. everything alright?" "Yeah ummm...I was wondering if I could borrow your invisibility cloak for the rest of the night?" "Yeah, sure of course." Harry gets out of bed and hands Adrianne the cloak saying, "Be careful, don't get caught." "Don't worry I won't." Adrianne leaves and heads to Snape's room.

Adrianne walks into Snape's room and says in a whisper, "Professor?" Snape wakes up and sits up. Adrianne is still under the cloak so Snape couldn't see her. "Who's in here? Get out now!" "'s just me." Adrianne pulls off the cloak and Snape jumps at her sudden appearance. "Why are you here Adrianne?" "Look we really need to talk about what happened." "Adrianne come sit next to me." Adrianne moves and sits next to Snape on his bed. "Look Severus, we can't be together." "No, Adrianne...I love you. I don't want our relationship to end." "Severus, i really like you but you are my professor. It is illegal and I don't want you to be arrested and fired." "Fine, but when you get out of school please promise me you will give me a chance." "I will as long as I am not with anyone at the time." "OK. Look Adrianne I am really sorry about everything I put on you this year and everything that happened." "It's OK Severus. Well i should get to bed. Goodnight." Adrianne walks out of the room without the cloak on and sees Harry moving quickly down the hall.

"Harry!" Adrianne runs up and catches up within Harry. "What are you doing here?" "Oh...well Adrianne I was worried about if you would get yourself in trouble or something so I followed you." "Okay, but you shouldn't worry I will be fine. Did you hear any part of my conversation with Snape?" "Umm...Well yeah but I swear i won't tell a soul." "If you do I will rip your ears off." "Ummmm...OK." "Can you do me a favor. After you go to the boy's dorms will you ask Fred and George to come to the common room so i can talk to them real quick." "Sure." Harry and Adrianne put the cloak on and head up to the Gryffindore common room.

Harry and Adrianne climb through the portrait hole and Harry goes to get Fred and George while Adrianne sits down on the couch. "Fred...George! Get up." "What is your problem Harry?" "Adrianne is in the common room waiting for you two." "Why?" "I don't know just get down there." Fred and George head down to the common room to find Adrianne.

"Hey Adrianne." "Hey Fred...Hey George. Ummm can you two sit down so i can talk to the both of you." Fred and George sit down on the couch across from the one Adrianne is sitting on. "Look Fred, I really like you but I like your brother a lot more. We make each other happy and I can help you get a girl if you want me to." "It is fine. As long as my bro is happy I am happy." "OK well I think we should really get some sleep. So I will see you two tomorrow. Goodnight." "Night Adrianne."