The Untold Story of Adrianne Flamer

The Training Begins

The Training Begins
Chapter 7

Adrianne woke up from hearing a knock on the door. A very deep whisper comes from the other side of the door, "Adrianne. Adrianne wake up." Adrianne gets up and goes toward the door. She says, "I'm up, who's out there?" "It's me Severus. Come on we have to start your training." Adrianne gets changed into her Hogwarts robes and opens the door to see Severus standing there looking at Adrianne. "Come on we don't have much time." "OK but where is the training going to begin?" "In time Adrianne, just keep quiet and follow me."

They were walking for a while through hallways and down staircases she'd never been to before. Then a door popped out of nowhere on a wall and Severus led her through it. "This is the room of requirement. I will train you in all types of magical defense. You must not tell anyone what happens in this room. It is only for you to know." Adrianne nodded and they began her training.

They spent hours in the room working on defensive and attack spells. Adrianne was glad to be learning them because she didn't have to go to her normal classes today. After they were done for the day Adrianne looked at Severus and said, "What are we going to do about everything?" Severus looked at her and said, "What do you mean? We are going to come here on days that you and I can miss class and work on your spells. You don't have to worry about making up work in classes because your teachers know you are working with me." Adrianne just stared at him and said, "You know that wasn't what I was talking about." Severus sighed and said, "We need to keep what happened a secret. No one must find out what happened." Adrianne nodded and started to leave but Severus stopped her and said, "Before you go I want to teach you one more spell that I know your friend Harry knows because he's used it." Adrianne nodded and watched Severus make a dummy appear. Snape looked at it, waved his wand and said "Septum sempra." Huge gashes appeared in the dummy. Snape looked at Adrianne and said, "You only use this on your worst enemies and if it is absolutely necessary this causes great damage." Adrianne nodded and headed to supper.

When she arrived at supper Hermione called her to sit next to her. Once Adrianne sat Hermione said, "So, how'd it go with Snape?" "Fine but I can't talk about it. I'm not suppose to." Hermione nodded and then changed the subject when Harry and Ron showed up, "Hey Ron." Ron sat next to Hermione and Harry sat with Adrianne and looked sad. Adrianne looked at him and said, "What's wrong Harry?" Harry looked at her and said glumly, "Oh, nothing's wrong. It's just that Cho dumped me and now she's dating someone in Ravenclaw." Adrianne patted him on the back and said, "I'm sorry. Don't worry you'll find someone else who you love more than her." Harry gave a pathetic excuse for a smile and left saying he wasn't hungry.

Adrianne looked up and down the table and noticed that the twins weren't at dinner. Adrianne really wanted to explain things to George but he wasn't there so she decided she would go for a walk. She was walking towards Hagrid's cottage when she heard someone following her. She turned around and saw the tall black figure that she was just thinking about. "Can you read my thoughts or something?" Snape just looked at her and then said, "Actually I can, but I haven't." Adrianne looked at him and laughed, "I should've known you could read my thoughts." She walked over to him and said, "So what are you doing out here anyway?" Snape said, "Well I saw you leave the great hall and I was wondering where you were going and if you were alright." Adrianne smiled and said, "I'm fine just a little stressed and I decided to just go for a walk." Snape looked at her and said, “Can I join you?” Adrianne smiled and said, “Of course you can.” Snape and Adrianne started walking together and they talked as if they are best friends. Before they knew it, it was past hours so Snape walked Adrianne back to the Griffendor common room. They said goodnight and Adrianne went through the portrait hole.

Everyone was already in bed when Adrianne got there. She went to her room and lay there for a while thinking about how Snape just seemed like a normal person. He wasn’t like a teacher, or a creepy guy he was like a friend. She couldn’t sleep that night because her mind was swimming with images of Snape. After turning for an hour she decided to get up. Adrianne went and got Harry’s cloak and went to talk to Snape. She knocked on his door and she could hear him get up and walk to the door. He said very quietly, “Who’s there.” Adrianne answered, “It’s me.” She heard his door unlock quickly and he looked at her. “May I come in?” Adrianne asked. Snape moved out from in front of the door and Adrianne moved into the room. She sat on Snape’s bed and said, “I need to talk to you.” Snape turned to look at her and nodded while closing and locking the door.

Snape moved towards the bed and sat in front of Adrianne, “What is it you’d like to talk about?” Snape placed his hand on her thigh and rubbed it. Adrianne stared at his hand and said, “I can’t stop thinking about you. I think I might love you.” Snape stopped rubbing her thigh and looked at her with his mouth wide open. “Are you being honest Adrianne or has someone put you up to this?” Adrianne looked at him and said, “I’m being honest.” “Remember I can read minds so I’ll know if you’re lying to me.” “Read my mind then. All you will find are thoughts about you.” She smiled at him and he smiled back. Then Adrianne leaned and pressed her lips lightly against Snapes. Then Snape put his hand in her hair and held her head against his. He stuck his tongue in her mouth and they made out for a while. They stopped for breath and Snape asked, “So, are we dating? Are you now officially my girlfriend?” Adrianne smiled and said, “Yes, but we can’t tell anyone until I graduate.” “OK, well you should get some sleep you have to go to your regular classes tomorrow.” “Can I stay here and spend the night with you?” “Well, I have to walk the hallways and corridors but you can stay here for the night.” “Alright well, I’m going to go to sleep here and when you come back you can wake me up if you want.” They kissed goodnight and Snape left as Adrianne curled up under the blankets and fell asleep.