The Untold Story of Adrianne Flamer

The Secret Begins

The Secret Begins
Chapter 8

Adrianne wakes up from a knock on the door. She sits straight up in Snape’s bed and stares at the door. She hears a voice; “Severus….Severus are you in there?” Adrianne sits in bed remaining silent and then hears whomever it was walking away from the door. She lies back down in bed and then sees a portrait on the wall staring at her. Then the portrait says, “Don’t worry your secret’s safe with me.” Adrianne just smiled at the portrait and rolled over.

Adrianne feels someone crawling into bed next to her really softly and puts their arm around her. She opens her eyes to gaze into Snape’s deep black eyes looking at her. Adrianne smiles and leans in to kiss him. They lock lips gently and then she grabs Snape’s head and pushes it closer to her’s. They start to kiss very rough and then she slips her tongue in his mouth and she crawls on top of him. Snape pulls his mouth away from her to say, “Baby, you need to get ready for class. It’s almost time for breakfast.” Adrianne looks at him and says, “Alright, but can I come back here tonight?” Snape looks at her and says, “Of course sexy.” Adrianne gets out of bed and puts the cloak on to sneak back to the Gryffendore commonroom.

She slips in and up to her room without anyone noticing. Adrianne gets dressed and looks at Hermione who is still asleep. “Hermione…Hermione, come on wake up.” Hermione moves and then opens her eyes. “Where have you been all night?” Adrianne just looks at Hermione and says, “What do you mean? I thought I told you I had more work to do with Snape?” Hermione looks at Adrianne and just says, “No, you never told me, but ok, how’d it go?” Adrianne shakes her head and says, “I told you I can’t talk about my classes with Snape.” Hermione says, “Oh yeah sorry, well lets go to breakfast.” They head to get some breakfast and meet up with Ron and Harry. Harry looks at Adrianne and says, “Can I talk to you for a minute please?” Adrianne looks at Harry and says, “Sure.”

Harry and Adrianne walk away from Ron and Hermione. Harry looks at Adrianne and says, “Adrianne, I have a problem. I am in love with a girl but I can’t date her. Before you even ask it’s Ron’s sister Ginny and I can’t date my best friend’s sister. Plus, she’s dating Neville.” Adrianne looks at him and says; “I would just ask Ron for permission and from what I hear Ginny is thinking of breaking up with Neville because he seems to be interested in Luna Lovegood. Give it a chance because you won’t know unless you try.” Harry nodded and they head into the great hall to have breakfast with everyone. When they sit down Harry looks and see that Ginny and Neville are talking very seriously and then they both nod and Neville moves to sit next to Luna Lovegood. Harry asks Ron if he can date Ginny and Ron consents to it as long as she agrees. Harry goes and sits next to Ginny. Adrianne sees Ginny blush and smile and then Harry kisses her on the cheek.

Adrianne looks up to where the teachers are and notices that three people are missing. Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Professor Dumbledore are all missing. Then she sees them all walk in but Professor McGonagall looks extremely upset when she walks in. Professor Dumbledore stands at his podium to make an announcement and everyone quiets down. Dumbledore starts speaking, “I want to let you all know that mine and Professor McGonagall’s wedding is off. It is time for you all to know that I am not interested in women. I am gay. I know that this will not change your opinion of me and I hope that Professor McGonagall will find love with someone who can love her back.” Dumbledore sits down at his chair and food appears out of nowhere as it always does. Everyone is chatting about what they were just told. Everyone except for Adrianne who was staring at Snape and he was staring back at her.

Breakfast ended and everyone gets up and goes to their classes. Adrianne starts to leave when she gets pulled aside by Raven. Adrianne looks at her and says, “Raven what’s going on?” Raven looks into Adrianne’s eyes and says, “Legilimens.” Raven dives into Adrianne’s mind and sees exactly what she’s looking for. After it was over Adrianne says, “What just happened?” Raven looks at her and says quickly, “I dove into your mind to see if you have feelings for Draco. I see you are not interested in Draco and that you are interested in another whom I will not mention because no one else is to know. I will keep it a secret for you.” Adrianne nodded and then Raven walked away from her.

Adrianne goes to all of her classes and is on her way to potions. She walks into potions and looks at Snape and smiles. He smiles at her and then says, “Everyone take out your homework.” Everyone does except for Adrianne because she forgot completely about the homework and he says, “Accio homework” and collects all of the homework. Snape then looks up and says, “Miss Flamer, where is your homework?” Adrianne doesn’t answer and he says, “Everybody turn to page 856 and do the questions. Miss Flamer come into the hallway with me.” Adrianne stands up and walks into the hallway. Snape looks to make sure everyone is doing their work and then slips out to where Adrianne is and shuts the door behind him. Snape turns and looks into Adrianne’s eyes and asks, “Are you ok? I saw Raven do Legilimens on you. So she knows about us. She’s my best student she would never say anything.” Adrianne looked up and down the hallway while Snape was babbling on and saw that no one was around and jumped on him. She pressed her lips roughly against his to get him to shut up. They kissed passionately and then broke and went into the classroom. Adrianne sat down and got to work.

After class they all went to supper and then Adrianne went to the commonroom. Adrianne, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George were all sitting in the commonroom when the portrait hole opened. It was really late so they were wondering who it could be. It was Severus Snape; he entered and looked at them. He then said, “Adrianne, we have some classes to do tonight. Come along.” Adrianne stood up and left with him. They went out of the castle and were walking along the grass. Snape grabbed her hand and said, “Come on, let’s act like a couple.” Adrianne smiled and they walked into the forbidden forest.
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here's chapter 8...sorry if it's kinda boring