The Untold Story of Adrianne Flamer

The Duel

The Duel
Chapter 9

While entering the forest Adrianne looks around and hears all the noises. She pulls Snape closer to her and holds his arm tight. He smiles at her and says, “You have nothing to be worried about. I won’t let anything hurt you.” Adrianne looks at him and smiles back as he leans down to kiss her gently on the lips. They keep walking and then reach an open area. Snape lets go off Adrianne’s hand and she lets go of his arm and asks, “What are we going to do?” Snape looks at her and says, “Duel. I want you to use everything you’ve learned on me. Then I’m going to try to attack you and I want you to stop it.” Adrianne looks at Snape and says in a low tone, “You won’t hurt me right?” Snape smiles and shakes his head no.

Snape walks across to the other side of the clearing and turns to Adrianne. Then says, “Attack me.” Adrianne nods, takes out her wand, and points it at Snape and says, “Stupefy.” Snape raises his wand silently and waves it and stops the spell without saying a word. Adrianne looks at him and asks, “How did you stop it without saying anything?” Snape smiles and says, “You’ll learn that eventually.” Adrianne smiles and says, “Immobulus.” Snape once again smiles and waves his wand and stops the spell without speaking. Snape then says, “I’ll let the next one hit me.” Adrianne says, “OK. Expelliarmus,” Snape’s wand flies out of his hand and lands next to a stump. Snape smiles and says, “Why didn’t you do something to harm me?” Adrianne smiles at him and says, “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

They both smile at each other and Snape says, “Alright well let me try to attack you and then we can head in to bed.” Adrianne smiles and nods. Snape walks over to the stump and picks up his wand. He turns and asks, “Are you ready?” Adrianne nods and holds up her wand. Snape raises his wand and says, “Stupefy.” Adrianne quickly says, “Ennervate” and the spell was stopped. Snape smiled and said, “Good job; alright lets head inside.”

Adrianne smiles and run into Snape’s arms. They stand there for what seemed like forever until Snape notices a huge figure walking towards them. Snape throws Adrianne behind him and she fell down. He pulls out his wand really fast and points it towards the figure. The figure throws their arms up and says, “Hey, don’t attack it’s me Hagrid. I heard dueling and came to investigate.” Snape put his wand away and ran to help Adrianne get up. Snape looks at Adrianne and says, “Baby, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to knock you over I just didn’t want anything to hurt you.” Adrianne smiles and says, “It’s fine baby. Don’t worry, I still love you.” Snape got Adrianne to her feet and Hagrid looks at them.

Hagrid asks, “Severus, are you two together? Do you realize that it’s illegal for a teacher to date a student? You can get in a lot of trouble for this.” Severus looks at Hagrid and says, “I can’t help who I fall in love with. Hagrid you can’t say anything about this. I don’t want to get Adrianne in any trouble and I’m the only one that can teach her what she needs to know to survive. I love her please don’t make it so we are separated.” Hagrid looks at Adrianne and asks, “Is this what you want Adrianne? Is he the one that makes you happy?” Adrianne looks at the giant Hagrid and nods saying, “Yes, this is exactly what I want. He is perfect for me.” Hagrid looks at both of them and says, “Alright I won’t say anything but you both need to be careful and neither one of you better hurt the other.” They both nodded and started heading inside.
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Sorry it's short