When Will The Tide Turn

Layla Is Broken

"And if today were a cello, it would play softly. Terribly out of tune and covered in dusty cobwebs, no one wishes to use it to make music but they will because life must go on. No matter how much you wish to abandon it for what was thrown in your face the day before life must go on. Life must live on, no matter how badly you pray it will come to an abrupt end, life must go on," Layla finished reading her English paper to result in a spine chilling silence. She hates the lack of applause that is presented after she poured out her heart and soul into the fibers of smudgy, ashes, thin lined manuscript.

Everyone else had gotten vigorous claps, but because Layla's composition had not been shallow she suffered though the dead, unappreciative silence. "Wow, just......Wow Layla. Um, very good sweetie," that was all her much-loved English teacher had to verbalize. So Layla,crestfallen, simply sat down.

The day dragged on slowly, it was quite painstaking. Then again Layla was definitely not exactly"eager" to return to her "home". When she thought about arriving back to her house she got an appalling heavy suffocating illusion in her rib cage, crushing her lungs. To get her through the remainder of the school hours Layla called in favor of Pardon,Seth, and Adrian. They were her friends, they always were knowledgeable of what it was that she needed to be spoken or put into actions.

They exist to serve and protect her, to protect her from the harm of what the world enjoys to unleash upon one another. They exist in her head, and her head only. When she asked for them, in her mind, the came. Pardon crated a barrier between Layla and her surroundings, so no more unwelcome harm came to her. Seth kept her light-hearted and energetic by jumping around in pure, Innocent ,childish, glee. Last but certainly not least Seth held her, for those moments when she was positive she was going to break down and cry, he embraced her and promised everything was going to be okay.

Layla had been in an unfavorable dispute that morning with her own mother. It ended with Layla's mother screaming, '"I am so sick of hearing your stubborn sarcasm, you are a hollow witch and you will never succeed in life. I hate you, there is no way you are my daughter. I would never be responsible for such a mentally disturbed, selfish, freak."'

Layla had no choice but to come "home" to that this afternoon, and she was a bit less than willing to walk into such a death trap, but again there was no second option or plan B. The situation was so tormenting that Layla refused to even think about it. Every time a stray thought related to what happened with her mother that morning wandered into her awareness Layla would snap the rubber-band on her wrist right on the faint pattern of her veins.

Layla's self-inflicted pain was needed as a distraction. When she did not desire to think about the overwhelming saddening emotion then she would hurt herself, the rubber-band was the most convenient. Layla had many other methods of self-harm though, most of which she didn't even realize were considered self-destruction. Anyways the point is that pain is such a mind consuming sensation that it cures every unwanted emotional thought. Pain was Layla's way of escaping a confrontation with her predicaments.Of course only up until she accidentally fell asleep. Dreaming was one of Layla's greatest weaknesses.