When Will The Tide Turn

Sibling Rivalry

'She screams to the sound of her own heart beating. She laughs to the taste of her own throat bleeding. She stays silent to the sights of her own soul dieing. And she cries, "I hate when in my dreams everything around me disappears; leaving me completely alone in my nightmares. But when I am empty is when I feel the most beautiful.'

Layla, oh yes how she wanted to cry. She had Pardon, Seth, and Adrian all there comforting her. She sat a few streets down from her house. Layla liked this street because it was completely abandoned for the most part. Layla did not believed that her father even realized that she had left the house three hours ago. "How did this happen," she wondered. Layla wanted to know when her family had become a group of faceless, masked, enemies. She felt as if she were laying her life in the hands of a bunch of untrustworthy strangers.

It sickened Layla to see the cute little neighborhood girls holding her parents hands and giggling as they both swung her every few feet. Layla wanted to have a mended family, yet instead she was sure that she was best off wandering the streets of her small town throughout the night. Layla had arrived to her house to find her sister PMSing. This hormonal imbalance of course led to her (Mary) and Layla fighting. The back and forth yelling and screaming triggered a psychological meltdown in Layla so she wound up screaming over Mary's harsh while clamping her hands over her ears.

This caused Mary to then punch Layla hard enough on the back to cause her to sprawl out on the floor gasping for the air that had departed from her on impact. While Layla was trying to regain her breath Mary took advantage of her handicap and repeatedly kicked her in the ribs. The commotion annoyed the father of the household, who was up in his bedroom trying to nap off a head ache again, so he yelled down to cut the damn shit or else he was going to come down and end it himself. That was when Layla used all of her strength to get up and run out the front door clutching her sides in pure agonizing pain.

So now Layla found herself sitting on the street corner, half hidden by wooded area, and mumbling the lyrics to My Immortal by Evanescence through painfully chapped and slowly bleeding lips. Her iPod playing full blast, Layla found herself silently rocking back in forth simultaneously trying to calm the sharp choking gasps that ached her bruised ribs along with other varies freshly formed wounds. Layla was just as bothered by the fact that she was so severely beaten by her own sister as that her father not only neglected to put a stop to the bullying but he threatened to hurt her even further by ending her cries of help with more violence.

Pardon was sitting in front of Layla making sure that no unwanted visitors came to hurt Layla in this vulnerable state. Adrian had Layla on his lap and was trying to calmly talk Layla back into "reality" with him. Seth was placed to Layla's immediate left, and was rubbing her back patiently waiting for Layla to be ready to clear the haze in her mind and put everything into clarity. Little did any of them know, Layla was stubbornly refusing to come out of the hypnotic trance she was currently consumed in. Layla finally understood why irresponsible adults drank alcoholic beverages when presented with difficult situations. They blurred your mind so you could not fully comprehend the seriousness of the mind touring problem.

Layla's pocket began to vibrate, it was Meridith calling her, so Layla didn't pick up. Once when Layla had complained about her sister Meridith said to stop trying to convince her that her sister was abusive and that her older brother was much worse. Meridith continued to vent about how her older brother whacked her all the time. Layla had seen Meridith's brother hit her before and it seemed much more of a joke kind of push. Layla learned something that day, she was not allowed to talk about her problems because Meridith's outweighed hers even if Layla didn't think so.

'And she cries, "I hate when in my dreams everything around me disappears; leaving me completely alone in my nightmares. But when I am empty is when I feel the most beautiful." She is invisible in a herd of strangers. She is not deciphered from the crowd, because she is afraid to speak her mind out loud. Cowering in solitary, she sees scenarios that are imaginary.'