When Will The Tide Turn

Layla Is Tired

Layla was in such a daze that she couldn't remember who she was for a moment. When her alarm clock went off she got up, with a heart attack from the loudness of Don't Trust Me by 3OH or something playing. That is when she remembered that she needed to change the radio station. She did not want to get up and go to school, but she knew mentioning it to her parents meant a possible confrontation. So Layla chose to just suck it up and went to school.

The whole day went by in a blur, but the whole time Pardon, Seth, and Adrian were there to guide and keep her from passing out in the middle of the hallway. Some time in the day Layla managed to write, 'I can not even describe, because my throat tightened letting no are inside. The head aches make me want to scream. Feels like a dull scalpel digging at my skull, please tell me this is a dream. I cry, burning tears coming from blood-shot eyes. Intensifying the dark shadows cast across my face, I look towards the sky. And there you are, watching over me. Finally opening my eyes to all the beautiful thing to see.'

Layla thought that she was not going to be able to survive the day, but as she sat back in her seat on the school bus about to head home, she had Pardon, Seth, and Adrian to thank. They really pulled through for her that day, holding her hands the whole day and repelling any unwanted guests. So now all that was left to do was to try and get rid of her massive head ache. Nothing some good music and outside sound blocking ear buds couldn't take care of.

By the that the bus had arrived at Layla's bus stop, she was in complete control again and much less vulnerable to her surroundings. Then to make things even better, it started to rain. Layla loved the rain, she even had a fantasy about rain being a real person. The rain was Rayne and when he came it was specifically for her. He loved her and only her, plus he would arrive anytime she needed him. So Layla felt twice as lucky when she saw that her parents had forgotten about her and she got to walk up three hills in the rain. That meant more quality time with Rayne.

When Layla eventually stepped foot onto her street the rain ended right on cue, but that was okay because she knew he would come again soon. Pardon, Seth and Adrain had patiently been waiting for Rayne to leave, they respected the time Layla and Rayne needed to spend together. They all liked Rayne, they knew that Rayne would never hurt Layla. So when Rayne was gone they stepped up and took Layla's now free hands, before they were both being held in Rayne's comforting protective grip.

Layla did not want to deal with her family at all that night, so she slipped down stairs into her bedroom and skipped dinner that night, not that anyone noticed. Just as Layla predicted, she could not go sleepless forever. That night she fell asleep no later than ten-o-clock. Layla's nightmare began almost as suddenly as she fell asleep.

'With every passing day, my distance from you grows farther away. Like a never ending dirt road, that was abandoned long ago. So I will run, just as fast as I can.With every step kick up old dusky memories that I buried in sand. Even when it pours, I will not retreat indoors. Instead you can find me looking farther away, to erase every word I had the nerve to say. Rip me from my roots, like an unwanted weed. Stick me in the corner, to watch as I rot away without a single mourner. I am tired of screaming, can not bare this anymore. Living as a burned out coal, useless.'