A Different Kind a Weasley

We have all heard of extra Weasley stories, but I have never seen and Ron and Twin story. I've seen ones with them like twims, but not actually. So Here I go!

"Ronald, Randaylnn Come inside you two...I have Pie!" Mom yelled. We ran inside and sat down at the table. We dug into the cherry pie she made us. When we finished we went back outside.

"Ran, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know Ronnie. How about we play magic school?"

"Sure! I want to be headmaster!"

"You're always Headmaster. Let;s have a headmisstress."

"Fine. Ginny!!!" Ginerva Weasley came running out.

"Yeah Ron?"

"You want to play magic school?"


"Okay Ginny is Headmisstress." Ran was angry. She was never in charge. She growled and Ron flew up in the air about a foot.

"HELPPPPP." Mrs. Weasley came running out. Randalynn calmed down and Ron fell with a thud.

9 year old Randalynn discovered her magic that sunny afternoon