Two Worlds Collide

Chapter Five

Kaity's POV
"Guys I think we should set up Lexi and David", I said, "Let's invite him over, yeah?"

"That sounds like a good idea. Text him", Adam replied.

Ooooo this will be fun...She'll thank me for this one day

I looked around and saw Lex wasn't near and whipped out my iPhone.

I typed: Hey David! :) Wanna come hang out at Adam's with us?

Moments later my phone buzzed: Oh hey Kait, sure I'll be there soon :)

"Perfection",I said to no one in particular.

"What's perfection?"

"Oh gosh, you scared me and I was uh, just talking to myself.",I said smiling innocently at her.

"Kevin! You're girl is crazy! She's talking to herself."

"I am aware of this",Kevin yelled back.

I pouted,"Hey! I'm mad at you now."

"Aw, babe you can't be mad at me",He said clearly worried I was really mad.

"Oh, yes I can",I said turning away from him.

"Ouch she won't even look at you dude, time to suck up to her cause from what I've seen you guys aren't even official yet",Jason said.

"Kaity, are you really mad?",He said pouting.

"Oh fine I'm not mad.",I said smiling.

He came and sat next to me on my chaise, and whispered in my ear,"We'll talk about the official thing later."

"Ok",I replied quietly.

Just then, my phone buzzed and a text from David saying he was here appeared.

"Um, Why don't we all go into the family room? I'm cold", I said.

As everyone filed in i scurried towards the door,"Hey David",I said giving him a hug which he returned with a 'Hey'.

I brought him into the family room where Adam and Kris winked at me.

"Kaitlyn; a word please",Lex said pushing past me towards the living room.

"Can I refuse?",I said trying to lighten the mood.

"KAITLYN ASHLEY! NOW",she screamed.


"I'll be right back",I said to everyone.

"Why did you bring him here? What were you thinking? Are All my friends idiots? What did you think was going to happen? That by bringing him here would make me like him? Well, news flash! It's not! You know how I feel when I'm around him and you want to do that to me when it's unnecessary? Sometimes you just ugh! YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT SOMETIMES! Oh my god just ugh!"

I felt my eyes water and I just went into the family room and grabbed my bag.

"Sorry I couldn't stay David, I'll talk to you guys later",I said tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"What happened?",Kevin asked concerned.

"Nothing, don't worry about it",my voice cracking.

And with that I walked out the door.

David's Point of View

"Why did you bring him here? What were you thinking? Are All my friends idiots? What did you think was going to happen? That by bringing him here would make me like him? Well, news flash! It's not! You know how I feel when I'm around him and you want to do that to me when it's unnecessary? Sometimes you just ugh! YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT SOMETIMES! Oh my god just ugh!", I heard Alexis scream at Kaity. What Lex didn't know was that we could see and hear everything.

I saw Kevin about to stand up but Des and Kim stopped him mumbling about 'let Lex get it all out'.

Kait came into the room her eyes watering and turned to us and said,"Sorry I couldn't stay David, I'll talk to you guys later."

Kevin asked what happened but he obviously knew.

She said don't worry about it and walked out the door.

How could Alexis do that? I want to say it's cruel. She was ruthless...

Alexis' POV

AHH! Kaitlyn is just so stupid sometimes! She thinks life will just work out. She just needs to grow up out of her fantasy land and just learn life isn't easy! I will admit it did hurt to see her cry; she just looks so innocent and wait! What am I saying? She doesn't think.

I walked into the family room and everyone just stared at me. Kevin glared and walked right past me out the door.

Great...everyone hates me now...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I haven't updated in four has been hectic and I changed some character names for personal reasons and such. Sorry about all that. Do you forgive me? *puppy dog pout* Another update soon :D