Into My Web


Your cleared to go home" The doctor flashed a smile full of pearly white teeth and dropped the clipboard into the end of the bed. "Please come find me on your way out. Just a clearance procedure"

I nodded, gripping the sheet between trembling fingers. The quicker im out of this place, the less likely I'll be the fool for the next sorry sod i believe. Awkwardly unlooping the bows to untie my hospital gown, i practically jumped into my close, slipping on my shoes and dashing out the curtains sectioning the room off from the corridor.

Seeking the doctor was harder than i thought.

I'd been in the hospital for 24 hours, going on 24 days, and i hadnt heard from Oliver since i asked him to leave. Lying my run in the family or something. Of course, I had asked nicely, scoffing out some lie about needing to sleep.

Hadn't seen him since.

Hadn't really heard from anyone. Strange as it was, i took it as a blessing. For if anyone had come, these next few days were going to be hard to get away with.

As planned, I had notified my mother to plan a couple days with her, to get away from this mess she'd created. But the 'couple days' might have been an understatement. To make things smooth over, my mind and my body had come to the conclusion that i needed to escape Oliver Sykes, break all contact and disappear.

She was pleased to see me. Climbing and jumping the walls to get to the door. Dont get me started on the dog....

The house was in a state of disarray. Clothes, books newspapers.... and dog biscuits?
I sighed and shook my head, taking my first step through the door in what felt like ages.

"Hows Oliver? He treating you well? i bet he is? he was a good choice. he-"

"Mother! Let me sit down please?"

She nodded, hurried racing into the lounge room, placing bum on seat before i had time to move.

"I see you havent cleaned it a while..." i raised an eyebrow at the discarded clothes spread throughout the house. Dirty dishes covered the coffee table. I took a seat opposite the table, having a clear view of the front door. Leaving the hospital and the town within the same day had me on the edge of my seat.

It wouldnt take Oliver long to realise I wasnt at the hospital.... or at home.

"Honey, you alright?"

Startled, I turned back to my mother, giving her a reassuring smile. "Im fine."

"Then tell me all about Oliver?"

I sighed, slumping back into the chair. "Mother, it cant wai-"

"Its not working out is it? Tell me about it dear!"

"Its not that its not working, when we try to work it out things.... and people, get in the way. He tells me one thing, but lies the next. His mother is no better. What am i supposed to do?" i sobbed, placing my hands in my lap. A gesture of giving up hope, until PJ placed her head in my lap, dark droopy eyes gazing up.

"Hey you, I've missed you sooooo much" I roughly patted her head, taking it within my hands.

"So the weddings off?"

"The wedding was off before it even existed" I laughed, dog hair floating around the room. Suddenly, the left side pocket moved. Glancing down at my jeans, i pried on hand into the pocket, onto to have my hand pull out my mobile phone.


I sighed, silencing the phone and placing it onto the lounge seat next to me.

"You didnt tell him where you were going, did you?"

My mother knew things before I even knew of them. It was a talent i wish she didnt have. I nodded, flashing her a smile. A smile that said please dont say anything or take it into your own hands. Please!

"You think running from him will change anything?"

See, I told you! she knows things before anyone else. I swear she can read minds.

"Im not running away, just taking a permanent break from Oliver." I raised one eyebrow. "Okay, so maybe I am running. No biggie."

"No biggie? That boy will probably chase you to the end of the earth to find you! the least you could do was tell him!!"

"If I told him, he'd be here before i even rocked up, to take me home! Mother, dont you get it! im sick of being treated like shit. In front of his mates, in front of his brother! even his mother is treating me like a puppet! i cant take it anymore! i needed to get away." i took a deep breath. Arguing with my mother took everything out of me.

And i thought arguing with Oliver was bad.

"So how long can i expect you to stick around?"

I smiled. "Long enough to get your life and this house back into the swing of things!" I laughed, my mother's meek laugh joining in afterwards.

"Ive missed you love."

"Shall we start on the kitchen?"

"She wont pick up meh calls!" Oliver exclaimed, turning on his heel, throwing the phone onto his bed. "Wher' tha hell 's she?"

"She coul'nt 'ave gon' far', lov'." Carol patted his shoulder, taking her leave as soon as possible.

Oliver's phone soon lit up the room, dancing and screaming on his bed cover.


Hesitantly he picked up the phone.


"Oli, wher' ya at?"

"'Ome. Wha' yeh want?"

"Tryna get 'hold of Am. Yeh he'rd from 'er yet?"

"Wait, yeh 'avent he'rd from 'er either? Shit!"

"Wat!?" Curtis cursed down the line.

"Nah, startin' ta get worri'd" Oliver sat down on his bed, head in the spare hand. "When yeh 'ear from 'er, can yeh call meh ASAP?"

"Sure, yeh al'ight Oli? Yeh soun' messeh!"

"I'll feel betteh when i kno' she's al'ight. " Oliver spoke loudly, displeased with Curtis picking up on his worried vibe. He'd made the same mistake with Amaya, letting her know how he felt.

And maybe that was what pushed her away for the final time.

Would he be able to get her back now?

"Yeh don' think she's jump'd ship?

"I fuck'n hope not." And with that Oliver hung up on his mate, throwing the phone back onto the bed cover, head buried into his hands. Tears burned the back of his eyes, the stinging sensation a clear warning that the feelings were more than just lust for this stranger. Letting Curtis know what he felt was a mistake. Choking back a sob, he lifted his head glaring at the darkly coloured walls of his bedroom. He smiled to himself and glanced down at the bed sheets, her familiar musk still entwined in his sheets, her body imprinted into the bed shape.

The many nights she'd slept there couldnt match the one night he'd spend with her in his arms.

The happiest he'd been.

He'd made the mistake of not letting her know that.

And how he'd give anything to have her back. To share than night over and over again. The feel of her skin against his, her crystal eyes begging at his. Her nails along his skin.

Yes, he'd move heaven and earth for her, to have her back in his arms.

How empty they were without her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gosh, Two Years.... Wow, where does time go?

Well, Im back now, and ready to finish these stories, One Chapter at a time. hahaha

BTW, drop me a line!
