Mulisha Maiden

Whoa. Wha?!

I am one of the happiest people right now. I have Jeremy Stenberg, Katrina Stenberg, Colin Morrison, Johnny Richter, Dustin Miller, Brad Xavier, Pakelika, Lou Dog, Bobby B, and Taxman in my house. Who would’ve know that would happen man?

Anyway, we were all just talking and having fun when I remembered I needed a shirt.

“Hey guys, I’mma go to my room and get a shirt. I don’t think Katrina needs to see me without a shirt. So I’ll be right back.”

I got a chorus of boo’s and awh’s. It was pretty funny. I got into my and now Monica’s room and she was still sleeping like a baby. I decided to wake her and bring her down.

“Hey Mon, do you want to come down and meet KMK? Cause them, Jeremy and Colin are here.”

“Yeah. Let me get dressed tho.” She replied as she got out of bed.

“What if I don’t want you dressed?” I said with a smirk.

“Well too bad. Come here baby.”

“Okay. What did you want?” I asked as she attacked my mouth with hers. We stood there in a passion filled kiss as I kneaded her ass cheeks.

I pulled away from her panting. “Okay baby, we need to go down there before someone such as Jeremy and/or Colin hurt themselves or each other.”


We walked downstairs holding hands and she sat on the couch and pulled me down on her lap. Everyone seemed to be looking at us.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing. You guys just look hot together.” Dustin said with a smirk.

“Gee thanx.” Katrina then came over to me and sat on my lap. I know I had a smile on my face. I’ve always wanted a kid. And now I guess I do.

“Hey Katrina. What’s up?”

“Nothing really. Just listening to daddy and his friends talk about pot and sex.”

“Seriously guys? What’s wrong with you? She’s like 5.”

“That is true babe, but I wasn’t talking about it cause I was talking to Katrina. Not them losers.”

“Nice Jeremy. It’s like 10 guys. Are you camping out in my living room or are you going back to the hotel?”

“I think we’ll get comfy here in your living room. And Jeremy could get comfy in your bed with you and Monica.”

“Haha. Do you Jeremy?”

“If it’s okay with your sexy girl over there.”

“Monica? Is that okay with you?”

“Yeah I guess but no sex unless it’s you and me baby.”

“Haha okay baby.”

“So I’ll get you guys pillows and blankets. And Colin, please don’t break anything.”

“Why are you saying this to just me?! I’m not the only one who does that shit!”

“I know but you’re the worst especially if you’re with Jeremy.”

“Okay so we are. What’s it to you?”

“I don’t want anything broken or anyone beheaded or hurt.”

“Okay. Fine with me.”

“Good. Come on Monica and Jeremy. Katrina you can come too.” I said with a smile.

“Okay Maggie.” She’s so adorable!

I found about everything I could and found like six pillows and seven or so blankets. I didn’t even know I had all this shit. Jeremy and Monica helped me carry stuff down to the guys. I saw Colin on one couch, Taxman on the other, and Pakelika in my recliner. To say the least, he’s a bit big for it. Colin, Pak, Taxman, Lou, Brad and Bobby all ended up with pillows and blankets and Johnny ended up with a blanket. Dustin looked slightly sad because he didn’t get anything. I walked over to him and gave him a hug and whispered in his ear that he could sleep on the couch with Colin. He looked at me funny and I just laughed and told him to do it. It’s not like they’ll be naked or anything.

“Come on Dustin it’s not all that bad! I mean I sleep with other girls all the time so what’s wrong with sleeping on the couch with another guy. Or would you rather be with Taxman? Just sleep somewhere so you can have a blanket at least!”

“Okay, okay. Jeez mom. I’ll do it just to make you happy.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

After that little conversation Jeremy, Monica, Katrina and I all headed up to my bed which was a California king. I got in the bed and Jeremy got in front of me after he set Katrina down between us and Monica got in behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist as Jeremy and Katrina hugged me from in front. This is the safest I’ve ever felt in a long time since Tony. That was a sad day.

I woke up a few hours later and everyone was off me except Katrina which she ended up with her head on my chest. She’s so adorable when she sleeps. Then I noticed I was hungry and I had to take a piss. I got out of bed as quietly as I could and made it quietly to the bathroom. After I was done in there I moved quietly down to the kitchen and noticed it was about 1 in the morning. I grabbed some chocolate and headed back to the stairs when I heard a moan from the middle of the living room. I looked down and I saw Dustin and Johnny, lip locked? What the hell. And they were missing their shirts too. What is going on? Are they even awake? I walked over there quietly and kind of cleared my throat and they looked up at me still with their lips on each other’s.

“What are you doing?” I whispered.

“Um. Making out?” Whispered Dustin.

“Okay then. I didn’t think you guys would be even the slightest bit gay. But I don’t mind it.”

“Would you guys shut the fuck up?” I heard a sleepy voice ask most likely Pakelika.

“Sorry. I’ll go back to bed now. And I want to talk to you guys alone tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Said Johnny sheepishly. He looked so cute in Dustin’s arms.

“Good night boys.” I whispered.

“Night.” I heard from Johnny and Dustin at the same time. Then they got cozy again and I went up the stairs and back in bed with Monica, Jeremy and Katrina. Wow. This is weird.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love adding twists. Haha.
Please comment if you read.
Much Mulisha love, Maggie <3