Poor Thing

The Devil

She glided into the car, floating on air. She wonldn't stop staring at my eyes and for a second I found myself lost in her blonde hair. I was lost in her ice blue eyes and her pink lips. For a second I couldn't help but sit and drool all over myself, as if I had nothing better to do. Then she parted her lips and spoke,

"Am I in the wrong car?"

I just kept staring, I didn't fully comprehend the entirety of her question so I just didn't answer at all. Then her hands leaped for the door handle and I reached for the lock.

"What are you doing? Why am I in this car?"

"Do you know who you are?"

She looked puzzled and said with confidence,

"I'm Sophia Trukett."

"No, I mean, do you know what you are."

"Human...like you. Like every other person on this planet."

I started to laugh, human! She didn't know what she was! Then I slightly trailed off...

"You don't know what you are."

"Didn't I just tell you! I'm like you! No let me out of this car. I'm not stupid!"

"You are the opposite of me, and I know what you are but you don't."

I looked up,

"God, this is your soul angel and she doesn't know it! Old man! What's happening to you!"

Then all the sudden I saw a flock of bird come and drop their crap all over my windows. Covered, you couldn't even see outside.

"Will you please let me out of this car, if you do I won't tell anyone that you tried to kidnap me."

Kidnap her! Wow.

"Thanks God! Now I have to spend lousy human money I don't have to get a car wash."

"What if I give you money to get a car wash! Will you let me out then."


"Why? I think I am being polite. Just let me go."

"Why would I let you go when I have caught the Soul Angel! That's my mission. Can't you tell, your not in here because your beautiful. If I were that type of person I would be all over you already. Now lets get moving, I bet sitting here is a suspicious."

I started the engine and she didn't speak a word until we reached our destination.
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I can't write another chapter until another week because I'll be on vacation. Sorry!