Sequel: All We Speak Are Lies
Status: Complete :)

Lie Like You Mean It

Tell Them That I Realize

For the next few days, I was still in a little bit of shock because I had… moaned when he kissed my neck. No, he hadn’t bit it, nor tried to give me a hickey, it was only a light peck. That was incredibly embarrassing. Especially because I shouldn’t have ever admitted to liking it especially not in such a way as moaning.

Maybe it was because I hadn’t kissed anyone before. I mean, I’d always expected that my first kiss would be with a girl. Not a guy with personality issues who was incredibly nice one minute and the next he was a complete dick. Then he would have extreme bouts of shyness and uncertainty when it seemed like he would be the dominant one. But the only time he ever was shy was when he was with me.
Everyone else was treated with a coldness and stood up to with an arrogant, conceited person that was Zero.

But what about me? I realized only a few days ago that I had a dominant side to me.
I was jolted out of my thoughts by the sounds of a car pulling up in the driveway. I glanced over at Zero, who was perked up as if he’d heard it too. I looked out the window that was perched just above my bed and down at the red car that had parked itself in the driveway.
The familiar blonde hair of Mina made its way to the car. The boy inside stepped out and Mina threw herself onto him. He, of course, caught her bridal-style and proceeded to kiss all over her face. But in a cute kind of way, not a desperate way.

To be blunt, he was pretty rugged looking. Quite a bit of stubble on his cheeks and long, shaggy brown hair. He had a radiant smile as he stared down at Mina and then he rested his forehead on hers. I could see his mouth moving as words came out. She giggled quite a bit at it.

Zero planted himself next to me at the window. “Will we ever be as open as that?”

“No way in hell.” I mumbled, as I turned to him. “Not after you left that bite mark on me.” From that time he bit me, it left a mark. But luckily I was able to wear a scarf around the house, saying it was too cold. And my parents believed me due to my hypersensitivity to it. Not that it wouldn’t have been easy to conceal with just a shirt; but I didn’t want to take any chances with my parents seeing it. Although, it wasn’t that big or dark, I was sure my parents would still see it. At least it would fade faster.

“But I apologized for it! And I haven’t brought up you moa-” He cut himself off at that, knowing it was a taboo topic for me. It was embarrassing too.

“One more word Zero…” I trailed off, leaving him to think whatever he wanted about the threat. He smiled at me slightly as he rested his head in his palm.

It was uncanny how much he’d changed since the first day I’d met him. Well, his attitude towards me anyways. He was almost always nice to me now. But to everyone else, he was hate-filled and gave them a look that said ‘fuck off’.

Then our door slammed open. “Z-Bear!” The boy from the driveway yelled and threw himself across the floor to wrap Zero into a huge hug. Lucky for Zero, he didn’t hug back.

Then the boy I assumed to be Michael looked at me. Then he grinned. “You were right Mina! He is a cutie!” He said and then threw his tattooed arms around me.

“Don’t touch him.” Zero growled pulling Michael off of me. Perhaps it was his way of ‘marking his territory’. Figuratively speaking of course. There’s no way I’d ever call myself a piece of property or territory.

But then I was afraid of Zero exposing us. “Aren’t they just the cutest!?” Mina squealed.

“Oh, Jesus…” Zero muttered, running a hand through his black locks in exasperation. “I don’t think I’ll be able to bear being in the same room as both of you at the same time.”

“Unless they’re sleeping?” I asked, looking at Zero. He laughed and nodded.

“Unless they’re sleeping.” He repeated, agreeing to what I had said.

“What if they talk in their sleep?” I questioned.

“Then we’re in fucking trouble.” Zero groaned dramatically.

“You’re right! They are fucking adorable together!” Michael shrieked. I shot a death glare at Mina. She told him.

“I’m sorry Nickybear!” She apologized. “C’mon, he’s my boyfriend, I had to tell him my brother got a boyfriend.”

“No you didn’t Mina.” Zero stated coldly. “You know how Nicolas is about this whole thing.”

“Yeah but-”

“It’s fine as long as he doesn’t mention anything to my parents.” I stepped in, not wanting a fight to break out in my room.

I heard Zero sigh defeatedly from next to me. “As long as Nicolas is okay with it.”

“Gyah! You two are fucking adorable!” Michael squealed just like Mina did. “Don’t worry Nickybear, your secret’s safe with me.” Zero was right, he was a hundred times worse than Mina was; he even adopted my much-hated nickname from her.

“You had better keep your fucking mouth shut.” Zero threatened. “And don’t call him ‘Nickybear’-” he spat the nickname. “He hates it.”

“But. It’s. So. Cute!” He whined and dragged out the word ‘cute’.

“Okay, okay, I have to introduce you to his parents.” She said, dragging him away and shutting the door behind them.

I sighed and leaned against my headboard. “You were right. He is worse than Mina.”

“Maybe we should just stay in this room until he’s gone?” Zero suggested. I actually thought it over for a few minutes.

“Well, there are problems with that. First off, we’d need food and second off, my parents would worry.” I stated. Then he chuckled at my attempts to put off his idea.

“I was only kidding.” He said.

I rolled my eyes at him. “I know, you idiot.”

He was quiet for a few minutes after he moved to join me against the headboard. “Nicolas, can you kiss me?” He asked. And I wasn’t sure if he was asking me to kiss him or if he wanted an answer as to whether I was able to.

“Wh-what?” I stuttered, obviously confused.

“G-Give me a kiss…?” He asked meekly, avoiding my eyes.

“Why don’t you just initiate it like you always do?”

“I um… I want to know if y-you want it.” Now he was going all shy-schoolgirl on me again. He needs to get his personality in order when he talks to me like this.

But honestly, I was torn. There was a part of me that wanted to kiss him for whatever reason (probably so he’d stop his bitching) and the other didn’t want to because then he’d think I wanted to kiss him. At this point I was a walking contradiction.

“Uh… I…” I breathed, not really sure what to say. But I gave way to impulse and grabbed his cheek roughly and pulled his mouth to my own awkwardly.

My actions were jerky though and I ended up colliding his teeth with my own. “Ouch! Fuck…” He hissed, covering his mouth.

I checked my own lips to see if anything was bleeding. “I’m sorry. Really, I-” I cut off my speech as I saw the huge smirk that had planted itself on his face. “I must be a really sucky kisser, huh?” then I blushed at the words I was using. I mean, I was talking about kissing Zero with Zero.

“No, don’t worry about stupid things like that. You’ll end up looking like an idiot.” He said, trying to cheer me up or something like that. “Try again?” He coaxed.

I rolled my eyes, giving in again. Now I see what Zero was talking about a few days ago when he said it made him nervous to see me sitting there waiting for him to kiss me. It was really fucking distracting to see him sit there with his eyes on me like that.

Regardless, I leaned in. Maybe a little too slowly, but nonetheless, our lips touched. I don’t know what people are talking about when they describe their partner as a ‘good kisser’ or what they mean when they say they ‘have soft lips’. But it was probably just because I had no prior experiences to compare it to. But I’m sure that compared to anyone else Zero had rough lips, like the rest off him.

Instead of pulling away and moving back in like a few days ago, he kept his lips on mine as he snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me up onto his lap. Then the other arm found its way around my neck as his hand massaged the back of my head. I didn’t object to the new position because of all the rampant thoughts crossing my mind.

He started moving his mouth against mine. I tried following his lead, but I had no idea what to do so I readjusted my lips with various movements that I attempted to match with his. But it didn’t work out so well because I was a little more focused on keeping my lip on his.

Then something slimy and warm dabbed my lip just barely. That caused me to freak out a bit because he wanted to put his tongue in my mouth. So I shut my mouth and pulled away.
“What the fuck!?” I yelled at him.

“Okay, so I got a little too into it.” He said apologetically.

“Don’t let it happen again. It was fucking weird.” I shivered, recalling the memory of his tongue touching my lip and wiped at my mouth as if to brush the memory away.

“Will you ever do that with me?” He asked, looking me straight in the eyes.

“I’m still not done being pissed at you for biting me. I’m not even going to consider it until that mark disappears.”

He sighed a little bit. “Okay, it’s not like I’ve done it before either so…”

“You tried to pull something like that without even knowing how to-”

“I’ve never done any of the things I do with you.” He said, his eyes not straying from my face. He wanted to show me how serious he was.

I rolled myself off of him and pulled my blanket over myself, groaning. I believed him. After all, the venomous looks he gave everyone pretty much proved it. “Well, wake me up when Michael’s gone.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I started writing a new slash called Don't Remember Me.
I just wrote it on a whim so I'm not really sure if I'll continue it. But if you guys like it and encourage me to write more, I will. And I promise that the plot isn't as transparent as it seems.
And no, it shouldn't take away from Lie Like You Mean It.

I told you guys that Michael was a bigger fangirl than Mina. XD Squealing and all.

New readers who've commented!:

ShannonMarie - W00t! Someone else who likes the concept (whatever that is XD).