Sequel: All We Speak Are Lies
Status: Complete :)

Lie Like You Mean It

This Is One More Sleepless Night

Thank God I was only working until the end of the week. Have I mentioned how thankful I was that this was only a temp job? Because Cody was annoying the fucking hell out of me now. I mean, if I thought he was annoying as fuck before, now it was a thousand times worse. In fact, I wished it was back to the first week I spent at school with him following me around all the time; that’s how bad it was.

I was seriously thinking about having Zero shut him up for me. But if Zero went overboard then I didn’t want him going to jail or something like that over Cody. And besides, even if he didn’t go overboard, I could get fired because my boyfriend beat up my boss’s kid. And I wanted my pay dammit!

“Wake up, Love.” Zero nudged me gently from beside me. We’d grown accustomed to sleeping in the same bed now so it wasn’t anything new to wake up to him next to me. In fact, I quite enjoyed it even though it was a bit crowded. But, hey, I was small so it wasn’t that bad. “Come on, it’s the last day, Nicolas.”

He kissed my neck and then my cheek before rolling out of the bed and getting to his feet. He grabbed my arms and then yanked me off the mattress with ease. My body would’ve ended up falling to the floor since I hadn’t been prepared for that but he pulled me up close to his body, supporting me with his arms to keep me from falling. He grinned down at me and laughed at my clumsiness.

“Hey! It’s your fault I almost fell!” I yelled up at him.

“I wasn’t laughing at that. You’re just so cute.” He told me before kissing my nose.

“Shut up and give me a real kiss.” I ordered, pouting at him.

He chuckled at that response. “Who said those weren’t real kisses?”

Nonetheless, he leaned over me and pressed his lips to mine. I reached up around his neck and inched myself up to press back into the kiss, returning it.

Then the door opened. “Nicolas are you… up…?” It was my mom’s voice. My face heated up on the realization that she must have seen us kissing. She just laughed at my blushing. “Why are you acting so embarrassed, Honey?”

I groaned. “Mom…” I thought it’d be pretty evident as to why I was acting so embarrassed. I didn’t really want my mom witnessing something like that. But I only cared for a few seconds because then I realized that we’d made out in front of homophobes before and I just figured I didn’t care about showing affection to Zero anymore – even if it was in front of my mom.

“Anyways, I see that you’re up, so hurry and get ready. Thank you for getting him up, Zero.” She thanked him.

Zero nodded at her as if to say, “you’re welcome” before she left. I threw on a faded ‘Thirteen’ shirt with a jacket and some jeans.

I intertwined Zero’s hand with mine, lacing my fingers with his and then stuffing our hands into the pocket of his coat since it was hard to hold his hand with a glove on.

“You’re so warm.” I told him when we were out walking on the side walk.

“Do you still view that as a bad thing?” He asked, giving a slight chuckle and then squeezing my hand inside his pocket.

“Yes, very much so.” I lied sarcastically, rolling my eyes up at him before cuddling into his side as we walked, leaning my head on his shoulder.

“You’re so affectionate – I love it, I love you.” He said, making me smile up at him. But then I crashed into him, nearly making him topple us over into the snow on the ground. I did it on purpose.

I laughed at his surprise face as he regained his footing. “I love you too, but stop calling me affectionate!”

He sighed and muttered something before snickering.

I raised an eyebrow at him. “What is it? What did you say?” I asked.

“Nothing, nothing. I just like it when you’re affectionate is all.” He explained to me.

“You called me cute, didn’t you?” I said, pouting. Although I wasn’t really because I liked it when he called me cute, in truth. But I’d probably never admit that to him. Okay, maybe I would, just not now though.

Once we were in the restaurant, he pressed a kiss to my lips, letting them linger there for a few seconds before pulling away to go sit at his table by the window with a book.

I had to work until closing today since it was a Saturday and it was extremely busy. Cody’s mom was happy that I decided to work for such a long shift on my last day and said she’d pay me extra.

Why couldn’t Cody take after his mom more? She was such a nice person and he was, well, annoying as fuck.

“You look especially happy today – did he suck your dick before you came to work?” He asked when the kitchen was clear.

“No – it’s my last day. That’s why I’m happy. I won’t have to see your fucking face.” I told him with spite in my words.

He met my words with a sick grin; one that made my skin crawl before he shoved me into the freezer, shutting the door behind us. My back hit the cold floor some of the ice crystals attaching themselves to my back.

“What the fuck!” I screamed up at him, turning myself over to try to get back on my feet. But then his knee collided with my back, pinning me to the ground as he rested all his weight on keeping me against the floor. He flipped me back over to my back before crashing his lips down on mine.

Okay, I knew Cody was crazy, but I didn’t think he’d actually go this far! I pushed on his chest as forcefully as I could, but it wasn’t working, he was too strong for me. I bit down on his lip as hard as I could, but he still didn’t budge. I brought my knee up into his ribcage. His breath hitched as he pulled away.

His lip was bleeding profusely as he wiped at it. “Come on, Nicolas, it’s our last night together.” He whispered into my ear after he placed his legs over mine to keep me from kneeing him again.

He latched his mouth over my throat, biting down on it harshly. That was something only Zero could do to me.

Zero was the only one who could kiss me, give me love bites, hold me. He was the only one I’d ever make love to.

There was no way I would ever let Cody touch me like this.

“Get the fuck off me!” I screamed, suddenly conjuring enough strength to shove him off me even though I was sure that just a few minutes ago he was the stronger one.

I suppose the thought of anyone but Zero touching me gave me an adrenaline rush.

Zero’s name pushed its way past my lips in a high pitched squeal as Cody threw me back on the floor.
If I had thought that the first time Cody tried to kiss me was an attack, then this was a fucking full-on assault.

His hands were busy working on the buttons of my jeans as I hit him with my fists, trying to fend him off. Where was the strength that I’d had a few minutes ago? But his movements were frantic and panicky as he grabbed my member.

And I found out why when the freezer door had opened up and Zero stood there, fury claiming his face. I instantly covered myself. A whole group of people were standing behind him as he roughly grabbed Cody and threw him off of me.

“Cody! What the hell have you done?” I recognized his mother’s voice as she pushed through the small crowd of workers and customers alike to crouch down next to her son.

Zero was extraordinarily cautious as he approached me. But as soon as he was close enough I threw my arms up around his neck, ignoring the onlookers’ comments and questions.

I let myself be enveloped in his warmth as I squeezed him tighter to me. “Are you… you’re not hurt are you?” He asked me, his warm breath hitting my ear as his arms carefully wrapped around my waist.

“I… I’m fine.” I told him, but my voice was shaky still.

“Oh my God! Nicolas! What happened?” Mina yelled, getting up from the couch. Zero had carried me all the way home because my legs wouldn’t seem to work.

Cody’s mom paid me on the spot and told me she’d order a restraining order for her son to stay away from me if I didn’t report him for assault. At that point, I had just wanted to get home so I agreed to it all and she thanked me so many times that I had lost count.

“We’ll talk later Mina.” Zero told her. She tried to follow us but Michael held her back, trying to tell her that it was better that she not follow.

Zero sat me down gently on the bed like I was a thin piece of glass.

Then he crept over to his bed as pulled the covers over his head. “Goodnight.” He told me.

For a second I couldn’t believe that he wasn’t sleeping in the same bed as me.

But then I realized: I must be dirty now to him. Used goods. Now that Cody had touched me, I wasn’t his anymore. He didn’t want me.

So I turned over in bed and wrapped the blanket around me tight enough because then the tears came and I didn’t want him to hear.

Didn’t Zero want me anymore?
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh noes! Like I said before - I hate Cody. >.<
In other news! I have a sequel posted for this already. Although it's not really a sequel it's a retelling of this story in Zero's point-of-view.
I thought it would be interesting :P