Sequel: All We Speak Are Lies
Status: Complete :)

Lie Like You Mean It

I'll Know It's You

Passing the time was incredibly hard to do. Not only did I have to wait, but I had to do that all while keeping my parents from noticing my fidgeting. I would’ve called Zero, but he was on the flight most of the time so he couldn’t talk on the cell phone. I had to preoccupy myself with playing video games the entire time while Michael worked on my computer.

I swear to God, I looked at the clock damn near a million times before it finally hit four in the morning. There was no way in hell I was going to be able to sleep knowing I was going to see Zero again.

I pulled a shirt over my head as Michael waited patiently at the door. I had to get dressed in the dark though because if I turned on any lights my parents might think something was up.

“Ready?” He whispered, grabbing his keys off the computer desk. I nodded excitedly before bounding downstairs, trying to keep my jittery footsteps quiet. Michael slowly opened the front door and then slipped out before I did, shutting it carefully behind me before skipping out into the car.

I’ve never hated driving more, honestly. This was taking too long – too many minutes separating me from Zero. I was tense and jittery and excited while Michael drove. My stomach was aching from the elation running through me.

I had to occupy myself with death metal by blasting Thirteen through my ears for the entire half-hour ride.

I had to keep myself from throwing open the car door as I saw the building for the airport appear among the horizon. I hated the entire process of parking at airports. First there was the fee – which Michael had to dig around for and then we had to find a spot.

But when we finally had parked, I kicked open the door and jumped outside. “He-y! Do you even remember the gate number we have to be at?”

Then I slowed to a halt, slumping. Of course I didn’t; I was too excited to see Zero again to worry about important details like that.

Inside the airport was busy for its size, despite the time. I glanced around and around for Zero, knowing that I’d be able to spot him no matter what.

And then my eyes met intense hazel and I froze. Twenty feet away from me stood Zero. Everything about him was just as I remembered as I tried to make my feet work and move over to him. He, however, was glued to the spot, unable to move.

Of course, he was much skinnier than the last time I saw him and he had gotten even taller. Not to mention his black hair was even longer, but it was being kept up with the coloring so it was completely black without his blonde roots.

I was one foot in front of him before I realized I wasn’t breathing. I looked up at him; his still-pale skin was translucent as I slowly traced my fingers around the skin of his cheek. I was trying to make sure he was real – that this was real. Because, to be honest, it was hard to believe that the flesh-and-blood Zero was standing in front of me at the moment.

But what I was sure of what the heat radiating from his skin as my hand was placed on his cheek. His warmth – the same warmth I’ve slept without for two months.

It took a second for Zero to respond. And when he did, his arms were being wrapped tightly around me, squeezing me to him. “Nicolas…” He breathed my name into my ear, forcing me to throw my arms up around his neck, pulling him closer. I even started crying as I burrowed my face in his hair. Feeling his arms around me was amazing after two months.

I sniffled against his shirt. “I m-missed y-you…” I mumbled into the cotton before pulling away to look up at his tear-streaked face. He placed both of his hands on either side of my face and rested his forehead against mine.

“You have no idea how terrible this has all been without you.” He told me, making me hug his waist to me tighter, taking in his scent and the feeling of his body against mine.

He wiped the tears off of my cheeks with his thumbs. He lip his lips hover over mine for only a second before finally pressing onto them, stopping all thought in the process. My fingers tangled in his hair before he lifted me against him, looping his arms around my thighs.

I moved my mouth with his, desperately wanting to remember this feeling. Slowly, we pulled away, not wanting to get too into it because we were still in public. “Hello, Love.” He whispered, smiling as he rested his forehead on mine again.

“That was delayed.” I said, nearly laughing at his impediment greeting. “But ‘hello’ to you too.” I said before giving him another chaste kiss on the lips.


Back in the car, I laid down on Zero’s lap, the seatbelt awkwardly accommodating me so I could rest my head on his lap as he was bent over to kiss me briefly every once in a while.

“Aww... We got our two lovebirds back together.” Michael said from the driver’s seat.

“Heck yes we did!” Mina agreed, squealing as Zero placed another kiss on my nose, filling me with more positive emotions than I could name.

“How was Australia?” I asked, grinning as I already knew the answer. He combed my hair back off my face so he could study my eyes.

“I told you – it was terrible. Although April did try to convince him numerous times to approve our relationship.”

“Dad won’t listen though. It’s like he stupid; he can’t see how cute you two are.” Mina said, sighing.

“At least your new step-mom isn’t as bad as you thought, huh?” I asked him, hoping he’d agree. I honestly liked April and the fact that she was trying so hard for our relationship.

He smiled down at me, pressing his lips onto my cheek before answering, “Yeah, I like her too.”

Michael pulled the car into the driveway and putting the car in park. Reluctantly, I pulled myself from Zero’s lap so I could get out of the car. Instantly, he was at my side, lifting me up onto his back so he could carry me. I nuzzled up against his back and kissed his neck. All the marks I’d given him a few months ago had completely gone away and I made a mental note to make sure to replenish them.

“Nicolas! Where have you-” My mom cut off as she saw who’s back I was attached to. “Zero? How…” She trailed off, not sure of what to say. She looked to Mina for an explanation.

“You should know by now that you can’t keep Zero from Nicolas.” Mina told her quietly, shaking her head. “I don’t know why Dad even tried.”

“We left him a long, well-thought-out note for him.” Zero said before yawning. “Do you mind if we take a nap? Jet lag is killing me.”

My mom sighed before saying, “Yes, go ahead and take a nap now, but we all need to talk later, alright?”

Zero nodded, signifying that he understood before heading back upstairs and letting me down on my bed. He joined me only a second later, wrapping his arms around me before pulling the blanket over us.

“I love you, Nicolas.” He whispered, his eyes shutting. I placed a kiss on his lips before grappling onto him like a lifeline.

“I love you too.” I breathed. “I love you, Zero.”
♠ ♠ ♠
It be happies all around now :D
Ahh... I'm so tired now. I'm gonna sleep XD