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A Kat Let Into Hogwarts

My Mum

The moon burned red. It was going to be a hot day tomorrow. I sat in my bedroom thinking about Hogwarts. Magic. I grew up thinking magic was fiction, now everything changes, and magic is suddenly real to me. I have to do something to convince him to let me go. An idea just struck me out of the blue.


My father emerged from his room. He scratched his back. I held in a giggle when he tripped over his own foot. He entered the bathroom and flicked on the light. The door shut. Now was my chance.

I swiftly and quietly made my way into his room. It smelt terrible, my typical father. I had only been in his room when I was younger. When my mother left, he forbid I go in there. And now I understood why.

There was a crap load of my mother’s old belongings everywhere. In the corner of the room there was a box labeled, ‘Bella’s Wizarding Crap’. Jackpot. I opened the box. Inside were these oddly familiar coins, a robe, a green and black striped tie, a grey and green scarf, and a letter addressed to me. Damn my father.

I opened the letter. It read,

Dear Kat,

By the time you read this I will most likely be in Azkaban. That is a prison for Witches and Wizards. I’ll explain later. What I want you to do is ask your dad to take you to Diagon Alley. Tell him you need a wand. Then tell him to meet me at Knockturn Alley. He will know where. If he refuses, show him the tattoo on your left arm. It was given to you as a child, I will explain more when we meet.

Everything in this box I leave to you. The coins are your Wizarding money, the robe is your Hogwarts uniform, the tie and scarf are for your Hogwarts house (Slytherin, I am confident that will be where you are sorted), and a broomstick is under my bed if you would like it. I have another surprise for you when we meet up.


“Are you finished?”

I turned around in shock.

“Dad, we have to go!”


“Why not!”

“Because your mum is a bitch!”

“But dad!” I rolled up my sleeve. My tattoo seemed to change his mind. “Fine.”


“It says in the letter to go to Diagon Alley and buy a wand. Exciting”

My father brought me to a strange store called Ollivanders. I stood at the desk and I man came over to me. “Are you looking for a wand, Miss Lestrange?” “What? My last name isn’t Lestrange.”

“Yes it is, Kat. There is a lot you don’t know about our family.”

The man went to the back of the store and came back with a rectangular box. “This is an oak, thirteen inches. The core is unicorn hair. Try it out.”

I waved the wand in the air.

“Perfect,” he said. I smiled.


“Next stop, Knockturn Alley,” my father said. We walked down a few stairs, passed a sign that read ‘Knockturn Alley’. I didn’t like the sight of the alley, nor did I like the door we went through. It just screamed to me, bad news. The only people in there was me, my father, a strange woman with black curly hair and a charcoal dress, and a man about my fathers height, black hair and a black cloak. The man was creepy. “Kat, this is Severus Snape, he will be your Potions teacher. And this is-“

“Hello Kat,” the woman said holding out her hand. I shook her hand cautiously. “Kat, this is your mum, Bellatrix Lestrange.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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