So Much More Than I Asked For



Ugh, Jason had made himself my personal alarm clock. I obeyed and stumbled toward the kitchen.

"What? What the hell is so important?"

"I don't know, maybe you should go to school." Jason overused sarcasm.

"I said important." I muttered.

I grabbed a burnt piece of toast and went back to my room. I got dressed, grabbed my back pack and went to the bathroom. I styled my hair and put on black eyeliner. I ate the piece of toast while going to the car and getting in.

"I won't be eating at home tonight, you'll order pizza?" Jason informed me


We didn't talk for the rest of the ride to school. I got out of the car just as the first bell rang. I was right on time. I walked to English class and sat down. The second bell rang and Sneakers sat down in his usual spot. Ryan sat with us.

"Which classes are we skipping today?" Ryan wanted to know.

No one answered. I wasn't in a talkative mood, and Sneakers wasn't either.

"Guys? Hello?"

"Ryan, how can you be so hyperactive on a Monday morning?" I was curious for his answer.

"Easy, coffee."

Crap, I had forgotten to drink coffee this morning. That means I was going to have to skip classes and go to Starbucks, or go to the teachers lounge and hope Mr. Hill was there. He always gave us coffee.

After English we went to the teachers lounge, and asked for Mr. Hill. Luckily he was there and he gave us some coffee. After that I could at least think straight without falling asleep. I headed to math, Sneakers had French and Ryan went to chemistry.

We had a test, and everything made sense. I probably had it all wrong. I almost fell asleep twice after that, and Mrs. Togo wasn't all too happy about that.

We had texted each other and decided to skip the next class. We were missing geography, not that the teacher ever noticed. He always gave a homework assignment we could work on in class.

We walked to the park, where we sat on the swings. There were only two, so someone always sat on the ground. It was my turn, but I sat on Ryan's lap instead. The guys were having some lousy discussion about cartoons, but I wasn't paying attention. I was still too sleepy.

"I don't want to go back to school" I suddenly said

"Me neither. But what can we do?" Ryan answered

"Fake being sick?" I said

"You know Jason will never believe you." Sneakers knew Jason pretty good.

"No," I sighed. All of a sudden I had an idea. "But Lily might."

"You can try, but how are you planning to get us out?" Ryan was right.

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to go then."

"Hey, cheer up! It's only one more week of school!" Ryan said

"Really?" Sneakers and I said

"Yeah. You guys didn't know?"

Ryan just made my day. Just one more week? This was awesome. Summer. No school, schedule, no Jason.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know not much has happened in this chapter, but it'll come.