So Much More Than I Asked For


The rest of the school day passed slowly, like every second hesitated if it should pass or not. The afternoon was over before I knew it. I invited Sneakers and Ryan over to eat pizza, so I wouldn't feel so lonely.

They both came and we made it a sleepover. Sneakers could do about anything he wanted, his parents didn't care. Ryan told his parents they had agreed to this a long time ago, they probably just forgot.

We stayed up all night talking shit, watching tv, playing wii and eating.

Jason didn't come home all night, so he probably stayed over at Lily's, what meant we had to take the bus to school. But we didn't. We walked so we could go to Starbucks, and then we went to the park.

I would tell Jason those pizza's were bad, and I had to puke last night and didn't feel well enough to be able to go to school. He'd buy it.

In the park, we sat on the swings again. I sat on Sneakers' lap this time. It was better than someone having to sit on the ground and the swings were new enough to carry the weight.


The last week was very normal. One day we went to school, the next we skipped. Before we knew it, it was graduation. I barely passed, and Jason wasn't all too happy about that, but he was happy that I did pass. As a present he and Lily (!) gave me tickets to see Green Day. I was super excited because he gave me three tickets. I ran to Ryan and Sneakers and told them the good news. We casually slipped out of the crowd and went to the swings in the park. For some strange reason they were always empty.

"Man, I can't believe it's summer. This is gonna be awesome." Ryan said.

I was sitting on his lap, again. Sneakers didn't mind, he liked to have the swing to himself.

"I know, and what better way to start it than a Green Day concert! Thanks so much, Kate!" Sneakers said

"Don't thank me, thank Jason." I said
"So, what are we doing tonight?"

"You should come over to my place, my parents are out of town." Sneakers suggested.

"Sure, I'll bring some good horror movies." Ryan answered

"No! I don't want to watch horror movies. I'll be scared to death." I almost screamed. I hated horror movies. Some weren't that bad, but Ryan loved them, so he would bring the scariest. I wouldn't be able to sleep all night, even with Ryan and Sneakers by my side.

Ryan and Sneakers had to laugh, remembering last time. I had screamed the entire time, hadn't been able to sleep and was convinced that if I went somewhere alone, the zombies would come.

"Don't worry, we won't watch them then. But don't tell me you're planning on watching some romantic comedies." Sneakers reassured me

I had to laugh. I hated romantic comedies. Lily had once taken me to one. After 5 minutes I had fallen asleep. That was the last time she had one that.

"Can we watch comedies? Please?" I pleaded.

"Sure, sure. Whatever." Ryan said.