You Should Die

I need to get away from it all but who knew that running away was a bad thing.....

Life is a matter of choices. Do I say yes or no? Whole wheat or white? Should I quit this ruthless job or stay? Do I end my life tonight or choice to live in this hell hole? It seems that we as humans have a life that is nothing but choices. And for some unknown reason we choose to see life as a gift rather than a curse. What’s my take on it you ask? I’ve been around for years and I cannot yet answer that. Maybe an explanation at why life is the way it is. Simple, there is no explanation. Sometimes life is different for others and perfectly humane for the rest. Why out of all others my life chose to be the peculiar one? You’ve got me there. So my story is quite simple: Life or Death.

My story starts quite some years ago when I was just in my early twenties. I had no sense of direction with my life. I felt like my job was a dead end and that everyone was out to get me. To this day I still think they were. I was naive by the changes, too eager to find danger, and too young to die. But to understand who I was then and who I am now, I need to make you see my life through my eyes. So take a seat and fasten your seatbelts because this is going to be a bumpy ride.
  1. Chapter One
    Rhode Island here I come.