Wakko Werewolves 2: The Cure

Chapter thirteen

Driving through Staton county felt like going through a ghost town. The only thing we're missing is the tumble weed and I'm pretty sure the torn shrubs made up for that.

"This place is totally empty." Amy said looking out the window.

"Since a majority of hunters live here, there's a possibility that a lot of wolves have been through this territory and shook the citizens up." Cat said.

"But since you're a hunter does that mean you're part of the cliche?" Beth asked.

"Not all hunters like hunters, our job is like a competition it's rare to find two hunters working together." Cat said.

"It's all about the money and the largest kill right?" I asked looking at her.

Since last night, my fever has rose slightly. I had dark circles around my eyes and I was starving.

"Yes, but some of the hunters are corrupt, I'm not one of them." Cat said.

"Corrupt how?" Tyler asked.

"Willing to kill a pup or a sleeping werewolf in human form." I said.

"Maybe not to that extreme but she's right." Cat said.

"Can we stop for breakfast soon?" I asked.

"Looks like all the restaurants are still closed." Cat said.

"Hey there's a diner and there's a couple cars parked up front." Amy said.

"We'll try there then. I don't know how good diner food is as of this place." Cat said and pulled up to the designated parking area for RVs.

When Cat, Amy, and Beth got off the RV, I made my move on Tyler. He was about to get up but I pushed him down and crawled on top of him.

"Let me change you." I whispered to his lips. That's how close we were.

"What are you talking about Cassandra, snap out of it!" he said.

"I want you to join us." I whispered nibbling his lip.

"Hey are you guys coming?" Amy asked from outside.

I smiled at him and pulled of him. He just sat in the chair and stared at me uncomfortably before getting up. I hopped off the RV and inhaled the crisp morning air.

"I missed Montana." I said and looked at Cat.

She frowned and walked up to me.

"You're showing signs of the fever, maybe this is a bad idea." She said touching my cheek.

I smacked her hand away.

"I'm fine." I said to her and walked to the diner.

Tyler got off the RV as Cat rubbed her hand.

"She's changing." Tyler said.

"I can tell." Cat said and sighed.

Once inside of the warm diner. The smell of bacon and coffee filled my nose and swirled around me. I was definitely hungry by now. We seated ourselves at a booth by the window. I sat on the end with Tyler in the window. He seemed a little tense sitting next to me.

I looked around, I noticed that the decor was of pigs with wings and chickens decorated the the wall paper. Then I noticed that some of the diners were staring at me. Sipping on their coffee slowly. I wonder if this is how it felt to be prey in a den of lions.

"Are you ready to order?" the waitress asked our table.

She smiled wearing a blue dress and white apron. She held a note book in hand.

"Yeah, I'd like a cup of coffee and the Dawn Special." Cat said.

"How do you want your eggs?" the waitress asked.

"Over easy." Cat said.

The waitress went around the table. Beth ordered scrambled eggs and toast. Amy got pancakes that came with two strips of bacon. Tyler ordered an egg sandwich and I asked for a plate of bacon.

"Just bacon?" she asked me.

"Just bacon." I said.

She wrote it down.

"Okay." she said and then picked up our menus.

"I'll be back with your drinks and coffee." the waitress said and went back behind the counter.

"You ever get the strange feeling you're being watched?" Amy asked.

"Yes." I said and looked from the corner of my eye. I saw the waitress whispering to the cook.

"You think she's one of them?" she asked.

"Bacon only, I believe so." the cook said.

"I'll test her." she said.

I furrowed my brows.

"What wrong?" Beth asked me.

I shook my head.

Our waitress came back with our drinks and placed it on or table as she passed a drink to Tyler she clumsily slipped the fork off the table.

"Oops. Sorry." she said.

"It's okay." I said and stayed where I was.

She seemed to be taking her time waiting for me to pick it up.

I didn't even acknowledge it. She frowned and picked up the fork and went back to the kitchen with it.

"I don't like it here." I said.

"Know what you mean." Tyler said under his breath.

It seemed like the other diners were interested in everything we were doing mainly me.

"So how long till we get to John's?" Amy asked Beth.

"About six more hours. If the blockade doesn't stop us." Beth said.

"Speaking of it look at the TV." Tyler whispered.

We turned to the TV and listened.

"The teens said to still be in Montana just on the border of the other states. Patrols have been checking every large vehicle for hours now. They're parents are do have something to say though just in case their children are watching.

"Amy please come home, your brothers and sisters miss you don't do this." Amy's parents weeped.

Amy turned red and I saw her eyes water.

"Tyler, son we can work out anything that you guys did. Just please come home." his dad said holding his crying mom.

"Mom, dad." he said in a low voice.

"Bethany..." her mom started and then just broke down.

Beth covered her face she was already in tears.

"Cassandra, this is mom and dad if you see this please come home we miss you." my mom said.

"This is just a few of the parents more to come in the next half hour." the reporter said.

I just watched as my friends cried.

"Doesn't that bother you?" Cat asked me.

"No." I said.

"Your mom was crying." Amy said wiping her red eyes.

"I know. I'm not blind." I said.

"You don't want to go home?" Beth asked.

"You guys are able to go home. I can't go home as a monster. No, I don't even want to go home just the fact that I am what I am makes it all the more reason why I can't go home." I said.

"What if the cure works?" Tyler asked.

I was about to answer when the waitress put the food on our table she seemed intent on having me to wolf out. She placed a fork with my bacon. I wonder if she knew that bacon was a finger food. I reached out for it just as she pulled away her bracelet fell onto my wrist. A burning sensation came from it and my skin was on fire. I threw it off and cried out rubbing my hand.

"What is it?" Amy asked.

"It's silver, I knew it!" the waitress said.

I growled and stood up. She backed away and then I heard a click of a gun.

"Touch her and I'll blow your brains out." one of the random men from the other table said to me.

I turned to him and saw the gun pointed at me.

"Oh Crap." Amy, Beth, and Tyler said.