Wakko Werewolves 2: The Cure

Chapter fourteen

"So are you going to shoot me or what?" I asked him.

"Don't tempt me." the man said clicking the gun's safety off.

"Don't shoot her I'm a hunter too." Cat said.

"Yeah, well this will be my pay day." the man said.

"No, you've got to listen she's helping us to find the cure." Cat said.

"Sure, there's no cure for what she is. You can tell by the look in her eyes." the man said.

"You don't understand we're working on the cure so killing her would be dumb." Amy said.

I just smirked.

"Typical you're willing to jeopardize your families future for a few hundred dollars if you know what's best put your gun away unless you want to risk the cure that could help millions of wolves. Go ahead shoot me I dare you." I said.

I looked him in the eye. I could see the first bead of sweat roll down his face. I smelt his fear. I went into action. I leaped over him grabbed his hand and twisted his arm so that now he was pointing the gun to his head.

"I can make you pull it." I said and smiled my eyes glowing yellow.

"No please don't I'm sorry." the man cried.

His pleas were sweat music to my ears.

"Cassie don't do it." Amy said.

I smiled at her.

"What pull the trigger?" I asked.

"This isn't you Cassie." Beth said.

I raised my eyebrow and shrug.

"Cassandra don't." Tyler said.

The guy was shaking now I rolled my eyes and pulled the gun out of his hand and pushed him into the table. He slid across it and fell on the ground. I looked back.

"Any one else who wants to take me on?" I asked.

They looked away. I looked at the waitress who was beet red. I spun the gun in my hand and slammed the gun on the table and picked up a strip of bacon then I heard sirens and looked out the window.

"Oh come on who called the cops?" Tyler asked.

"We got to go now!" Cat said.

We got out and ran to the RV but cops were surrounding them then there was no where for us to run. No trees, just miles of road and five cop cars that surrounded us.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise." I said and crossed my arms.

We sat the Staton county jail. Beth was crying her eyes out, Amy was comforting her. Cat sat arms crossed and Tyler and I sat together on the ground.

"Hey cop dude, when can we maker our call?" I asked him.

"He looked at me from the TV stuffing his face with donuts.

"As soon as your parents get here." he said and wiped a crumb off of his gut.

I sighed.

"You know I hate the police sometimes." I muttered to Tyler.

"I can't believe this is it. We're going to rot in jail." Tyler said.

"Nah, I'll probably turn into a wolf and kill you all by then." I said.

He looked at me.

"I'm kidding." I said and rolled my eyes.

"I can't believe this is happening to me, I never got in trouble ever!" Beth cried as Amy hugged her.

I looked at Cat who seemed too cool for her own good.

"How could you not be upset?" Amy asked Cat.

"Gavin has connections I text him before we left." she said.

I turned and looked at the big black clock on the wall.

"He won't be here for another ten hours." I said.

"By that time we'll be out." Tyler said.

"Your parents won't be here as early as you think not with traffic like that." Cat said pointing to the TV.

"What about my moon fever, I don't do so well in confided areas." I said.

"All werewolves are claustrophobic aren't they?" Amy asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"You'll be fine." Cat said.

"I'm already hot." I said pulling off my jacket.

I sat back and looked at Tyler he glanced at me. I touched his cheek with my hot hand.

"Well at least I have a pet for now." I said and smiled.

"How could you not take this seriously?" he asked smacking my hand away.

"I'm a werewolf can you blame me. Most of the things in my life will be a joke." I said and sat up.

"What are you doing?" Cat asked.

"Mr. Policeman I need to use the restroom." I said.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"There's a bucket in the corner." he said.

"I'm a girl." I said to him.

"Boy, close your eyes. There." he said.

I growled my eyes flashing yellow. I slid down the bar and closed my eyes. A weird sensation waved over me and I heard the roar of motorcycles.

"What was that?" Amy asked getting up.

I smiled and then tried again.

"Kiss me Tyler!" I said and pressed myself onto him.

"Cassie what are you doing?" he asked as I pressed my lips into his.

"Hey, you kids stop that. Stop it!" the officer said getting up and walking to the cage. I smiled and then got up and grabbed him by the neck and pulled him close enough for me to steal the key.

"Hey!" he yelled as I pushed him into the desk.

I unlocked us.

"Run, go now!" I growled.

"But." Cat said.

"Now!" I growled.

They got up and ran out of the jail. The cop got up and yelled. I picked him up and pushed him into the jail and slammed the door shut.

"Hey, let me out, hey, kid give me those keys." he said.

"These keys?" I asked waving it in his face.

He tried to reach for them and I dropped them away from his feet.

"Oops." I said and smirked.

Then I ran out of the office as he yelled for help.

Two officers ran towards me.

I turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

"Hold up kid!" he yelled.

I burst opened a door that led to the kennel for the police dogs. I grabbed the key to open them on the wall and unlocked them then I growled at the dogs. Just as the officers ran in the dogs ran out to attack them. I giggled and ran out another door where I was grabbed.

"Got you!" two officers said.

I squealed and cried.

"Let go of me!" I growled.

"Hey, let go of her!" Kyle growled.

The officers turned around and dropped me.

Kyle roared at them and then he leaped on and clawed his neck and then attack the other killing both. The scent of blood filled my nostrils. Kyle had his back to me and turned around. I glowed at him as he turned around.

"Like the scent?" he asked me.

I licked my fangs as he came closer blood in his hands. I looked at it and looked back at him.

He took one step closer then I heard a click.

I gasped and turned. I saw Tyler.

"Tyler came back to ruin the fun?" Kyle asked.

Tyler held the gun pointed at Kyle.

"You were my best friend. Don't make me do this." Tyler said.

"You wouldn't shoot me." Kyle said.

"Tyler just leave us alone." I said.

"Cassie I care about you don't lose to him." Tyler said to me.

"Being with you will make her lose all the time. I'm a winner in this case." Kyle said taking another step.

"Don't." Tyler said and his hand twitched on the trigger.

"Hey!" one of the cops yelled. Tyler turned around and that's when Kyle attacked.

Tyler dropped the gun as Kyle bit into him.

"Tyler!" I cried and pushed Kyle off him.

Tyler held his arm and cried out.

Just then I saw the RV pull up.

"Come on!" Amy yelled as the door opened.

I grabbed Tyler and carried him into the RV and Cat closed the door and sped off.

"How did you get the RV back?" Beth asked her.

"Hans." Cat said and smiled.

"Do we have a first aid kit?" I asked Amy and Beth. I lied Tyler on the chair and ripped his shirt open. I listened for his heart beat and it was slow.

"What did Kyle do to him?" Amy asked.

"Oh my god I think he killed him." I cried as Tyler's heart beats grew faint.

"What!" Beth cried.

I held his hand.

"Tyler don't die, please don't die." I said shaking.

Cat looked at me from the rear view mirror.

"Don't worry Cassie he'll pull through." Cat said.

"What if he doesn't?" I asked her touching his face that was scared by the blood.

"He will." she said.

We waited still nothing from him. He had to have been dead. I didn't hear but slow faint heartbeats.

"Tyler don't die... I-I love you." I cried.

Then I heard a groan.