Wakko Werewolves 2: The Cure

Chapter seventeen

We were back on the road and I stayed with Tyler like I promised. He held my hand and I rubbed his. The sun was slowly setting and the lower it went the more he was freaking out. He grew tense when Cat finally pulled over.

"Thirty minutes till sundown." she said parking the RV in a camping area. There was a table and bench that was chained to the ground.

"I'll have to hook you guys here then by tomorrow morning we'll be at the Blue Moon." she said.

"Can you just keep driving?" Tyler asked.

"It's another four hours." Beth said.

"Anyway you guys look like you're ready to snap some necks come on." Cat said running down the stairs out of the RV.

I got up with Tyler and held his hand.

"I'm staying with you." I said.

"You promise?" he asked.

"Yes." I said as we got out.

Then I sensed something and my heart pounded and I turned to the trees. I saw him walking out nude he smiled hair glistening on the lowering sun light and I felt Tyler tense up.

"Kyle." he growled squeezing my hand.

"Tyler, looks like you're changing." he said and smiled.

"Kyle leave him alone he's scared." I said.

"Yeah I remember the first time. It still hurts the second and third time but you learn to get used to it. He said and leaped onto one of the camp tables and walked on all fours and sat on his knees and smiled at Tyler.

"So, you ready?" Kyle asked me.

Tyler pulled me behind him.

"Leave her alone." Tyler growled.

"If you can fight me and win you can have her. I won't come back, but if I win I'm changing her." Kyle growled.

"I'm not going to bargain her out like that." Tyler growled.

"Looks like I can't lock you guys now." Cat said and held a bow pointed at Kyle.

Kyle looked at her and smiled.

"It doesn't matter if you shoot me with it. My wolves are here." Kyle said his eyes turning yellow and then red. He smiled.

I heard howls and growling around the trees.

"Crap!" Cat said and ran into the RV and closed the door.

"What's going on Cat?" Beth asked.

"The wolves are here, you need your weapons. We'll have to stay in here." Cat said and pulled a gun out of the glove compartment and handed it to Amy.

Then Cat went to the back room and pulled out a rifle and filled it with silver bullets.

"Beth since you can't use a gun you stay low okay and stay away from the windows." Cat said.

Beth nodded and sat on the ground hugging her knees.

"When do we shoot?" Amy asked.

"When they try to get in blow their brain out. Ask questions later." she said.

"That's what I thought." Amy said pulling the safety on her gun back.