Wakko Werewolves 2: The Cure

Chapter two

Tyler and I brought in the stuff we needed for the night. Thank goodness we brought a tarp for the truck. I placed our bags on the couch and Tyler placed another bag on the other side of the couch.

I took off his jacket and looked at the room. It was small but it would work.

"Hey we got twin beds." Amy said.

"I got the one by the window." Beth said.

"No I want the one by the window." Amy said.

"I am going to take a shower." I said.

After washing the mud off my clothes. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out.

"Dude there's a guy in the room." Amy said to me.

"I know." I said and smiled at Tyler.

"I get to shower next." Beth said.

I changed in the restroom while Beth showered and then I walked back out and shut the door behind me. I put my hair in a pony tail and hopped in the bed next to Amy.

"This beats camp a thousand times over." Amy said.

"Totally." I said.

"Hey guys look at this." Tyler said.

We sat up and looked at the TV.

"What is it?" I asked Tyler.

"It's Wakko, they're talking about the fire." he said.

"Turn it up." Amy said.

Tyler turned up the TV and we watched intently.

"It seems that this was a planned arson. This is what officials have to say." the news reporter said.

"This was definitely planned there were glass bottles found that contained explosives. Also before the attack there were some missing campers. They're names will be released along with pictures. If you see them call the police." the officer said.

Right then I saw Steve's picture, then Kyle's picture, and then Jessica's Jackie's, Beth's, Amy's, Tyler's, and then finally my picture. Then they gave our names.

"Steve Walker, Kyle Dill, Jackie Elis, Bethany Halls, Kyle Mason, Amy Paulson, Tyler Mason, Jessica Golden, and Cassandra Williams. If you see these missing teens from the Wakko Camp please call officials." the new reporter repeated. Then they showed our pictures again.

"Oh my gosh, that's my picture from freshmen year, I look so gross." Beth cried.

"Do you know what this means?" I asked them.

"Beth doesn't take good pictures?" Amy asked.

"No they know who we are and what we did. We're outlaws." Tyler said.

"Cool." Amy said.

"Not cool bad. If they catch us we won't be able to go to Cat's and get help. We need to leave as soon as possible." I said sitting up.

"Don't worry, we're like two states away there is no way anyone's going to find us." Amy said.

"I hope you're right." I said to her.

"I know I'm right." she said and smiled.

"No use worrying about it, we should get some sleep." Tyler said turning off the TV.

Beth got dressed and then Amy and finally Tyler took a shower.

Amy got one bed, Beth got the other, I slept on the couch and Tyler took the floor.

I went into a deep sleep and I had a vivid dream. Kyle was in it. His eyes glowed yellow at first and then shifted to an angry red. He floated around me in my dream.

"Join me." he said.

"Never." I mumbled.

"You can't fight it. There is no where for you to run, no where for you to hide. Because I'll find you and I'll change you!" he growled.

My eyes flew open and I woke up. There was a knock at the door.

"What the?" Amy said.

I crawled to the door and peeped out and then gasped.

"Who is it?" Tyler asked.

"This is the police we know you're in there!" the police officer yelled.