Wakko Werewolves 2: The Cure

Chapter twenty-six

John lived in a mansion. I would've never believed that seeing how he dressed like an old woodsmen or biker. However, he seems down to earth with his furniture which is mostly leathers, fur, and beautiful taxidermy animals including wolves that sort of seemed too realistic for me.

"Have a seat." John said to us as we stood around his large foyer with a bear rug laying on the ground.

I sat down between my mom and dad on one couch, Amy and her parents on another couch and Beth and her weepy mother on the other couch.

"Who's going to tell us what happened?" John asked taking a seat on a lazy boy.

"I'll start, and tell them everything." I said my parents looked at me and I looked at them.

"Tell us everything." my mom said.

"It's okay." my dad said as they held my hands.

I started with going to the cabin and then how the wolves attacked and how the werewolves were killing and trying to kill us. Then I told them about how we got away and Kathy, and my first full moon...

"Y-you're a werewolf?" Beth's dad asked raising an eyebrow.

I nodded.

"You're kidding werewolves, don't exist you sure they weren't bears or maybe dogs with rabies?" Amy's mom asked.

I sighed and looked at John.

He nodded.

I held out my hand and fur grew on it and then it grew claws and became a large paw twice the size of my hand. Then I changed it back. The parents gasped.

"I was changed." I told my mom and dad.

"Does it hurt?" my mom asked.

I couldn't lie and I nodded.

"It does but, it stops after I change." I said.

"How many times did you change?" my dad asked.

"About four times." I said.

"That was on the full moon though." Amy said.

"Keep going with the story." John said.

I told him how we burned the camp down because of the wolves and how we went in search for the cure. My mom seemed to grow teary eye as I explained all the things that happened. I skipped out the parts when Tyler and I did it. Also the part when Kyle and I did it and stopped to the part when I cured Kyle.

"What happened to Kyle anyway?" I asked John after finishing my story.

There was a knock at the door.

"I'm not sure." John said getting up and walking to the door and answering it. Cat walked in with newly bandaged hand and Gavin the pale vampire that I left out of the story as well.

"How's that hand of yours?" John asked.

"It could be better. We just left the hospital." Cat said.

"Was Kyle with you?" I asked sitting up.

She looked at me and nodded.

"What happened to him?" I asked standing up and walking towards her.

"We explained everything to his parents." Gavin hissed.

"Does he have a sore throat?" Beth's mother asked her.

"Gavin's a vampire." Beth whispered.

Her mother seemed to go pale.

"Is he okay, did it work?" I asked her.

She nodded.

I smiled in relief.

"That doesn't mean that he won't change back." John said.

"What?" I said.

"He got a half dose that means the wolf may be suppressed for a few months thanks to the wolfbane." John said.

"What about, me, I was bitten am I still going to change?" Amy asked.

"You were bitten?" her parents asked.

"You should be in the clear since you got the cure before your first change but Kyle..." John started.

"What's wrong with Kyle?" I asked him he looked to Cat.

"Kyle had to be put in a mental hospital to his parents request." Cat said.

"What!" I cried.

"He's having difficulty fighting the change so they put him in there to protect him. He's suffering from Lycanthropy as far as they know. Even though the doctors will learn that he can turn into an actual wolf." John said.

I hugged my stomach and I looked at him and felt hurt.

"What are they going to do to him in there?" I asked.

"They're going to keep him restrained for a while, I asked one of the doctors if you can visit him. She said when he's stable enough that may be a month or so." Cat said.

I frowned. My parents walked towards me and my mom put her hand around my cheek. I dug my face into her chest and cried. She rubbed my back.

"He's getting help." Gavin hissed consolingly.

"But what if they hurt him?" I asked pulling away.

"They know he's a different patient, they're going to treat him in the best way possible." Cat said.

"What about his parents?" I asked.

"His parents. They're just paying for his stay there. They said they're not going to have anything to deal with him until he's healed they're heading to Florida for vacation." Gavin said crossing his arm.

"What parent leaves their child when they are in need?" Amy's mother asked.

"His parents aren't the nicest people in the world. I see why he took to the change so easily. No matter how much money you may give their child they need love." Gavin said.

"This is coming from a vampire." Cat said and hugged his arm he looked at her and smiled.

"You're a vampire?" my mom asked.

"I'll explain later so what now?" I asked.

"Tyler." John said.

I turned to him.

"He was changed." I said.

"He's looking for his alpha, a similar route that Kyle took." John said crossing his arm.

"Can you make another cure?" Beth asked walking towards me.

"It took years to develop the last cure and it'll take years to develop a new one."

"So what do we do if we see Tyler?" Amy asked.

"You know what we'll need to do if he shows up again." John said crossing his arms frowning.

"We can't he's still good." I said.

"There's no such thing as a good werewolf." he said looking at me sternly.

"Well there's me..." I started and he raised an eyebrow.

I frowned.

"I know he's not gone. We're not going to kill him!" I cried and walked to John's door.

"Cassie where are you going?" my mom asked.

I opened the door and ran out on all fours. I'll prove it to all of them Tyler is good.