Wakko Werewolves 2: The Cure

Chapter nine

When we knew that we were safe once and for all we dropped Hans off at his place of rest which was next door to a cemetery and Cat took the wheel of the RV.

Since none of us had breakfast and it was almost one o' clock and I tend to get cranky when I don't eat we stopped for burgers at a fast food restaurant and ate on the RV.

"So why didn't you just stick with John and make the cure, or John stick with you and make the cure instead of splitting you guys up?" I asked.

She sighed.

"Well a long story short. John doesn't like Gavin." Cat said.

"Because he's a vampire?" I asked.

"Yes John is an old school hunter that means he hunts anything that's not human. He's just recently got a change of heart." she said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He learned that not all vampires are bad." Cat said.

"How come he can say that about vampires and not werewolves?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" Cat asked me.

"John told us that all wolves are bad." Tyler said dipping his fries in ketchup.

Cat looked at me and smiled.

"Well it's true, werewolves and vampires are two different species. Vampires have more human qualities and live solitary lives where as werewolves live in packs, one werewolf can change the minds of hundreds even thousands. That's why we say all wolves are bad. Because one bad wolf can ruin the pack." she said.

"Like apples?" Beth asked.

"Yeah one rotten apple can ruin the batch. This is why John and I are working on this cure, if we can cure one wolf we'll be able to cure more. It's difficult but it should work." Cat said.

"So what if the cure doesn't work?" Tyler asked.

She sighed.

"John and I've thought about it and to tell you the truth, we don't know what we'll do if this event was to take place." she said.

"You guys got to have something planned right?" Amy asked.

"We'll work on it as we get closer to the time." she said.

I looked out the window as the sun was setting.

"Are we going to sleep here?" I asked.

"No, we'll find some a hotel or something." Cat said.

"Hey look there's a TV." Amy said getting up and walking to it.

"It might not work." Cat said.

Amy turned on the TV and the picture was normal at first but then it grew fuzzy. All she did was elbow the TV and it came back to life.

"How does she do that?" Beth asked.

"Officials say that the teens got away once again. Just yesterday morning. They climbed out the window of their motel room and drove away just as officers were searching the room they found one of the teens who out ran the cops and ran away into the woods. The owner of the the motel noticed that the teens fit the description of their pictures on TV that night. Sadly they got away but officials are not giving up in fact. Their will be a reward given to anyone willing to help." the news reporter said.

"Oh crap rewards now we're screwed." I said.

"They don't know about me yet. If you stay under wraps then there will be no problem." she said.

"You sure about that?" Tyler asked looking out the window.

"What?" Cat asked.

"It looks like there's a couple cops snooping around the RV." he said.

We looked out the window.

"Looks like our time to go." Cat said brushing the crumbs off her shirt and then walking to the driver seat.

"Duck, they saw us!" I said.

We ducked and Cat pulled out of the restaurant. We looked at each other.

"We have to be more careful." I said.

"Yeah this town is crawling with feds." Amy said.

"Once we're out of the state we'll be good to go." she said.

"You'll have to keep driving till morning." Beth said.

"That means we'll have to sleep in here." Tyler said.

"Works for me." Amy said and shrugged.

"Anyway I have a residence a state over." Cat said.

"How many rooms?" I asked.

"Enough." she said.