The Pros and Cons of Loving

Part 30

Gerard’s POV

I walked into the living room, seeing Frank on the phone with his mom. He was cleaning his guitar while he talked, his head tilted to the side because the phone was between his cheek and shoulder.

“Yeah, he’ll be fine… he’s a little shaken up, he just needs a day or two to settle down. I think everything is piling up… yeah, he’d like that… Oh yeah… No, but Aiden does have something to tell you… I can’t tell you, Mom. He’s got to… haha, I can’t answer that…”

“THEY’RE GETTING MARRIED!” I heard Linda shriek happily.

Wow, for a woman of like 60 she can be loud.

I felt a churn in my stomach and sat down on the couch next to Frankie. Within minutes he was off of the phone and I looked at him. “Frankie… we…”

He looked at me after hanging up the phone and sitting, cross legged, by me. “Yeah, hon?”

“… Well... with Aiden and Eric getting married it’s just… reminding me of what I ruined and…” I trailed off and looked at him. I’d hurt him so much… divorced him. Left him for a woman. And he’d taken me back, despite it all.

All of a sudden I was overwhelmed with love for Frank. It began in my stomach and bubbled through out my entire body, taking over me. I looked at him, wondering how I had ever hurt someone so beautiful, someone that I truly loved.

I wanted so much to be married to him again.. but I couldn’t help but think he wouldn’t take me back. After all the pain I’d put him through, leaving him, why should he marry me?

I began to get nervous. I had said too much. I knew it. Now he was going to hate me. Tell me that he hadn’t forgotten, he was just in need of support when Aiden was sick… he would kick me out and marry Davey Havok.

“Are you saying what I’m thinking your saying?” he asked softly.

“Well, what I’m…. what I’m saying is…” I began to shuffle my feet and looked down at them. I began muttering to myself, trying to decide if this was right. Was the timing right or all wrong? What would I do if he said no?


“I’m just saying, that… you know… we… I…” I trailed off.

“Gerard, what?” he asked, arching his eyebrow. “Baby, what do you need to tell me? It’s okay.

“I know it is… I… just… Frankie…” I sputtered, hands shaking.

He cupped my face with his hands, forcing me to look into his green eyes. He smiled softly. “What?”

“We need to get married again… soon…” I nodded nervously. Then I let out a breath, relaxing. I’d said it… I’d said it and now it was all up to him.

“We do, Gee… I love you so much.” He crawled onto my lap and pressed his lips to mine, still cupping my face in his hands.

I titled my cheek into his hand and closed my eyes. “I love you too, Frankie… I really really do.”

Three Days Later
Frank’s POV

“Aiden’s up and making eggs.” I said happily coming into mine and Gerard’s bedroom where Gee was reading a magazine.

He looked up at me. “He got out of bed? On his own?”

I nodded, grinning. “And when I hugged him he didn’t even flinch.”

Gerard laughed happily. “That’s great.”

I nodded again, sitting on the bed by him. “He wants us to watch a movie with him or something later, Gee. He says he’s bored.”

“Sure.” Gerard nodded. “Tomorrow they’re calling to tell what the principals punishment is… he could get jail time, but most likely he’ll be asked to leave without it going on his record.”

I sighed, shaking my head. “He beat Aiden up… that’s the most they can do?”

“Aiden… I don’t want to put him through more, Frankie. He’ll be away from the principal and safe. That’s what matters.”

“I guess so, Gee…” I nodded and stood up. “I’m gonna go spend some time with Aiden. Come down with us soon, okay babe?”

“I’ll be down in a few minutes, I promise.” Gerard sat up to kiss me.

I kissed him back, touching his cheek. “I love you. Thank you for taking care of the principal for Aiden…”

“I love you too, babe.” He kissed me again, smiling. “I’ll be right down.”

I went down, sitting on the couch by Aiden. He was sitting, with Little Miss Sunshine paused at the beginning, eating scrambled eggs.

“Hey Dad.” He smiled when I sat down. He snuggled to me, sinking down into the couch.

“Hey babe. You can start it. Gee said he’ll be down in a few minutes.”

He pushed start on the silver remote and the opening credits began to play. By time the movie had started, Gee was down and sitting on Aiden’s other side.

“Hey, can someone make popcorn?” Aiden asked, eyes not leaving the screen. Aiden had always loved older movies like this. He hated stuff now, but loved stuff from when Gee and I were younger.

Gee stood up and headed towards the kitchen. Aiden began giggling when Dwayne, in the movie, held up a sign that said ‘Welcome to Hell’. I could hear the microwave popping and I looked at Aiden. He really did look a lot better than he had a few days ago. His bruises had faded a bit and his cuts had begun to close up. He was no where near completely healed, but he was getting there.

Aiden looked at me out of the corner of his eye, and then sat up. “What?”

“Nothing. Do you need some medicine on your cuts?” I asked as Gerard came in with a huge bowl of popcorn.

“No, not now.” He shook his head, then grinned and reached for the bowl. “Thank you, Daddy.”

“You’re welcome.” Gerard sat down next to Aiden and we all snuggled together on the couch, our feet on the coffee table, eating popcorn and watching our movie.

We hadn’t done this, the three of us, since Aiden was eleven… And I’d missed it.

I loved being with Eric. Yeah, I wished he was here. But being here with Aiden and Gerard was… wonderful. I couldn’t find words to express what I felt, how happy I was.

Aiden’s POV

I laid my head on Daddy’s shoulder, feeling weird. This was the first time that we’d all three been alone together that I hadn’t felt sick. It was almost like when I was little and Bella was still around, before she got pregnant and had Matt.

I felt myself getting tired but I didn’t want to fall asleep. I wanted this to last forever, me and my two dads just sitting around and watching a movie with nothing bad happening.

I must be weird, putting so much thought into this. It’s just a movie after all, but to me… it’s more. It’s my family together, enjoying being with each other. We never get to all three be alone together and relax. Dad’s always cleaning, Daddy’s always on the phone with Mikey or something.

Us three, alone together… it’s cool. I like it. I like it a lot.

I hope we can do this more often… only with Eric. I kind of miss Eric right now…

Gerard’s POV

I felt Aiden rest his head on my shoulder and I looked down and smiled at him. He was watching the movie, entranced in it. Aiden was the type of kid who could really lose himself in TV, movies, music, his thoughts. He’d always had an active imagination; he was always moving around or doing something.

I think he gets it from Frank. Not biologically, of course. Just from where he and Frank were alone together for so long. Frank’s always cleaning or playing guitar, reading a book, organizing something. If he isn’t doing something, he isn’t happy. Aiden’s always been so random, just like Frankie.

I don’t really see myself in Aiden at all. I did in Bella, tons.

All Aiden’s ever followed me in is drugs and drinking.

I ran my fingers through Aiden’s dark hair, refraining from sighing. I didn’t want to ruin the moment by letting them know I was thinking about this again.

I regretted what I did to Frankie so much. Those had been the worst five years of my life and to today I still don’t know how I did it or why.

Aiden let out a soft snore and Frank and I looked down. I looked back up at Frank, smiling.

“He’s asleep.” Frank whispered.


“Gee… I missed this… I missed you.” Frank whispered. “Ever since we got back together… there’s been so much drama that we haven’t gotten to… have family moments like this. And I really missed them.”
Tears filled Frankie’s eyes. “I missed you so much.”

I reached over and wiped his beautiful green eyes. “I love you too, Frankie…”

My hands had begun to shake and my palms were sweating. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I knew Frankie wanted to get married too. We’d talked about it briefly a few days ago. So I had no reason to be nervous, talking about this. Proposing… which is what I seemed to be doing because I cleared my throat and said, “I want to get married again. I mean, I know we talked about it…. But I mean…. I really wanna do it. Like… like soon.”

Frank’s eyes widened. “You do?” he asked, a smile coming to his face.

“I really do.” I nodded.

“Y-you aren’t saying this just because Aiden’s getting married and you feel bad?” he asked, his eyebrow arching slightly as he glanced down at our still sleeping son.

“No, baby… I’m saying it because I want to marry you. I miss being married… I know they say it doesn’t really change anything, but… it does… Frankie, will you marry me?”

Frank nodded, smiling. He got this grin he got on his face only when he was super excited. He then let out this little squeak of happiness, clapping his hands together. I pressed my lips to his in a passionate kiss, ignoring the fact that my son was sleeping in between us. I didn’t care because this… this was right. This time we weren’t going to get a divorce. This time we don’t have Bert McCracken to worry about or drugs and alcohol. We have us and the kids, and that’s all that matters. A family.

My thoughts were interrupted by Aiden smacking both of us across the head and telling us to ‘get a room.’