Follow the Bright Lights


Skye's POV

I woke up early that Friday morning and took a shower. I dressed in sweats and didn't bother to do a thing with my newly-dyed hair.

I went to the studio, got made up real nice, and took a few pictures for Charlotte Russe. I'd done a few shoots for them. They didn't pay as well as the rest but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

My friend from H&M, Carlotta, was there too. She complimented me on the new hair color and asked if I wanted to go dancing with her that night.

"I can't, actually. I'm going to see Owl City at the Rave."

"Oh okay. Tomorrow then?" she asked as we headed out the door.

"Yeah tomorrow's good. Text me," I replied and headed to the car. They'd given me a few new outfits.

That was the thing with fashion modeling. Sometimes you got to take home designs and models before they even hit the stores.

It was only two o'clock, so I had time to kill. I drove to Starbucks and got my standard White Chocolate Mocha Frap. I sipped at it idly and waded through L.A. traffic till I got home.

I made myself lunch and sat on my bed and watched TV for a good two hours. America's Next Top Model. It was my weakness. Really I thought Tyra was pretty fake and none of the girls were ever taken seriously out in the real world, but the drama was much better than most reality TV, there was Miss J, who I loved, and I could relate to a lot of the stuff.

Since my hair was a mess of curliness and hairspray, I went to go straighten it, then I put on my new outfit. A pair of dark skinnies and sexy black boots and a yellow babydoll top. I put on one of my big necklaces and grabbed my phone and camera from their chargers.

I replied to a few texts as I waded through traffic again and stopped off at Panera to grab something to eat.

It was then that I got a text from Carlotta.

hey let's go out to 609 tomorrow.

sounds good. I texted back as I headed out the door. It was getting dark. The show didn't start for two hours, but it never hurts to be early.

I got in my car and my phone vibrated again. It was Carlotta again.

did you know livelavalive is in town? fiona saw him and kyle at the mall.

..livelavalive? i don't know what that is.

you've never seen him? mitchell davis?? he's such a cutie. he's on youtube.

I thought my heart had stopped. No it couldn't be the Mitchell I knew. It just couldn't.

oh. is he like a comedian?


So then I figured he was older. I was right it couldn't be the Mitchell I knew.

is he any good?

he's hilarious and like i said, so cute. he's nineteen. he's from ohio i think.

I dropped my phone into my lap and my eyes flooded with tears. I didn't know why and I didn't want to smear my makeup, so I bit my lip and started down the street toward the Rave.

Nineteen and from Ohio. It was him and there was no other explanation.

Los Angeles was a big place. I was never going to find him.
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comments are lovely.
this chapter is for Gabby.