Status: Active, but slow; sorry guys, school's a bitch. :/

Gun In Hand

Twenty Three

The next few days passed by in a blur. I spent most of my time watching Jayden draw pictures for the clients who wanted to be tattooed, even helping him out every so often. I think it surprised Zane a bit to see us hanging out so much, but he didn’t say anything.

Christmas sneaked up on faster than anyone could’ve expected; and even though I told everyone not go get me anything, I was bombarded with gifts.

“Come on, Oli!” Jayden whined, holding a small, wrapped box in front of me. “Please~ open it! I picked it out just for you!” Everyone laughed, excluding Mai and Preston- who’d finally come back a few days ago.

“Yeah, Oli!” Amy giggled, pushing Jayden. “This little guy right here towed me around the mall with him for four hours straight trying to find you something!” She giggled again, as everyone else burst out laughing again. I took notice to the fact that Jayden’s face was turning beat red, but sighed, and reluctantly took the box anyway.

“About time!” Dom exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Amy’s waist. She giggled as he kissed her, because the long white beard he wore was tickling her; the idiot was dressed up like Santa.

“Daddy! Daddy!” Hailey yelled, tugging on her fathers leg. “I want to open more presents!” Dom chuckled, letting go of his wife to get his daughter another wrapped up box. “Yay!” She screeched, running toward the three foot tall box. Turning my back on them, I started to focus on the task at hand; unwrapping the little purple box.

Taking my time, I slowly pulled at the gold and white ribbons, letting them fall from the box to the floor. Then, just as slowly, I gently pulled at the tape. I wanted to try to get whatever was in the wrapping out without ripping the paper- a weird little challenge, but I’d always wondered if I could do it. My mom didn’t like Christmas, so I never had the opportunity to try.

Apparently though, Jayden had other ideas. I didn’t notice how jumpy he’s been since he’d handed me the stupid present, so when I decided to take my sweet time, he decided to snatch the box back and tear the paper off, before shoving it back at me.

“Open it!” He whispered, anticipation clear in his voice. I looked at him from the corner of my eye as I re-grasped the box, watching as he still hopped on the floor. Looking back at what was in my hands, I saw a smooth, black box with a pretty lid. It was clear, but had random splotches of bright colors covering it; not your average gift box. Removing the colorful lid, my eyes were met with something I’d never expect as a gift.

“Jayden,” I muttered, gently removing it. “Its so pretty.” Sitting in between my fingers were two of my favorite flowers, in the form of what I was guessing was crystal. A thick orange-red, prickly, dying rose was intertwined with the thin stem of a bright red carnation. Twisting the flowers around, they glittered amazingly in the sunlight; they were amazing.

It was the best gift I’d ever received.

Surprised by my sudden silence, Jayden started panicking. “What? You don’t like it? Damn it, I knew you wouldn’t like it! I should’ve stuck with the-”

“Jayden,” I whispered, cutting him off. I looked up at him, tears of happiness threatening to spill over. “I love it.” Before I even knew what I was doing, I’d thrown my arms around his broad shoulders. “Thank you.” I whispered in his ear, letting his arms snake around my waist. “Thank you so much. It’s the best gift I’ve ever had.”

Jayden laughed, clearly relieved. “I’m glad; I was so worried that you wouldn’t like it. Ha, guess I was wrong.” I smiled, snuggling my face into his shoulder. Jayden was the most considerate man I’d ever met. He’d listened to me, even when I rarely talked, and always remembered what I’d said. He’d paid attention to me, long enough to figure out the smallest things, such as a favorite flower.

Closing my eyes, I let my tears stream down onto his shirt. For the first time in a long time, I’d had something worth remembering.

This had been the best Christmas in my life, and I wouldn’t forget it for the world.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is totally, 100% dedicated to confused101! She's the one who motivated me to finish this (really short... :[ ) chapter! So you should thank her! Even if it is really short....

And speaking of finishing chapters, I'm suuuuuper sorry it's taken two weeks for me to update! I've been busy with so much fucking homework, and juggling three projects while trying to make up a game to memorize the periodic table of elements for chemisty, is pretty rough! Not to mention my friends have been complete jerks to me lately, so that's taken a toll. :/

BUT-- moving on. :] There's a really awesome guy I like at school, which is probably why all the romance is going on, haha. :]]

I'll try to update as soon as I can, which'll hopefully be within the week. I apoligize for such a short chapter, but I didn't want to add on to what I have in store. ;]

With lots of <3,

P.S. Keep me motivated, hehe! Comment!