Sick Little Games



Sick Little Games was first story I ever finished. If not proud of the story, I'm at least proud of that fact, haha. I cannot believe I actually finished it... I was always that person that started a million stories and never finished any of them. if you're in that boat, let me tell you, there's hope. I'm proof!

FINAL COUNT (though the reader/comment count'll probably change):
87 comments 358 readers 100 subscribers

I know, since when do I have 100 subscribers?!
that's a crazy number, kids, and I thank alla' you for it.
I don't even think I talk to 100 different people... though 100 different people (at least somewhat?) have an interest in this story? that blows my mind.

I hope all of you guys subscribe to the sequel:
Arrogant boy, Cause a Scene Like You're Supposed to <3

I have some interesting ideas for that, and I'm hoping they pull through.
please, please, please feel free to add your input on what you want to see happen though, I could use all the help I could get, quite frankly... gimme some constructive criticism too!
I'm going to try to make this one less one-dimensional, because I think that made this story too... obsessive? haha, I don't really even know, and I'm rambling now.


thank you subscribers
thank you readers
and last but not least,
thank you commenters
not tryna pick favorites,
but you guys are mine (;
♠ ♠ ♠