Status: i'll update this as much as i can, and when i can, so be patient, and bare with me. =]

Just a Bittersweet Life


The 5th of June is just a normal day, but to one person in particular, it's a celebration. A celebration of the day he was first brought into the world. When he drew in some air and let it out, his first breathe offresh air. It's called the 'birthday'. It was his 27th birthday. I have witnessed him grow up, but so did a million other people in different ways; be it school friends, family or fans. People have celebrated Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third's birthday, at some point.

Me, however, I celebrated it in a tattoo parlour. Getting a tattoo to remind myself that eleven years ago, one day in high school my heart was taken from me. A day that I will never forget, even if I wanted to, trust me I've tried. My heart was taken by the Pete Wentz, and ever since then I have never got it back, he doesn't know he still has it, after all these years.

The year being 2006, I was in a random tattoo parlour on his birthday, getting a heart tattoo with a chain around it, with instead of a lock, it was a panda. The panda was the lock holding the chains in place. The tattoo means, Peter-panda holds the key to my heart. The tattoo is on my left wrist. It's small but not too small you can't tell what it is. I am no stranger to the tattoo world; I actually have several others.

One on my left inside of my ankle of a Chinese love symbol, skulls and crossbones on both my hips, a star in between my index finger and thumb on both right and left hand, and a butterfly design on my lower back, 'Believe' on the inside of my right wrist. It's not a tramp stamp as some might call it. All these tattoos where done during the years after leaving school and before starting my career in Photography.

Oh where are my manners, I haven't introduced myself yet, well I am Hannah Williams. I am a Photographer for a popular music magazine here in LA. I love photography, have since I was young. At school my favourite subjects were Photography, English and Art, my least being Maths, Science and Health and Physical Education (HPE). I passed all my subjects with flying colours. Unlike others.

I have changed throughout my 28 years of life. Like in high school I was dubbed under the 'loner', an 'outcast' and even a 'nerd', among others like myself. Just because we were different, not stuck-up, or dumb enough to follow around a bunch of dumbasses who takes orders like they're some sort of animal. I was, with others, tortured by the 'Brainwashed Cluster' (BC), as I like to call them.

Crystal Walters was the schools 'head cheerleader' and her fellow cheerleading group, made the BC. They would constantly walk around the school acting like they owned it. It pissed me off.

Today, being 2008, I was known for my photography in 'Music Madness' magazine, be it my band pictures, or other pictures I took. I know some band managers, and some bands, that I have taken photos of. I have my school friends, Andy Hurley, Joe Trohman, and Patrick Stump. Pete and I used to date, it ended quite suddenly and it broke my heart and if it wasn't for the guys and Pete, I wouldn't be here today. Pete and I aren't really on speaking terms; I haven't seen him since we parted.

I met my best friend here in LA, Lena Davis. I found my way to a Starbucks and she was there and I didn't know anybody so I took a chance and sat with her and we instantly clicked. She met the guys from Fall Out Boy, but Patrick introduced Pete to her, seeing as I hadn't seen him. We all hung out but me and Pete. If Pete was there, I stayed back. I didn't want to deal with him.

You probably want to know what happened between Pete and I, well I will take you back to our school years. Before I met Pete and the guys, and Lena. Back to the year 1997, last year of school.
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the tattoos
My 1st Pete Wentz story out of 3.
My 2nd story that i wish to complete.
My 2nd story one Mibba.