Status: i'll update this as much as i can, and when i can, so be patient, and bare with me. =]

Just a Bittersweet Life


The sunlight had crept in through the gap in the curtain and was slightly kissing my cheek, slowly bringing me out of my peaceful slumber. A couple of seconds later my eyes fluttered open and I was instantly greeted with the sunlight on my face, causing me to blink several times, to get used to the light.

Looking over at the alarm clock that is situated on my bedside table, I read the time, 7:15am. I heard a noise coming from my door, and then slowly my door started to creak open to reveal my father, David Williams.

"Ahh great you're up! I was just coming to wake you. Remember today's the first day of your last year at school," He said happily.

I sighed and tossed the covers off my body and got out of bed. As soon as my bare feet touched the warm carpet, I turned to my dad. "Yes I know dad," Was my reply before I went into the bathroom so I could have a shower. Walking straight past my dad, who was already starting to leave, towards the bathroom.

The instant the water descended from the showerhead and drenched my naked body with warm water, I was wide awake. Washing the muck off and washing my hair, I turned the shower off and wrapped a violet towel around my slim frame. I wiped the mirror from the steam, so I could see myself clearly and not blurred. I plugged my hair straightener in, while I started to blow dry my hair.

After drying my hair, I went to my room and pulled out a pair of skinny-leg jeans and a Green Day shirt, from my closet. I made my way over to my underwear draw and grabbed a matching set and walked back to the bathroom to get changed.

Once I was dressed I proceeded to straighten my hair. Some time later my hair was straight, so I applied some make-up to my features. I put a light amount on as to not to make me look fake, but enough to cover up blotches and occasional pimple or two. I bought out my baby blues, with black eyeliner. Looking at the finished result, I pulled on my socks and scuffed converse and grabbed my messenger bag, phone, grabbing my keys on the way out of my room. I headed downstairs to the kitchen to have some breakfast, before I left to go to school.

"Have fun at school sweetie, I got to go to work now. Love you, bye." My dad said while he grabbed his keys, kissing me on the top of my head, and walked out of the house.

"Bye dad," I yelled, and put my empty dishes in the sink. I looked at the microwave for the time; it was 5 past 8, so I had 10 minutes before I leave, so I went to the lounge room and turned the stereo on. Queen blasted through the speakers. This is dad's cd. I thought while changing the cd around to Green Day's. Getting lost in the music, I realized that I better get going, before I'm late. Turning off the stereo and making sure that the front door was locked, I grabbed my things and ran to the garage and closed the door behind me. I got in my Subaru WRX and opened the garage door. I started the engine, instantly being met with Michael Jackson's 'Man in the Mirror' (R.I.P) blasting through the speakers, and let it warm up before I took off.

After the car was warmed up, I pressed the garage opener and the white door started to open up behind me. Once it was completely opened, I started to back my car out, being careful as to not hit anything on my way out. Successful, I pressed the button again and watched it close before continuing my way towards hell, the place where I would be tortured for another year. The place where I would go unnoticed in a way. The one place where I could get lost, but I would know exactly where I was.

Driving down the road, I only knew too well, seeing the familiar park and a bunch of people walking along the pathway, either on their way to work, school, or someplace. A small smile was bought to my lips as I saw one person in particular. A dark haired boy walking amongst the bunch of people, in the direction of the school. Soon I arrived to the familiar looking buildings that I would be attending throughout the year, school. The school wasn't that far away from my house, so it didn't take that long to get there. I turned into the crowed parking lot that would be the same everyday, crowed, where I would be visiting everyday all year long, and took a nearest empty park and killed the engine.

Taking off my seat belt I grabbed my messenger bag and keys and opened the door. Once out, I closed it and locked it before heading for the familiar double doors that is the entrance of the school.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this before MJ was sadly taken, that's why I put (R.I.P).

Anyway this is for bitrswetmelncoly, who begged me to update, so this ones for you.