Status: i'll update this as much as i can, and when i can, so be patient, and bare with me. =]

Just a Bittersweet Life


Sitting in fourth period, I was bored out of my brain. Yes I like the subject, but it wasn't that, it was the way the teacher taught his voice was monotone and flat out boring. Currently Mr. Jenkins was writing equations onto the board for us to copy down. As I was scribbling them down, I could hear the class murmur that had been buzzing around ever since we had come in, even though Mr. Jenkins had told the class to be quiet, on several bases.

The equations become harder and harder as each one progressed. My plan was to write them all down, then work them out, whereas others would write the first one down, then work it out. They forget that each class, Mr. Jenkins tells us that all the equations he writes on the board, if you hadn't finished them in class, then they're homework, so you have people rushing to get them down before the bell rings, whereas I am ready when the bell rings, and possibly the 3rd out the door.

I still, to this day, find it hilarious that they haven't learnt yet. So whilst I was writing the last equation down I caught a glimpse of Mr. Wentz, beside me. That's new, since when has he sat there, I always thought he skipped this class. I thought as I saw him look at me, I quickly turned my head back to my work and started to answer the questions.

I do have to admit that he was good looking, but one thing that I didn't like about him was his ego. Man some people could be so arrogant, so up themselves that they couldn't see the real world. No one is perfect, and thinking that you are the top shit, is just pathetic. I take pity in them sometimes, because they're so far from the real world, that when they get a reality check, it's like an upper cut to the face. I just hope that they can deal with it afterwards, and finally take a walk in everyone else's shoes, and see that everyone has problems.

Managing to finish each equation, I started to work on them, concentrating on my work, and not the boy next to me. Maths became like a chore to me, I didn't want to do it, but I did because well, I had to pass. Throughout the class I could feel the time become slower and slower, just to taunt me. I was hungry and looking forward to lunch. Becoming distracted with the time, I didn't realize that I had stopped answering the questions and started to doodle on the side of my page.

It started out with stars, then an umbrella, using the stars as rain, I became aware that the time had slipped past me, and was now a minute to go until lunch. Stopping mid-draw I packed up my things and shoved them into my messenger bag. The bell rang as soon as the last of my stuff was in my back and I pushed the chair out from under me with my legs and got up.

Mr. Jenkins was yelling over the class which had become boisterous seeing as class had just finished, telling them that they had to finish the equations for homework. Amongst the noise, I could hear the sighs and the groans as this news became spoken. I fought the urge to laugh at them, and made my way out the doors and towards the familiar area, where I could be relaxed.

Lunch time was a time for me to relax, not worry about anyone annoying the shit out of me. Not worrying if I had done the homework, or have assignments due, it was time for me to relish in my art and lose myself in a world were nothing mattered. Sitting down at my table – as no one dared sit there – I pulled out my sketch pad, and pencil case and got to work on my drawing I was working on this morning.

I was working on the blurs when my stomach grumbled and let me know that I was starving. Grabbing out my lunch, I put down the pen I was using and stared to eat my lunch. Sometimes homemade lunch can be awesome, like this time, it was left over dinner from last night that I place in a container and took it with me. Eating my cold pizza, I opened my water and took a swig of it. A few moments passed and I finished my pizza and then washed my mouth out with the water then continued to draw.

I was nearly done with the blurs. I only and three other blurs to add then I can start on the lonely male that sits at a table across the room with everyone around him blurred. The picture would end up being about a male that has everything, but not everything he actually wants. He was a gorgeous male that secretly wishes he was a nobody.

Lunch was forty-five minutes long and there was half an hour to go when I started on the male. Within the first fifteen minutes of lunch I had finished all the blurs. I was quite proud that I was nearly finished this picture. I started it yesterday and seeing as I was in school, I couldn't work on as much as I would have liked.

When I was drawing, painting, writing anything creative I would always get so lost in my work that time just passes me by. Sometimes I could go a day without realizing the time and always forget to eat. I remember one Sunday I was working on a school project and I was so content on making it perfect that I spent the whole day in my room working on it, only leaving to use the bathroom and refill my water bottle. That's just how I was. Art has always been a big part of my life since I was able to draw.

As normal I was lost in my drawing I just barley heard the bell ring – the dull ringing was like background noise to me. Reluctantly putting my stuff away I made sure I had everything before heading of to my next class. I stopped by my locker before going to class. I opened my locker putting the books I didn't need in while grabbing the books I need and put them into my locker. I was nearly finished, putting the last book into my back before I heard Crystal and her little posse heading straight towards me.

I wasn't fast enough, so I was caught up with the other people that had just gotten their books knocked out of their hands and hit the ground with loud thuds. I was a little luckier then them only having on book in my hand when Crystal past me and knocked it out of my hands. Feeling the book falling to the ground I didn't try catching it and have the chance of missing it and making myself look even more of a loser to these girls, I just waited till it hit the floor with a thud and lay open.

The girls laughed as they walked on by yelling out names as they passed. I couldn't wait for another eleven months and then I am out of here, and away from them. And closer to them getting reality checks and being victims of bullies themselves. Smiling at this thought I wasn't angry at them anymore, but amused at the thought of them being in my position. Picking up the book I placed it into my bag and closed the locker locking it before racing off to my next class before the second bell.

Getting in class just as the second bell was ringing; I slipped passed a few jocks that were taking their time getting to their seat before the teacher noticed I was late. I just sat down before the teacher yelled to the jocks to hurry up and that we were not going to wait all day for them to finish their conversation so they could sit down. I grabbed out my things and was ready for the teacher to start teaching, but we were all listening to her lecturing the boys on the fact that the world does not revolve around them. Tuning out I sat and waited until she started to teach the class.

That's how the rest of the day went, waiting until the jocks or the cheerleading squad were ready to work before any of the teachers where willing to start. That's why I Mr. Johnson was one of my favourite teachers; he just got right into it before even getting into the room, and just his presence demands silence. The whole class is quiet not even bothering to get on his bad side and keep talking. They just don't bother. I guess he talked to the students quietly and told them if they kept it up, that they weren't going to pass, and for most of them – being the jocks and the cheerleading squad – need the grades to get into a college.


It was currently three thirty-five and I have been home for ten minutes. I was currently in my room finishing of my math homework. I would always come home and do my homework, because the quicker I got it done, the more time I got for myself. Then I knew it was done and I would never get a detention for not doing my homework and haft to stay behind when everyone gets to go home.

I was on the last question when I heard the garage door open then close quickly after. Dad was home. The garage door that led to the house opened and quickly closed. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and then stop at my door, only to hear a light knocking on my door.

"Sweetheart you in there?" He asked through the door.

"Mmhmm," I said from my place on the floor.

He opened my door and walked over to where I was lying on the floor. I looked up and sat up while he sat down. He smiled and looked over my open page of homework that currently lying open. He then engulfed me into a hug and kissed the top of my forehead.

"How was your first day back, sweetheart?" He said while letting go of me.

"It was the same as last year dad. Same people just harder topics," I said looking at him.

"Well I know that you only just went back to school today but you need to start thinking about college and what you are going to do when school is finished, cause trust me sweetie, the last year goes faster then any other," He smiled.

"Well I was thinking of going to college and take up either photography or journalism," I turned to look at my old camera that lay upon my table.

"That's a good start," He said and kissed the top of my head before getting up and leaving the room. "Dinner is on the table when you're ready,"
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this has been a while.
i kept getting ideas for oneshots and my other story, then i made a new story.
plus i had minor writers block, i tried several times to write the next part, but failed, until now.
i am a terrible updater, the next part is already written.
i won't post that one until i have another one, then post it and continue that way.
sorry again.