A Portal to the Unknown and Talking Unicorns

Have you ever thought about all of those fairy tales your parent’s told you when you were a kid? You know, the ones with dragons who are plaguing distant kingdoms and young princesses playing with fairies and unicorns. Most of you probably passed them off as silly little stories to put children to sleep once you became old enough to stop believing in them. I’m
not saying you were wrong to think that, most reasonable people would. I even thought that way. That was until some very weird things started happening to my best friend Catharine and me. I don’t even truly understand it but… I’ll try and explain, nonetheless.
My name is Alice White, and I’m probably the most average girl ever. Normally I try to stay as invisible as possible. Sadly, that’s extremely hard when you have a best friend like mine. Catharine is the exact opposite of me. People tend to notice her, and if they don’t she’ll figure something to get there attention. The only problem is, when people notice her the notice me. That’s actually how this whole thing started; someone noticed her, and then they noticed me.