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Empty Graves And Shallow Hearts

My life wasn’t exactly what I hoped it would be.
The job I had… wasn’t a job you exactly write home to mom about.
It labeled me.

I lost a lot--

And gained little from it--
The feeling of being alone.

But I made enough to live off of.
And that’s all I needed.
I didn’t need anyone else to make me happy.
My life was my own--No one else’s.
I didn’t care anymore.
As long as I got paid then every thing was fine.

That was until I met him.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Oli Sykes or anyone associated with him. I do however own the plot and fictional characters :)
  1. Messages.
    Gotta call someone back sometime.
  2. Mirrors.
    Enemies can be found in the least likely things.
  3. Walking In.
    "It was a boy, or a man rather..."
  4. No Need for Introductions!
    First impressions are important.
  5. Issues.
    Everybody has some.
  6. A New Secret?
    "For all they know we've been going at it this whole time."
  7. Good Morning!
    "It's cracker hour though honey. Are you a cracker?"
  8. Breakfast Time
    On the couch?
  9. Bodies Full of Booze.
    "It’s so much more easier to think more straighter when the room… spins"
  10. Loner.
    "You drank all of that?"