Mess With The Bull, You Get The Horns

I feel so dirty

“Di, for the love of God, put down the book and have some fun,” Adrianna came up to me. I was in the corner at my best friend’s wedding reception reading one of my favorite books. I’m sorry that I like to read, but I get so bored so easily, especially when more than have of the wedding is filled with those blood-sucking leeches they call lawyers. Seriously, just the way they say hello can bore you to tears.

“Sorry, Adrianna, it’s just that I’m not into anything going on.”

“You can’t just carry around a silly book though. Come on, stand up,” she tugged at my arm. I rolled my eyes, closing my book and standing up. “Now, you see that guy over there,” she pointed over to my right. The guy she was pointing at was well-groomed, holding out his pinky as he sipped his champagne and interacted in the conversation with other boring snobs in the room.

“Yeah I see him, he looks like every other slime ball in this room,” I said in disgust.

“Well he’s been checking you all day and your acting like you don’t want to be here!”

“I do want to be here, just not near all the business people.”

She rolled her eyes and began to push me towards the guy. “Let’s go, get your flirt on Diana!”

“No, stop,” I yelled. Before I knew it, she pushed me right into the guy. He had a smug smile on his face when he got close to me. God, I felt dirty just touching him.

“Why hello there,” he held onto my hand and kissed the top of it. Although that is gentleman like, I still didn’t feel that clean around him.

“Hi,” I tried turning around, but he turned me around to face him.

“I’m Zack.”

“And I need to go talk to my friend,” I tried turning around again, but he turned me around yet again. “Excuse me, but I would like to have my hand back.”

“You want to dance,” he completely ignored me. I didn’t have time to answer before he pulled me out to the dance floor. To my dismay, a upbeat came on and all the couples were all over each other, which gave Zack the idea to do the same. It made me feel so unclean just standing five feet close to him. What made that feeling even worse was everyone around us. I’m not one for dirty dancing. The closest I ever got to that was the actual movie, but never actually grinding with anyone else. I let him stand behind me and do what he pleased. I thankfully still had my book in hand and began to read it again while standing there. Zack must have noticed and took it right out of my hands.

I Ain’t Got Time To Bleed?! This guy is a joke,” he laughed and threw it in a random direction.

“Hey, Jesse Ventura is a great man,” I yelled, trying to walk away to get my book. Zack still had a grip on me and pulled me back right onto him.

“He can go suck lemons for all I care,” he tried to sound seductive while whispering in my ear. I tried pushing him off me. I swear I’m burning this dress when I get home. Maybe I’ll just cast a firestorm at his house and throw my dress in the mix, after all, they both are dirty. “So what’s your name baby,” he continued to try to be sexy.

“If I tell you, will you leave me alone,” I growled.


“Diana,” I tried pushing away, but he only gripped tighter on my hips.

“Diana,” he purred. “Damn girl, you’re prettier than the Princess Diana herself.”

“Yeah, yeah, now let go before I chop your arms off with a meat cleaver,” I threatened.

“Aw baby, you should know to never trust a stranger,” he whispered in my ear and continued to dance. I rolled my eyes and prayed that a miracle would happen.

“Excuse me miss,” someone said with a sour expression on his face as if he had just at a lemon. “Is this your Jesse Ventura book that whacked me on the head?”

I saw the lump on his head and felt terrible that I had brought it with me. But then again, he’s just like all the other leeches in the room, so he does deserve it. In fact, I just had a great idea.

I smiled and took my book back. “Thank you sir, and sorry about it hitting you on the head.” I turned around and Zack smiled. “You know, Zack, I always wanted to quote my favorite person of all time.”


“Yes really,” I smirked. The front of my book then collide with the top of his head, knocking him down to the ground. “I ain’t got time to bleed!”

“What the hell,” he screamed.

“Mess with the bull, you get the horns,” I said while walking away, not feeling so unclean anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
not my best
but still