Vinyl Records:

Never ever.

"I knew it." I said puffing out smoke. "I knew it that I would regret it. Since that day. I mean, what could you expect? We were kids and everybody had a girlfriend already, and I just wanted to make sure he didn't choose me because he got tired of his own girlfriend." I tugged on my shirt, and continued. "Plus, my parents were always fighting at home; I never had a good idea of what love's supposed to be like. So I was scared. I don't like giving chances to people. And only because I'll either hurt them, or because they'll run away from me. Part of the reason why I have my comfort zone actually."

I saw Abigail look up. "Really? Who's part of your comfort zone?"

I looked around nervously, but replied nonetheless. "No one fancy. Chris, John, Stella and you." I smiled and went back to telling my story. I didn't even notice how Abigail rapidly looked ahead. She tried to cover it with a smile. Should've seen the signs then..

"But the next couple of weeks, everything broke. It felt like I lost my best friend. He never looked up, never said another word to me, nor came in contact with the ones I hanged out with. Oh, well he actually did. When he was playing basketball with you and the others." I smiled and I saw Abigail smile too, before tugging a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Gosh, please don't remind me of those times. That's why I have a messed up thumb. Which I still have to thank Paul for." She said rolling her eyes playfully and showing me her thumb. I giggled. It was quite funny actually, it looked like only the top half was bowing, while the rest of her thumb stood normally. Ha ha, sight to see for sure.

"And after that, I guess I kind of shut off. I realized that I didn't need friends anymore. I needed independence, uniqueness. Freedom. But I didn't know how I all got them the wrong way. It started with leaving you to sit alone in our bench. And after that, I saw Nina as the only one who understood me. I started changing, and at a really fast pace too. I covered myself with T-shirts of rock bands; you know? The kinds that look like pajamas. After that, I started listening only to rock or hard-rock. I guess I did that as a measure of precaution also. I knew you didn't listen to that type of music; in fact you despised it. So you and I never had to talk again. Because if we did; you would've convinced me to drop off the charade, and start being myself. The only thing that I didn't realize, is that I was whom I hated." I stopped and looked at cars passing by. Abigail lifted her bottle and drank from it.

"Want to tell me more? Or should we call it a day?" Abigail asked putting her notebook in the far corner of the table.

"A little." I said and arranged myself in my seat. "I started hating myself. Depriving myself from food intentionally, because I thought I was fat. I guess I was.. Anyway, after sitting with Nina for so long, I started thinking like her too. I remember when you and Stella suddenly bonded. I was jealous. You found me a replacement so soon, I was taken aback."

At that point, Abigail looked up with the most painful expression I've ever come across. It was a mix of disgust, anger and guilt. And I couldn't help but feel like the first two were addressed to me.

"You know I was in a bad time then. You left without saying one word to me. Why do you think I was being such a bitch to Stella? Because I had all this anger wrapped up inside of me. And poor her, she was the only one who had to deal with it. But she took her revenge. We're both sitting on the same ground now." I looked for a long time into Abigail's eyes. That speech disturbed me. I never saw her like this. In all of the years I've known her; she never was so blunt.

"Oh. Well, um, I didn't know. All that I know is that one day Stella came up to me and proposed me something. And I, being an asshole, accepted it without thinking of you. I thought that you would forgive me."

At that, Abigail rolled her eyes. "Abigail won't mind.." I heard her murmur but she quieted down.

"Tell me all about it." Said Abigail, opening the notebook again.
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"Say you're sorry, that face of an angel comes out just when you need it to."
-Taylor Swift