Vinyl Records:

Days of our heroes

I shuffled in my seat. I still wasn't comfortable talking about that. I guess it would be easier to categorize it as 'teenage drama'. But it was so much more than that. And the silence floating around between me and Abigail expressed exactly that. She still didn't forgive me. I felt that. And all the fake smiles I received from her didn't fool me. I knew her better than she knew herself. And vice versa.

"Stella came to me and talked to me about how you were treating her. I didn't know about your side of the story, and back then I didn't really care either. She told me how you'd snap at the littlest things and treat her like dirt and ignore her. Then, Nina came up with this idea. Which I agreed to, and I guess things just got in motion."

"Yeah.." I heard Abigail murmur while looking ahead. Clearly, that memory still haunted her.

"Abigail, I want to talk to you about something." Stella said, sitting at the corner of the school. You looked behind her but just shrugged her off.

"Can't you see that I'm talking to Diane right now?" You said shrieking at Stella. Then, she just stomped off. She came to us.

"Guys, I can't stand Abigail anymore. Now's the time to do it." Stella said gripping at her blond locks.

"No, we don't want to rush it. Next recess. Then we'll go out with a bang." Nina said, but immediately shut up when she saw you happily approach us.

"Hey, guys. How are you?" You asked us awkwardly and waited for our response. We shut up and ignored her, looking in different directions. Nina looked at you, however, and replied a short and burning "Fine."

After that, an awkward silence fell upon us. I remember you wanting to ask something. But I'm not sure what it was. You entered the class with a sense of fake happiness.

"Bitch." One of us said, rolling her eyes.

Then, the next recess came. You walked outside, just like the plan was. I walked out of my bench, and so did Nina. We went to grab Stella and went to the corner of the school, again.

"Here goes nothing." Stella said before yelling a loud "Abigail!"

You turned around and sat 20 feet in front of us. We all stood next to each other, with our arms crossed.

"I'm tired of how you're treating me. You're pissing me off and I can't stand you. I never did. I just faked it."

"Fine. And why are they here?" You asked coldly.

"Because they're my real friends." Stella replied. With that, we all walked off.

"Glad that's over with." I said rolling my eyes. We all smirked and went back to class. "We helped Stella move away from you and we left you alone. It felt good. Like you were finally reaching a place I've been to so many times. I didn't know why. I just felt like I had to take my revenge, when you did nothing."

"Yeah.." Abigail murmured again and then my father came to pick us up. The ride was filled with small talk and smiles, but I still saw Abigail looking out the window. Something was about to go wrong.

And I could feel it.
♠ ♠ ♠
"In a city of fools I was careful and cool, But they tore me apart like a hurricane"
-All Time Low