Status: completed : )

Somewhere Out There (Dreaming Under the Same Moon)

Dreaming Under the Same Moon

It was three months after their brush with death in Paris, and the guys were warming up for their first concert in their summer tour. The show was in Las Vegas. Nick was tuning one of his guitars, Joe was singing to something on his iPod, and Kevin was talking to his dad in the corner of the room with Denise.

Kalleigh, Kate, and Krystal entered the dressing room, microphones in their hands and ear pieces hanging down around their shoulders.

“How did your sound check go?” Denise asked the girls as they kissed their boyfriends and sat on one of the sofas.

“Really good,” Kate told her. “The band did a really good job with the new arrangement of the song. I’m glad they like it.”

“Everyone does,” Nick told the girls, putting his arm around Kalleigh. “It’s a great song.”

“You guys helped us write it,” Krystal added. “Of course it’s great.”

“Alright everyone, it’s time for lockdown,” Paul announced. Nick, Joe, and Kevin all stood and followed their dad to the men’s bathroom, where they would do their warm ups with the band. The girls stayed behind, dressing into their outfits for the concert. Half an hour later, the guys returned, the sounds of thousands of screaming fans flying in as they opened the door.

“Is it always this loud?” Kalleigh asked Nick. He nodded.

“Are you girls ready?” Joe asked them, throwing a microphone at Kate. She caught it and grinned.

“Oh yeah!” she exclaimed.

“Then let’s go!” Kevin shouted. “It’s show time!”


“Let me hear you, Las Vegas!” Joe yelled in his mic as he ran to the end of their stage extension and held his free hand up to his ear. The audience screamed, and Nick and Kevin laughed at the noise. “You guys are SO awesome!”

“Alright Joe, can we get back to the concert now?” Nick said in his mic as he strapped an acoustic guitar over his shoulder.

“Now that we can do!” Joe said back, running back to join his brothers. “This next song is brand new, and will be on the new CD that comes out in September.” The screaming ensued again.

“We wrote it with some very special people in our lives,” Kevin continued, “and we would like for them to come out and help us sing it for you.”

“Please give it up for Kalleigh Weaver, Kate Michaelson, and Krystal Johnson!” Nick introduced the girls. They walked on the stage to thunderous applause. The girls waved to the crowd and joined the boys at their spots on stage. Each couple shared a small kiss, triggering an ‘awww’ from the audience.

“We wrote this song with the guys about our experiences apart from each other back at the beginning of the year,” Krystal said in her microphone. She didn’t think she needed to explain any further what she meant by their ‘experiences apart from each other’.

“It’s called ‘Dreaming Under the Same Moon’,” Kalleigh said.

“We hope you like it,” Kate smiled. Nick, Kevin, and John Taylor began playing the opening chords of the song the six wrote together. The girls were first to sing.

“Take a chance, a leap of faith, leave the nest, I guess that’s how we’ve learned to fly,” Krystal began.

“We spread our wings and rode the wind, you’ve chased your rainbows, I’ve chased mine,” Kalleigh sang next.

“It’s not always easy, being this far apart. But don’t you get the feeling we’re connected at the heart,” Kate finished the first verse. The guys joined in on the chorus.

“We’re dreaming under the same moon, under the same stars, I close my eyes. Wishing I’m gonna see you soon,” they sang in perfect harmony.

“When I see that night sky glowing, there’s a peace I get from knowing,” Kate sang by herself.

“That we’re dreaming under the same moon, under the same stars tonight,” they all sang the end of the chorus. The band played a few chords, and then the guys took over on verse two.

“Here I am, there you are. I admit there are times I wish I was home,” Kevin sang. The crowd screamed as the normally silent Jonas showed off his beautiful voice.

“Then I hear a voice on the line, makes me realize I’m never alone,” Nick belted. The girls joined the guys for the next part.

“We’ve been trying so hard, trying to make it all come true…”

“What I want for me, well,” Joe sang. Kate then joined him for a small duet, “That’s what I want for you.”

“We’re dreaming under the same moon, under the same stars, I close my eyes. Wishing I’m gonna see you soon,” they all sang together.

“When I see that night sky glowing, there’s a peace I get from knowing,” Nick belted out. The audience of pre-teen girls screamed at the sixteen year old swooner. The entire group sang the chorus for a third time in its entirety, bringing the song close to its end. Nick and Kalleigh started the bridge.

“Take a chance, a leap of faith, leave the nest I guess that’s how…”

“Now we’re dreaming under the same moon,” Kevin and Krystal sang.

“Here I am, there you are. I admit there are times…” Joe and Kate walked down the stage extension hand in hand.

“Now we’re dreaming under the same moon,” Kevin and Krystal sang again.

“Dreaming under the same moon,” they all sang in perfect harmony as John Taylor, Nick, and Kevin played the final chords of the song. Cheers erupted from the audience.

“Thank you!” Joe yelled as he and Kate ran back up to join the rest of the group.

“Give it up for our beautiful girlfriends! Aren’t they just amazing?” Nick said before giving Kalleigh a quick kiss. The girls exited the stage, and the high of performing swept over them. This is what their lives were going to be like from now on. Months-long tours, screaming fans, amazing relationships with the three hottest brothers on the planet…it all just seemed so surreal.

“Did that really just happen?” Kate squealed as she collapsed on the couch in the dressing room. Kalleigh walked over and pinched Kate’s arm.

“OW! Kalleigh, what the hell?”

“I’m just making sure I’m awake,” she said back, smirking.

“Oh God, not this again,” Krystal groaned. “Will you two ever just grow up and act your ages?” Kalleigh and Kate laughed before giving each other a huge hug. “Hey, I want in on that!” Krystal joined her sisters on the couch, and they all hugged. “That’s better.”

“I love you girls,” Kate muttered. “You guys are my best friends, and I am so happy that we got to do this together.”

“The three musketeers,” Kalleigh said.

“To the three musketeers!” Kate and Krystal exclaimed in unison.

“All for one…” Krystal began, putting her hand out towards her sisters. They piled theirs on top of hers. They all finished the saying in unison.

“…and one for all.”
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks to everyone for reading!!! this was a fun story to write, and hearing all of your comments for it was just icing on the top of the cake. to all of my readers, i say thank you for all that you do for me. like i mentioned before, there will be a sequel for this story that is titled "my heart is wherever you are" (title credit to "can i have this dance" from HSM 3), but it won't be posted until my other quizilla transfer, "i know now you're my only hope", is finished.

the song that the girls and guys sing at the end is julianne hough's "dreaming under the same moon", the inspiration for the story. if you want to listen to the song, you can go here and listen to it.

leave me comments!!! can't wait to hear what you guys think of the ending!

mucho amor,
catherine <><