An Organization XIII Story

Chapter 4

She was torn between astonishment and nervousness.

"Wait til you see the inside" said Demyx

"I still get lost in there" said Xigbar, chuckling. Axel laughed at what Xigbar said,

"Wow Xiggy, and how long have you been here??" said Axel laughing. Xigbar retorted by threatning Axel while Demyx tried so hard not to laugh. Xigbar went up the two satirs and opened the door. It was pretty dark, but when she saw stepped inside, she saw the most amzing thing ever.

"Oh my word! i have never seen anything like this!" she exclaimed.

"Its not much, but its home" said Xigbar.

"Not much???!" she said, laughing. The hallway was ginormous, there were two flights of stairs, one going down stairs and the other going up. It was gleaming and peaceful.

"Question, why is it so white?" she asked.

"No idea," said Axel, " I guess Xemnas likes it like this"

"Do you wanna go see your room or do you wanna meet the others first?" asked Demyx

"I dont mind, but i guess i'd better go to my room first" Asuka replied.

"Huh, oh guys, by the way, me and Xigbar have to go, Xemnas wants to see us. Demyx go take Asuka to her room" said Axel

"Okay, lets go Asuka" said Demyx. They both left, Demyx leading her upstairs.

"Xemnas wans to see us?" asked Xigbar

"Yes Xiggy, dont you remeber? he said ' When you bring her, come straight to me' "

"Its Xigbar. And yes i do remember"

"Well lets go go"

They both headed to the east side of the mansion and opened the white door, they once more entered another white room but there was 13 chairs attached to nothing at different heights and the people were wearing similar clothes to Axel, Demyx and Xigbar.

"Axel, Xigbar, welcome back. Did you have a good trip?" asked one of them. Clearly he was the leader because he was in the highest position in his chair.

"Meh, it was good" they replied.

"Where are they?" the leadr asked

"Demyx took her to see her room" said Xigbar

"Xemnas, are you sure this is gonna work?" asked Axel

The man named Xemnas replied, "Maybe, I hope it does, but lets hold a feast later on, welcoming Asuka."

"Thats a good idea" said Xigbar, playing around with his guns.

"Xaldin, your good in the kitchen, go cook us a feast" said Xemnas and vanished somewhere. Probably the kitchen.
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yaaay chapter 4 finished <3