Assassin Vs. Vampire

Enter: Sync

Hidden amongst the crowd of street walking populace, a hooded figure acting strangely followed suit behind a trio of bubble-gum blowing, cell phone texting, teenage girls.
After a while of ambling down the streets, and drawing away from the larger crowds, a looming presence fell upon them. The chatting grew quieter, and the walking paced a little faster, but the faster they walked, the quicker their stalker sped up.
It was apparent they were being chased, after another turn; they quickly ran down the alleyway giving them distance from the pursuer.

Even as five minutes passed, screaming and running did nothing for them, the hooded man kept up behind them, and slowly closing in on them.
Finally, one wrong turn landed them in a dead-end.
The man turned the corner, coming from off the wall like a spider.
“P-please don’t hurt us…!” the terrified girls pleaded.
The menacing stalker said nothing as he slowly walked toward them, reaching for his pullovers’ pocket.
“W-we’ll give you anything you want, j-just please let us go!”
Their cries went unanswered as the boy pulled out a pen-like object. Frozen in fear, the ladies could only keep themselves huddled together in hopes that he would not harm them… much.
“Give me…” He spoke with a chilling voice that sent a shiver down their spines.
“Cell phone numbers…”

Everything in the universe suddenly stopped.
“You want our cell numbers?” the outspoken girl replied.
“Give them to me -ah!” He suddenly tripped over a garbage can, accidentally throwing the hood off his head, revealing the bright green hair upon his skull.
“What the… Sync! Oh my gosh you loser, what the heck is your problem?”
With his cover blown, Sync now had no choice but too play the sympathy card.
“Come on ladies, nobody hangs out with me, give me a chance, I’m a really fun guy!”

The trio of teenage girls were already heading out the exit, not even paying attention to him anymore, but murmuring about his dull life.
“I should just kill them…” he lowered his voice.
“Aw… did the little vampire get chewed up and spit out again…?”
Syncs’ agitated gripes were cut short by his co-workers harsh words.
“Isabella, you just have to kick me while I’m down, don’t you?”
The slender lady suavely walked from the shadows, revealing her mature thirty-four year old body, of which Sync had no interest in.
Isabellas’ strawberry hair complemented her blood red blouse, seeing as how it was her favorite color. Follow by her dark blue denim jeans, and her low ground, opened toed, black sandals.
“Of course, my little vampire, that’s my mission in life is too annoy you ‘til the day we both die.”
“Stop calling me a vampire!”
“Now you’re denying your own being?”
“I prefer the term ‘blood collector’.”

She walked closer to him, picking him up off the ground, then throwing him with all her might, sending him flying into the rear wall.
“Get a grip junior,” Her voice was less kind, but now stricter, “We take the blood of the dead or dying, relieve them from this miserable life, then take what blood we collected and return them to our superiors.”
Sync wiped the blood off of his forehead and climbed out of the garbage cans that nicely caught his fall and asked, “You ever wonder what they do with all that blood? They tell us that the blood goes to the satisfaction of us, but since I joined, we only get a fourth of what I collect, look at me I‘m skin and bones!”
“Remember the first rule kid: Never question the superiors, we live longer that way.”
“As if I’m worried about dying too soon…”

Their conversation was cut short by a cell phone ringing. Isabella picked it out of her back pocket, and flipped it open. Sync couldn’t hear the discussion, just the female vampires constant ‘yes’, and another ‘yes’, and finally, ‘yes sir, right away’.
“We have two dead men lying in their own pools down a dark alley not but five miles from here.”
“Where do they get these idiots? Five bucks says it was a shooting.”
“My moneys on those mysterious, handsome Assassins.”
“Love-sick old woman… you know that organization is a myth.”
“Maybe… but then again so are we.”

Sync could think of nothing else to say, he followed behind Isabella into the dark of the full moon.
♠ ♠ ♠
I must say, I never thought this little random thought story would get sucha big response. Well luckily for you all I already have how everything is going to end, just need to fill it up, maybe take it to ten chapters or so. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and patiently wait for the next one! XD